Lady Gaga make-up tutorial. Dubai-based make-up artist teaches quick steps to get that Lady Gaga signature look. See more at:
00:00We'll be creating two of Lady Gaga's look ahead of her concert coming soon.
00:16So step one of the Lady Gaga makeup, we are going to use matte primer.
00:22I'm going to be applying this with a flat foundation brush.
00:25I'm working from the inwards, outwards.
00:28This is going to help you get a very even, flawless base and make the foundation last
00:33really long.
00:34You can work this slightly down into the neckline as well and jawline just so that your base
00:38will be even.
00:39Step two, I'm going to be using our skin-based foundation and I'm using shade 10.5 with a
00:47highlighter brush.
00:49So I'm just going to do a nice wash of the shade.
00:52I'm just adding a little bit on the eyelids because this will be a nice base for our eyeshadow.
00:57Now I'm going to take our bronzing duo and I'm going to use the darker side of this with
01:04a powder brush.
01:06Just add some luminosity and bronze to the skin and it helps to also contour any of your
01:12bone structure and to highlight.
01:14The next step will be I'm going to use our powder foundation as a concealer today because
01:20it's got a very, very full coverage finish.
01:25And Lady Gaga, she likes strong makeup, so this will achieve a very similar look.
01:32The next step is going to be eyebrows.
01:35So I'm using our angled brush and eyebrow cake.
01:38I'm just going to follow the natural shape but try to blend it up and out to get that
01:43nice kind of bushy eyebrow look that Lady Gaga has.
01:46And we use a mascara wand and then just blend this up and out.
01:51Next up, we are going to use our neutral palette to create a nice, brown, soft, smoky eye just
01:59like Lady Gaga.
02:01I'm going to use this nice ivory shade first as our base using the eyeshadow brush.
02:09Just apply it all over the lid and then I'm going to take a blending brush and apply some
02:14of our dark brown wolf eyeshadow and work along the socket line, backwards and forwards
02:21in a sweeping motion.
02:23To make this more Lady Gaga style, we're going to also take the contouring right into the
02:28inside of the eye here by the nose which will make it even more smokier and give it the
02:34Lady Gaga edge.
02:35It's part of the eyes done.
02:37Just darker eyeshadow in black with a fine tip brush and we'll follow the lashes.
02:45I'm just blending the black eyeshadow to soften it.
02:49This will make eyelashes look very, very full.
02:52Next step, mascara and lots of it.
02:54Okay, so that's the first coat and while that's drying, I'm going to start the lipstick which
02:59is our next step.
03:01We'll start by lining lips with pencil in woo and following with our nude lipstick in
03:10It's our second coat of mascara on now and then I'm also going to do the bottom lashes.
03:14Now just like before, we did the black eyeshadow to line the lashes on the top, I'm going to
03:19do the same with underneath the lashes and take some of your brown eyeshadow and we're
03:25just going to buff this underneath as well.
03:28Our final touch will be to add some highlighter to the cheeks so we'll go cheekbones like
03:35so along the bridge of the nose, on your chin and then also above the brows which will give
03:45a nice effect like it's lifting and that's it, finished.
03:56This is look number one which is a more red carpet, glamorous, ready makeup and we're
04:01going to be taking this into a more showtime, concert, Lady Gaga makeup look now.
04:06The first step, because we're going to add to what we've already done earlier, I'm going
04:11to be using our gel liner to create one of those fantastic lightning bolts that's her
04:15signature makeup look.
04:17I'm going to use a flat brush so that we can get a nice, fine line and just go straight
04:24in there.
04:25It really helps if you have a piece of card at home or maybe some scotch tape just so
04:29you can get that nice, sharp line so I'm using a piece of card today.
04:41You'll notice I'm changing brushes here, I have an angled brush as well because it's
04:44very, very pointy so that will also help you get the nice, sharp lines.
04:49I've also just extended that into almost like eyeliner as well across the eyelid.
05:06So once you've finished your lightning bolt, I'm going to use some concealer on the eyelids
05:11as an eyeshadow base using a nice, soft blending brush.
05:15You can get plenty on there, especially if you have eyeshadow on beforehand, you will
05:20need lots of base over the top so that your new eyeshadow will stick there.
05:24And just try to avoid the black as much as possible, but you can top that off too later.
05:31Taking an eyeshadow brush, we'll use this beautiful red eyeshadow shade.
05:36Just keep building it up until you're happy with how bright it is.
05:40I'm just taking a clean blending brush just to blend the edges out here.
05:46And now I'm just going to make some of the black a little bit more intense on our lightning
05:50I'm just going to take a tiny bit of concealer on the brush that we used for the liner, the
05:55flat brush.
05:56I'm just going to apply a small amount here because we want to add red under the eye as
06:04Using the same gel liner as well, we want to finish the look by adding on the inside
06:10of the eye and underneath the lashes, and also on the top as well.
06:15And last but not least, lots of mascara.
06:17It's good if you already start with some beforehand so you can just keep building on it for a
06:21more dramatic effect.
06:23And I will just top up the lips as well to complete this look.
06:26Okay, and that's the finished look.