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Yoga for anger management. Anger is just repressed energy that manifests itself in ugly situations. Practice these moves from Artistic Yoga and take control. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00Hello and welcome to your weekly Artistic Yoga class with Neetu Singh, Senior Teacher
00:17of Bharat Takur's Artistic Yoga.
00:21Work on Anger Management, Sahaj Pranayam, Sit comfortably on the ground with your legs
00:28crossed either in Padmasana or in a normal cross-legged pose. You may even sit on a chair.
00:35Keep your eyes closed, back straight and palms resting on your knees. Focus on your breathing.
00:44Breathe in slowly, hold your breath for a count of 10. Exhale slowly. Repeat this breathing
00:52technique for 10 rounds, keeping your full attention on your breathing. When you have
01:04finished your 10 rounds, relax.
01:09The second technique is called Agnisar Kriya. Stand straight with your feet spread apart.
01:17Bend the knees and place the palms on the thighs. Exhale deeply through the mouth. Begin
01:27to move your abdominal muscles in and out rapidly, about 10-50 times. Once you have
01:38done that, relax and repeat the whole procedure 3 times.
01:45The next technique that we will teach is called Bastrika Pranayama. It is an energising pranayama
01:53or breathing technique. Sit comfortably either on the ground or a chair with your back straight.
02:02Bend your arms at your waist with the elbows close to the body. Make fists. Raise both
02:09the fists up a bit higher than the head with the elbows close to the body. Forcefully exhale
02:18through the mouth as you pull your arms down. Repeat this movement 20 times, the exhalation
02:27being rapid, the movement smooth, not jerky. Inhale deeply and exhale deeply.
02:40The next two techniques are Bandhas or Neuromuscular Locks. The first is called Jalandhar Bandha.
02:53Sit comfortably on the ground or a chair. Place your hands on your knees. Inhale deeply.
03:01Keeping the chest high, lock your chin to the chest and hold your breath inside. Hold
03:10for as long as comfortable or for about 10 seconds. Release the chin, look up and exhale.
03:23Repeat this only 3 times. Those of you who have a cervical spondylitis,
03:30may make a fist and press your chin down on the fist to hold the same pose. Once you have
03:39completed 3 times, relax. The last technique is called Moolbandha or Root Lock. Sit in
03:52Padmasana or with your legs crossed. Exhale completely. Inhale deeply and exhale deeply.
04:00Pull up the genital space and close the anal space. Keep your abdominal muscles tight.
04:10Hold for as long as comfortable. Then relax the lock and inhale. You may repeat this only
04:193 times. Once you have completed 3 times, relax and
04:30close the anal space.
