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Yoga to de-stress. a relaxing look at some Artistic Yoga postures that help to melt away stress and relieve tension after a hard day at the office. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00welcome to the session of artistic yoga today today we are going to practice
00:18certain postures of yoga that helps to reduce the stress and managing the anger
00:28the first session for today's the bhadra asana yoga mudra so straighten your leg
00:43keep your back straight bending your knees inhale put the hands up and exhale
00:52forward bend let your head rest on the floor as you can see the upper body
01:01resting on the floor the blood is moving to the brain staying in this posture for
01:08few deep breath we can increase the oxygenated blood to the brain that helps
01:15to manage your stress and control your anger slowly come back up and
01:24straightening your knees the second posture for today's setu bandhasana so
01:34lie down on your back with your knees straight hands close to your waist
01:40bending your knees feet little bit apart now inhale a deep breath and raise your
01:51waist of the floor as high as you can as you can see this is like a half bridge
01:58interlock your hands on the floor this is setu bandhasana slowly coming out of this
02:13posture knees straight and slowly come back up now the third posture asana for
02:27today's ardha kapotasana so one leg goes back and the other leg is bend if the
02:40person doesn't have the knee injury we can bring the heel parallel to the knee
02:45let your hands rest on the floor shoulder width apart this remove the
02:54stiffness from the whole back leg area few deep breath and relax your neck
03:06slowly coming back straightening your knees the next posture for today's kapalbhati
03:18sit any comfortable posture let your hands rest on your knee inhale a deep
03:27breath and exhale in kapalbhati kriya as you can see in kapalbhati kriya
03:39exhalations are active one has to exhale continuously inhalation is passive this
03:51kapalbhati kriya helps to remove the toxins it tones the abdominal organ all
04:05kinds of impurities we can get rid of them through kapalbhati kriya by
04:12practicing this every day there is more glow on the face after doing 20 to 30
04:20times relax catch your breath we can do this two or three times now next is
04:30Sheetali pranayama again sitting in any comfortable posture keeping your back
04:37straight slowly taking your tongue out and inhale a deep breath through your
04:46tongue into your mouth close your mouth and exhale through your nose let's
04:55practice this ten times taking your tongue out the cool breath goes into
05:02your lungs into the body and the warm air comes out of the nostril this helps
05:13to keep the person calm and stress-free because the tongue is wet because of
05:22that the air becomes more cooler this was the session today artistic yoga I
05:28hope you all enjoy this for any queries please let us know namaste
