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Stars of Barfi in Dubai. Bollywood superstars Priyanka Chopra and Ranbir Kapoor share their experiences on set and their thoughts on the movie. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:30I love the script. I love the joyful nature of the film, the character. I loved Anurag Basu
00:35We just made the film with a lot of hard work, a lot of sincerity
00:38We believed in his vision and now when I see the film
00:41I'm so happy that I was part of a film like this. It is really simple
00:43There is no histrionics about it. PC is playing such a hard character, but she's not showing off
00:47She's somehow just surrendered to the part. So that's what we all keep trying to do
00:50We've tried to do it well and then later once the film releases then we realize okay
00:54We went wrong or we went right. Right now I'm not overconfident and saying that oh, you know, we've done a great job
00:58But I know that we've somewhere surrendered to the film, to the part, to Anurag's vision and if you get awards
01:03I mean, it's great. You know, it's a great pat on the back
01:05If you don't it's fine, you know, we'll try harder next time
01:07We don't want the audience to have a wrong notion about this film. Yes, we do play characters of certain disabilities
01:12I'm deaf, mute, PC is autistic, but it's a happy time in their lives. There's no social message
01:17It's not a film which is trying to make people feel bad or you know for them to feel sympathy for us
01:23We're celebrating their lives and we want people to come and celebrate their lives with our lives in the film
01:26We just want to break the notion that it's not a dark, grim film. Whenever people see films of characters with disabilities or differently abled people
01:33Most films tend to evoke an emotion of sympathy and pity which this film doesn't do. Their disabilities are incidental
01:39What happens, I mean, he's deaf and mute, but he's a thief. He's a charmer. He's a lady's man
01:46He's always on the run. He's always making you laugh
01:48I'm autistic
01:49But it's never held me back in living the life that I would want to choose for myself
01:54And that is what we're trying to show with the film. Even if you are differently abled, you're still human and love transcends all
02:01languages, boundaries and everything. You feel the same sort of love that probably abled people would and
02:07Which is why we're trying to tell people that what this film is just it's a celebration of life
02:12Whatever kind it may be. Sashi Been Chaplin, Raj Kapoor himself in his earlier work was inspired by Chaplin. So Chaplin, Mr. Bean, Buster Keaton
02:19Roberto Benigni because the film is in that world. The film is of that genre. The amount of happiness that film gave to people
02:25We're trying to do something of that nature. So hope so be successful and I hope that people don't feel that we've disrespected that
02:30It's a film which is an original story
02:32It's a film which is original characters and I think giving it a comparison
02:36You can just say any love story is India's answer to any other love story
02:40I don't think it's fair to generalize a film like that. Yes, the the space is probably similar
02:46But the film is completely different and you'll see that when you watch it, it's a completely original piece of work
02:53This is Ranbir Kapoor. This is Priyanka Chopra and you're watching MEAN Girls News
