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Children perform miraculous skills using middle brain activation. Middle Brain Activation programme sees children performing miraculous skills. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00Okay, read, what is that?
00:04Girls News, Ahmed Ramzan, Photographer, Editorial.
00:09The human brain has got two parts, one is left brain and the other one is right brain.
00:13Now these two are connected with the help of neurons.
00:16Human brain cases, everybody is underutilizing their brain potential, even like geniuses
00:21like Albert Einstein.
00:23They made use of their brain maximum 5 percent, so you can imagine what the brain can do,
00:28the potential of the brain.
00:29In the case of children, why children are having difficulties in learning, in understanding,
00:35there are various reasons.
00:37We are not making use of our brain effectively.
00:40As far as brain is concerned, it needs to do a lot of activities so that the brain potential
00:46will be utilized.
00:47So for children especially, till the age of 12 years old, that is the optimum age by which
00:54we can do a lot of things so that they can perform better.
00:57It's not that beyond that it's not possible, but it will be slowed down.
01:00We do a lot of activities and one of the activities is that for the AMA, Achievers Mind Attitude,
01:05which we recently introduced, which will activate their midbrain.
01:09By activating that, what they achieve is not the demonstration what they do, the final
01:14objective is they develop their concentration level at least 30-35 percent.
01:21They develop the confidence, they develop, they change the attitude.
01:25So they come out of the shell and they build up a lot of confidence and they can do.
01:30The more you make use of your brain, you tend to think more positively.
01:34So there is no reason that they will make use of this or whatever they can, they will
01:40use it negatively or misuse those kind of things.
01:44It doesn't happen.
01:45We have trained around 60 students.
01:46Altogether the workshop will take two months time.
01:49In that two days we have intensive workshop.
01:52After that we have follow-up lessons and practice with what they have learnt.
01:56It will be useful in their practical life, in the case of children.
01:58It is not just in the case of studies, you know, whatever the activities they do, even
02:02when they become big, whenever, whenever or whatever the difficulty they face, they will
02:08be able to tackle it, you know, very easily.
02:10By doing this brainwave activation or midwave activation, we are activating their, all these
02:16intelligent points so that whenever they start thinking something, they act very fast.
02:22Be mindful, okay, read what you see in this, okay, if you don't know, then you can just
02:28tell the spelling.
02:29Okay, Visa, Platinum, Emirates, NBD, Personal Banking, Anjana, RK, Valid, 212, slash 17,
02:39Visa, Debit.
02:40Okay, is it right, Miss Anjana?
02:44Yes, it is.
02:46Nature of study, I think little bit improvement of memory also, but every day she has to
02:50practice, you know, that is important thing, actually if she is practicing daily, she can
02:55make the, even identifying the color and the reading, identifying numbers, everything is
03:02very easy.
03:03I felt that her, definitely her level of confidence increased all the more and very importantly,
03:09she herself told me that, mummy, I am feeling a difference in my memorizing capacity.
03:15I mean, there were actually portions which she had left out thinking that she might not
03:19be able to memorize those, but after this program, when she went back to those questions,
03:23she could memorize them very quickly.
03:25She used to be very reserved first, now she talks very confidently to everybody and her
03:30approach is completely different from others now.
03:32I can see a lot of improvement in other things like studies also and sports especially.
03:40She wants to play and she wants to do many things, even while coming in the car also
03:44she used to read all the stores' names, text letters, blindfolded.
03:49My notification was like more on the personal side, I mean he is amazingly improved on his
03:54responsibility level.
03:55I mean, before he was like, just like a playful boy kind of a person, but now he takes responsibility
04:01and he is confident that he is able to fulfill his responsibilities, whether it is at his
04:04school or whether it is at home.
04:06I think these kind of courses definitely needs the child's overall personality to develop.
04:11So as I told you, one is the responsibility taking, second is positive attitude.
04:15He was a child who would always say no to everything, like I don't know to sing, I don't
04:18know to dance, I don't know to going for the acclimation, but now it's the other way around.
04:22I can read, paint, color, blindfolded.
04:30I am quite amazing.
04:35So sweet.
04:38What is below that?
04:40A happy face?
04:42Let's see how dark it is.
