• 4 hours ago
Bank Indonesia (BI) menegaskan nilai tukar rupiah masih stabil meskipun mengalami tekanan akibat penguatan dolar AS. Untuk menjaga stabilitas mata uang Garuda, BI melakukan supply valas serta intervensi di pasar forward serta melakukan pembelian surat berharga negara di pasar sekunder.


00:00Indonesia's currency exchange rate remains stable despite the U.S. dollar tightening pressure.
00:11In order to maintain the stability of Garuda's currency, BI is supplying VALAS as well as
00:16intervening in the forward market and purchasing securities at the secondary market.
00:22The Director of the Department of Economic Policy and BI's Monetary Policy, Juli Budi Winantia,
00:28affirmed that the currency exchange rate remains stable despite the U.S. dollar tightening pressure.
00:35Juli revealed that in addition to Indonesia, the impact of the tightening of the U.S. dollar
00:40is seen in the depreciation of various world currencies including euro, yuan and yen.
00:47The stability of the currency exchange rate is one of the factors that we continue to maintain.
00:55This is done through several instruments.
01:00We are intervening in the forward market.
01:05If there is an excess of U.S. dollar, Indonesia will intervene and supply VALAS
01:17in order to reduce the volatility of the exchange rate.
01:23In order to maintain the stability of Garuda's currency, BI is supplying VALAS in order to reduce the volatility of rupiah.
01:30BI will also intervene in the forward market using domestic non-deliverable instruments
01:37as well as purchasing state-of-the-art amulets in the secondary market.
