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Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 67 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 67 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 67 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 67 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 67 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 67 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 67 HD en Español Completo
00:00We are two out of a million
00:03The most difficult thing happened
00:05And fate has already presented us
00:10Why are you taking so long?
00:11Calm down, Camila, sit down
00:16I know you have news about Luis and you don't want to tell me
00:19No, no, it's just that you're not going to know anything about my dad
00:21Why? What's wrong with you?
00:23Because we already know what you did
00:25What I what, sorry?
00:26What did you do to my dad?
00:31It's her
00:34Take her away, she is the woman who wanted to kill my dad
00:37What? No, no, no, I didn't do anything
00:40You were giving my dad hidden drugs, you wanted to kill him
00:44No, let's see, I don't understand anything, which drug?
00:47I just gave him a few drops to make him relax, right Paula?
00:51No, let's see, excuse me, I don't know what you're talking about
00:54You told me it was a few drops to make him feel good
00:57What did you do, mom?
00:59Please, Paula, please, please tell them the truth
01:02Why aren't you telling them?
01:15Daughter, talk to Mar, please
01:17It's no use, Mom
01:19Believe me, I already tried
01:21Mar doesn't understand reasons anymore
01:23It's all because of that woman, that bitch, damn it
01:26I can't stand her either
01:28But we have to admit that she knew how to win Mar's trust and affection
01:32That's why I tell you we can't let ourselves
01:35We have to get those ideas out of her, those ideas that that witch put in her head
01:40Like from the place
01:41Paula is very good at what she does, Mom
01:43Look at us, Mati kicked you out of the mansion and me, she made a fool of me in front of everyone
01:48Oh yes, but we are stronger
01:52Do you know what really worries me?
01:54What can Mar do to her
01:56Why do you say that?
01:58Because she hates us, of course
02:00That hate includes Mar
02:02And I don't know, something tells me that what she's planning is much worse
02:09Old man, could it be that they told Camila because Mr. Portilla is already dead?
02:14Man, don't even joke
02:16So why did they tell Camila to go to the mansion and not to the hospital?
02:22It seems to me that it was to give her the bad news
02:26Let's see, and if they asked her to go to the mansion because the man is fine and they already gave it to her, what?
02:31No, I don't know, it's weird, like I don't understand anything about what's going on
02:36And Juan, why doesn't he tell us anything?
02:38Because maybe there is nothing more to say, please Susana, stop imagining things, do you want?
02:44It is that with so much anguish and problems that are happening Camila, something bad will not happen to the baby
02:49No, how do you think?
02:51Let's see, calm down, Camila and the baby will be fine, okay?
02:55I'm not going to stay with the concern
02:57No, but when have you stayed with the concern?
03:10Son, what happened? How is Mr. Portilla?
03:13I don't know
03:14What do you mean you don't know?
03:16Mom, I don't know, I don't know what you want me to tell you, I'm out of the house
03:20But Camila, what does she tell you?
03:22She's inside, talking to her brothers, mom
03:25Hey, and there's no one else outside?
03:27No, no, there's only a patrol
03:29A patrol?
03:31But what is she doing there?
03:33I don't know, mom, I don't know, I confess that I'm not understanding anything about what's going on either
03:37Son, as soon as you know, please let me know, I ask you not to leave me with anguish
03:42Don't worry, I'll call you as soon as I know, mom
03:46Paula, what are you talking about?
03:48No, well, I don't understand anything either, I don't know what you mean, please explain to us
03:53Mar, what did you give my dad?
03:56I swear it's just a few drops to relax
03:59You're a curse, you've been medicating my dad to do whatever you want with him
04:03No, no, no, I swear that's not true, please Paula, tell them, tell them that you helped me get them
04:08Let's see Mar, no
04:10You don't want to turn things around, all I did was recommend you something so Luis would be calm
04:15Because since he married you, he's been fighting with his kids
04:18Mar, listen to me, it's very important that you tell the truth
04:23Look, I found out from the girls that Mar was giving his dad some drops
04:27But if you gave them to me, Paula gave them to me
04:31You know what? Take her, now
04:33No, no, why? Paula, please tell them the truth, please
04:37But she can't be such a liar, Mar
04:39No, why?
04:40I'm scared
04:41I didn't do anything, please, you have to believe me, I'm telling the truth
04:47Please, you have to believe me
04:54Please let me go, why are you taking me? I'm innocent, please
04:58I told you I didn't do anything, please, you have to listen to me, officers
05:10Damn it, I hope you get a year in jail for every drop of poison you gave my dad
05:26No, no, I can't believe this is happening
05:30I wish it wasn't true
05:31No, no, Arturo, there has to be an explanation
05:34What explanation is there? Mar is making things up so we can believe she's innocent
05:38But what would Mar gain by hurting my dad?
05:40Money, a lot of money
05:42It can't be that you're talking about your sister, the woman you love
05:46What does this have to do with anything, Nicolás? Valeria and Mar are different people
05:50Arturo, Arturo, but do you think Mar is capable of killing my dad?
05:56I never would have imagined it, but Nicolás, if Mar is guilty, I swear he's going to pay
06:18Juan, take me to the hospital, please, I need to see my dad
06:20What's going on?
06:21This damn Mar is to blame for my dad being like this
06:24What? What are you talking about?
06:26She poisoned him and tried to kill him, but my dad will be fine, please take me to him, Juan
06:30No, no, wait
06:31Juan, please, let's go
06:38Hey, Manuel, don't you want us to go to the hospital to see your dad?
06:41No, we have other things to do
06:46We have to go to the police
06:48But why? I don't listen to him anymore
06:51No, no, no, yes, yes, he listens to him, you also have to testify
06:54Me? But why?
06:58The police didn't ask me, they didn't tell me anything
07:01No, no, but you have to tell them everything you told me
07:04Because everything you told me is true, isn't it?
07:07Of course, of course
07:09Then let's not waste time and let's go
07:23I don't know why they're doing this to me if I'm innocent
07:26Miss, please help us cooperate
07:29Listen to me well, please, I didn't do anything wrong
07:33Oh no, oh no, so why did they report you?
07:36Because it was a mistake, I gave him the medicine that Paula told me
07:40I would never do anything wrong to my husband, please understand me
07:44Look, don't tell us anything, that's better, save it for the judge
07:55Let's see, daughter, come, come, come, come, I'll help you dry them
07:58I like to dry the dishes
08:06Who was it?
08:08Who do you think?
08:10Arturo again, you should answer him
08:14To make it very clear that you don't want anything anymore
08:17And you think he doesn't know?
08:19He knows, but he hasn't dropped the 20, because he keeps calling and from what I see, he will continue to do so
08:26The blind
08:28He realized what he lost
08:30Oh mom
08:32I never cared about him, I was a game for him
08:36If he keeps calling, it's because that kind of man loves to know that he has women at his feet
08:41But with me he finished his fool
08:44Very good daughter, very good, I like that attitude
08:53Hey, thanks for opening the door for me
09:00Hey, wait for me, please
09:05What's wrong with you?
09:10Before entering, I need you to tell me the truth
09:13What truth, my love?
09:15What mom said
09:18Is it true?
09:44It's me Camila
09:47I need you dad, don't leave me
09:55That woman wanted to kill you, but you are stronger
09:58I know
10:01You will recover and you will be fine
10:05In a few days you will be perfect and we will fix things
10:13We will be fine dad
10:28I love you
10:34I can't believe what you're asking me
10:36I just want you to tell me
10:39No, no
10:41What that woman says is a big lie, please
10:44Mar wanted to kill your dad and now you're doubting me?
10:48And about the painting, what?
10:49The painting, what?
10:50What? That Mrs. Garcia said that you were the one who disappeared in your mom's region
10:56Now Mrs. Garcia, Mar, you're going to believe those two more than me, than your wife?
11:01You know I can't stand them
11:02No, I can't stand them, like you, like you and like everyone in this family
11:07I think it's a coincidence
11:11And by coincidence you're doubting me, you know that's what hurts me the most
11:17Then please tell me why they insist so much
11:19Don't you realize what they're doing?
11:24They want to turn things around, Leonardo, they want to go against me
11:26And clearly they're doing it, it's working, you're doubting me
11:29No, no
11:31The doubt started because in the presentation I could see what you were capable of
11:36Let's see, my love, we already talked about that and I told you I did it for you
11:40No, no, no, Paula, stop saying that
11:42But listen to me please, look at me, look at me
11:46Hey, I have absolutely nothing to do with this, my love
11:50I swear I would never hurt you like that
11:54Look, if I find out that some of what the Garcías say is true
12:03I swear I will not have pity on you
12:22Mom, Mom, are you okay?
12:24What's wrong, what's wrong?
12:26It's just, it's, it's, it's, it's a pressure, an anguish
12:31That doesn't let me breathe, that doesn't let me live
12:35It's painful, it's a lot of emotions, let's go to the doctor
12:37No, no, no, no, no, no, my daughter, no, no, I'm just going to lie down for a while
12:41Are you sure?
12:42Yes, I'm fine, I'm fine
12:45Breathe, breathe
12:59I'm going to ask you one more time, ma'am
13:01Why did you want to kill Luis Portilla?
13:03Luis? Luis is the only one who has been really good to me
13:08I have never met someone like him
13:11I would be unable to do anything to him
13:13Everything accuses you, ma'am
13:15It's a trap
13:17I heard the housekeepers declared that they saw you putting drops in Mr. Portilla's food
13:23Yes, that's why I told you, Mrs. Paula told me that those drops were for him to relax
13:29He was very tense, I just wanted to help him
13:32Look, whatever he has given you is what almost kills him
13:36It's a controlled drug and you were giving it to him in secret
13:41No, I don't think that can be
13:44Look, whatever you say will go to jail
13:47The only way to help her is to confess
13:50Tell the truth
13:52Why did you want to kill your husband?
13:56Because I was poisoning him
14:02Valeria, sorry to enter your house like this
14:04We need to talk to you
14:06I don't understand, I have absolutely nothing to talk to you about
14:09Can you leave, please?
14:10It's about my dad
14:11The doctor told us that they discovered that he was intoxicated with a drug
14:15And that's what's so serious about him
14:17How could that happen?
14:18Because your sister gave it to him
14:19That's why, in secret
14:22Your sister wanted to kill my dad
14:24That's why he went to jail
14:31Mari insists that you gave those drops to him, Paula
14:34No, it's not true
14:35It's incredible
14:37That woman is capable of anything as long as it's with her
14:40But it's clear that she's a murderer
14:44Let's see, there are witnesses that she was giving those drops to him
14:47The girls saw it
14:48They saw when she was giving them to him
14:50Hector, there are witnesses
14:51Yes, but if the judge doesn't find enough evidence to go against Mari
14:56They can investigate you
14:58What? For Mari's testimonies?
15:00The authorities are already starting the investigation
15:04Well, honey, it's okay
15:06Investigate whatever you want
15:07Because I have absolutely nothing to do with this
15:10Let's see
15:11Since my father-in-law married her
15:13The problems started
15:15It changed a lot
15:16He started fighting with his sister
15:18He distanced himself from his children
15:19Right, honey?
15:21Yes, yes, that's true
15:24Well, if Mari gave him a controlled drug
15:27Then that could explain a lot of things
15:29Yes, it could be
15:31What I don't understand is why Mari blames you
15:33Now it turns out that I have to do your job, Hector
15:39I already told you
15:40That I recommended some natural products
15:43So that he would be calmer, nothing more
15:49It's crazy that you're thinking of believing that murderer, honey
15:55Honey, you're not going to let them treat me like this, are you?
16:04This has to be a mistake
16:06She accepted it, Valeria
16:08It's all her fault
16:10She's already arrested
16:11She's not capable of doing something like this
16:13How could she arrest her?
16:14But she confessed, Valeria
16:16She looked very sorry when she confessed
16:18She's sorry, she doesn't have God's forgiveness, Nicolas
16:20If we don't know anything
16:21No, what we know is who poisoned my father
16:23How dare you say something like that?
16:25How dare you?
16:26I dare because I know
16:28Valeria confessed
16:30And she's going to pay, Valeria
16:31Very well
16:32If you're so convinced of that
16:33Then I have nothing else to talk to you
16:35You can leave, please
16:57I didn't do anything, really
16:59I would never have hurt my father
17:01I would never have hurt my husband
17:03Please, let me go
17:08You have to listen to me
17:09I shouldn't be here
17:10Did they tell you your rights?
17:12You can make a call
17:13To whom?
17:14I don't know
17:15To a lawyer or a relative
17:20I don't dare to talk to my family
17:23Why not?
17:26Because when my mom and my sister warned me about Paula
17:29I didn't listen to them
17:32And I turned my back on them
17:35That's why now I'm here alone
17:38With my baby
17:41That's life
18:02It's incredible that Mara
18:03Has been able to do something like this to your father
18:05After everything she's done for her
18:06I swear that woman
18:07Will never get close to my father again in her life
18:09And I'll take care of that
18:10Hector, listen to me very well
18:12Don't have any considerations with her
18:14Did you hear me?
18:15Yes, it's fine
18:16Make sure she stays locked up
18:18For the rest of her days
18:24Oh my God, oh my God
18:26Protect Mara, enlighten her
18:29What happened?
18:31They took Mara to the house
18:33But why?
18:34They're accusing her of poisoning Luis Portilla
18:37But that's crazy
18:38Mara would never do something like that
18:40I don't know, I don't know
18:41And that's why we have to go see what's going on
18:43No, no, no
18:44She would be incapable
18:45Let's help her, let's help her
18:47Your sister can't be in jail
18:50I don't care what she has to do
18:52But I'm going to get her out of there
18:53Let's go
18:56Mara can't get out free
18:58Don't worry
18:59I'll look for all the evidence and arguments
19:01So that her sentence is long
19:02Yes, yes, yes, at least I hope so
19:03Let's go
19:04Do it quickly, let's go
19:06I don't know if I can promise you that
19:08You know how these cases are
19:09I don't care
19:11Influences, pressure me, whatever
19:14So that she is in prison as soon as possible
19:17Okay, I'll try to talk to my contacts
19:19The best thing would be for her to be in prison
19:21Before my dad recovers
19:23What if he doesn't recover?
19:24Of course he's going to recover
19:26Let's see, but you have to think about everything, my love
19:28If something happens to your dad
19:30Then we already know the part that belongs to him in the inheritance
19:37What can we do to avoid that?
19:38The fastest and simplest way is to request the divorce
19:41But I don't think she wants to
19:42Of course not, if it's not convenient for her
19:44I'm going to talk to her
19:46She has done enough harm to us, right?
19:49Start now, with everything, please
19:51Call me when you have it ready
19:53Thank you
19:56Do you think you can convince Mara to sign?
19:58I don't think she can do it
20:28I don't know
20:39It can't be
20:41As much as the doctors have done everything possible
20:43My dad does not wake up, Juan
20:45And it's all because of the damn love
20:49Right now you have to be very strong, Carmen
20:51I hope you recover soon, okay?
20:53So I hope she pays for everything she has done
20:58Are you sure Mar is going to poison your dad?
21:00Why do you ask me that, Juan?
21:02I don't know. I don't think she's capable of something like that.
21:05Juan, look, don't get me started on this. Listen to me.
21:08It was Mar and that's it. There's nothing to discuss.
21:11Why are you so sure?
21:13Because I know.
21:14Because I realized it the first day I saw her, Juan.
21:29What news do you have?
21:30We just got here too.
21:32All I know is that Camila went to see my dad.
21:35I'm from the police station.
21:37Mar is under arrest.
21:39Hector is going to make sure she doesn't get a chance to leave.
21:42I think we're rushing things.
21:45What are you talking about?
21:46I don't know, Leonardo. I have doubts about this.
21:49What other evidence do you want?
21:50Wait, Nico.
21:52Wait, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
21:54I don't know what you're talking about.
21:57I'm sorry, but none of this would've happened
21:59if you hadn't let these women in the house.
22:01Paula, don't start, please, because this doesn't make sense.
22:05Why would she do something like that, Mar?
22:06What do you mean, why? Out of interest?
22:09She knows how much it would cost her if your dad died.
22:11She was my dad's wife.
22:13She already had a lot just to be with him, Paula.
22:16Well, it's never enough for those people.
22:19Mar got married out of interest.
22:21And the only way to enjoy what my dad has
22:26is by getting rid of Camino.
22:28Those women are a danger, Nicolas.
22:30And that goes for you too, Arturo.
22:33I honestly think you should take care of Valeria.
22:36I wouldn't trust her.
23:09We're here to see my sister. Her name is Mar Sánchez García.
23:15Yes, she's here, detained.
23:17You have to get her out, because my daughter is innocent.
23:20I'm sorry, ma'am, but there's a complaint against your daughter.
23:24Mar is the best girl that has ever existed.
23:29Please, she wouldn't do anything wrong.
23:32I recommend you call a lawyer.
23:34No, no, none of that.
23:35I came here and I'm going to take my daughter.
23:38It doesn't matter if you have to go through 20 police officers,
23:41but I'm going to take her out of here.
23:42Ma'am, you can't go through.
23:44What do you mean?
23:45Ma'am, let me go, let me go.
23:47Mom, don't do it.
23:49What do you want now?
23:50My daughter can't be here. She can't be here.
23:53Mom, mom, enough.
23:54Look at what she's suffering and her baby, my love, her baby.
23:58Mom, mom, please.
24:00Let her go, let her go.
24:02Enough, mom.
24:53Today I know I'm worth a lot and now I'll charge.
24:57Casino, money, last name.
25:02I make my own destiny.
25:06It costs what it costs, I will dominate.
25:11And I'm going to have everything I want.
25:15Neither free, borrowed, nor faithful.
25:20I want it all in one go.
25:24So that I cry, so that another cries,
25:28so that the world cries.
25:51Busco Novio Para Mi Mujer.
25:53Este domingo, 7 de la noche, con las estrellas.
26:20Oh, oh, oh, oh.
26:26Los mejores partidos de la Liga MX están en VIX.
26:31Regresen los equipos más queridos del torneo Clausura.
26:36Con juegos exclusivos, streaming solo en VIX Premium.
26:41Suscríbete y sigue la Liga MX ya.
26:46Donald Trump demostró que él mismo no tiene interés en imponer estos aranceles.
26:50Con tromes un día a la vez.
26:53La guerra comercial de Trump era la más tonta guerra en la historia.
26:59Tercer grado, miércoles, al terminar en punto con Enrique Acevedo, con las estrellas.
27:06Regla básica del matrimonio, nunca gastes sin consultar a tu esposa.
27:10Se gastó casi 20 mil pesos sin consultarme.
27:13Te voy a confiscar las tarjetas.
27:15Mi casa las luces se apagan a las 12.
27:18Porque tu vieja te las apaga.
27:20Por supuesto.
27:21En Simón dice, sabemos hacerte reír.
27:23Este martes al terminar el noti, por las estrellas.
27:26Para poder llegar aquí, primero tendrás que reír hasta morir.
27:30Mi nombre es Marilu.
27:31Tengo el mejor trabajo del mundo.
27:33En México hay la tradición de celebrar la muerte de formas peculiares.
27:37Aquí todos nos pasamos de vivos.
27:39Sabemos hacerte reír con Muero por Marilu.
27:42Inicia domingo 23 de febrero y disponible en VIX.
27:44A partir del 14 de febrero.
27:47¿Qué es lo que buscas?
27:48Quiero que trabajes para mí.
27:50¿Qué dices?
27:53No te puedes enamorar de la hija de ese infeliz.
27:57Olvídate de ella.
27:59Más allá del odio, hoy me atrevo a amarte.
28:01¿Y tú te atreverías?
28:02Inicia lunes 24 de febrero, 6.30 de la tarde, por las estrellas.
28:06Parece que Rafael y Alejandra...
28:08Lo importante es que me divorcie.
28:10Después vamos a ver lo de los negocios turbios.
28:12Por fin estarán juntos.
28:13Quiero que me divorcies de Marco Valenzuela.
28:15Pero no les será fácil.
28:17¿Qué quieres que haga, tía? ¿Que no me divorcie de él?
28:20Eso es exactamente lo que yo quiero.
28:22Lunes a viernes a las 2.30, por las estrellas.
28:27Despierta y conoce la información más relevante todas las mañanas.
28:30Con el análisis de cada noticia.
28:36Deporte, clima y entretenimiento.
28:38Tenemos las claves para iniciar bien el día y bien informados.
28:41Despierta, lunes a viernes, 7 a 9 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
28:47Yo me subo a un escenario y yo estoy enfocada en que esto es mucho más grande que ella.
28:52Cuando estamos en el show, creo que el corazón te late al mil por ciento.
28:57La que te hace divertirnos.
29:00Nos gusta la familia, las tradiciones, las raíces.
29:12Hoy vamos a descubrir los beneficios del masaje champi.
29:32Este es un avance de lo que tendremos hoy en el noticiero.
29:34Trabajadores de barberías del Estado de México denuncian irregularidades en la clausura de cientos de negocios.
29:40Trump firma aranceles del 25 por ciento al acero y aluminio.
29:43Y miles despiden al niño Mateo en León.
29:45Autoridades buscan a otro implicado en el asesinato.
29:48Detalles en punto de las 10.30.
30:11Despierta y conoce la información más relevante todas las mañanas.
30:15Con el análisis de cada noticia.
30:21Deporte, clima y entretenimiento. Tenemos las claves para iniciar bien el día y bien informados.
30:26Despierta, lunes a viernes, 7 a 9 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
30:31Regla básica del matrimonio. Nunca gaste sin consultar a tu esposa.
30:35Se gastó casi 20 mil pesos sin consultarme.
30:38Te voy a confiscar las tarjetas.
30:40Deteniendo más.
30:41En mi casa las luces se apagan a las 12.
30:43Porque tu vieja te las apaga.
30:45Por supuesto.
30:46En Simón dice, sabemos hacerte reír. Este martes al terminar el noti, por las estrellas.
30:51Para poder llegar aquí, primero tendrás que reír hasta morir.
30:55Mi nombre es Marilu. Tengo el mejor trabajo del mundo.
30:58En México hay la tradición de celebrar la muerte de formas peculiares.
31:02Aquí todos nos pasamos de vivos.
31:04Sabemos hacerte reír con Muero por Marilu.
31:07Inicia domingo 23 de febrero y disponible en VIX a partir del 14 de febrero.
31:11A ver si por lanzarse al estrellato, no terminan estrellados.
31:14No te gustaría ganar un dinerito.
31:17Solamente tienes que darme por mi lado.
31:19Mejor le doy la razón.
31:22Brian y yo somos la autoridad y se nos respeta.
31:25Si aparece un delito, que me arresten.
31:27En Boda de Locos, sabemos hacerte reír. Viernes al terminar el noti.
31:31Donald Trump demostró que él mismo no tiene interés en imponer estos aranceles.
31:35Con Trum es un día a la vez.
31:38La guerra comercial de Trump era la más tonta guerra en la historia.
31:44Tercer grado, miércoles, al terminar en punto con Enrique Acevedo, con las estrellas.
31:51Disfruta tus mañanas con las estrellas a las 9.
31:54Consejos, invitados, juegos y toda la diversión está en hoy.
31:57Hoy vamos a excluir los beneficios del masaje champi.
32:00Y al terminar, notas famosos, moda, cocina y más solo en Cuéntamelo Ya.
32:05Benson Bull que le llenó el ojo al Circo Soleil tras ver sus diversas actuaciones durante los Grammys.
32:09De lunes a viernes con las estrellas.
32:22Yo me subo a un escenario y yo estoy enfocada en que esto es mucho más grande que yo.
32:27Cuando estamos en el show, creo que el corazón te late al mil por ciento.
32:33En aquel caso divertimos.
32:36Nos gusta la familia, las tradiciones, los raíces.
32:42Charlie de Janira ya parece novios de secundaria.
32:44Si te besé, voy para no hacerte quedar mal enfrente de todo.
32:48¿Qué sentiste?
32:49Y no te voy a dejar en paz hasta que le digas la verdad.
32:51Se tienen que volver a besar.
32:57En mi querida herencia, Sabemos Hacerte Reír.
33:00Este jueves al terminar el noti.
33:02Para poder llegar aquí, primero tendrás que reír hasta morir.
33:05Mi nombre es Marilu. Tengo el mejor trabajo del mundo.
33:08En México hay la tradición de celebrar la muerte de formas peculiares.
33:12Aquí todos nos pasamos de vivos.
33:14Sabemos Hacerte Reír con Muero por Marilu.
33:17Inicia domingo 23 de febrero y disponible en VIX a partir del 14 de febrero.
33:23Te entregué mi vida y luego me traicionaste.
33:27Voy a descubrir la verdad.
33:29Nos vas a hacer mucha falta.
33:31Te voy a extrañar, abuelo.
33:33Papá, tú nos enseñaste a amar el mar.
33:35Juntas vamos a salir adelante.
33:52Arturo, escúchame.
33:54Nicolás, no voy a hablar de Mar.
33:56¿A ti no te importa que Mar pueda ser inocente?
33:58¿Hay pruebas?
33:59¿Por qué sigues diciendo que es inocente?
34:01Porque me parece rarísimo.
34:03Además, yo estuve ahí cuando fueron por ella y...
34:06No sé, Arturo. Yo le creo amar.
34:08¿Y qué va a decir? ¿Que es culpable?
34:10Pues no.
34:11Va a decir que es inocente porque es inteligente.
34:13¿De qué le sirve amar a hacer algo así?
34:15No lo sé. Solamente ella te lo puede decir.
34:17Y seguramente tiene una gran explicación.
34:19Pero si todos la culpamos y no buscamos saber qué fue lo que pasó,
34:22nunca vamos a hablar con la verdad.
34:24No voy a seguir hablando de esto.
34:26Voy a ver a mi papá.
34:35¿Qué? ¿Por qué me ves así?
34:38Nada. Estoy muy preocupado por todo lo que está pasando.
34:41Nada más.
34:42Bueno, mi amor, cálmate.
34:44Cálmate que tus hermanos se van a dar cuenta que estás nervioso.
34:49Paula, dime la verdad.
34:51Porque después de lo que pasó en el evento, yo ya no sé qué pensar.
34:57No entiendo qué verdad.
34:59O sea, a ver, ¿tú sigues pensando que yo tengo que ver algo?
35:03¿Que es que soy capaz de hacer algo en contra de tu papá?
35:09No, de verdad, no sabes cómo me doy de darme cuenta
35:11que confías más en esa sirvienta que en tu mujer.
35:13No, no. Claro que no.
35:15Pero lo que hiciste estuvo mal.
35:17Pero mal. Tiene nada que ver con esto.
35:20Estuvo completamente diferente.
35:22Lo del evento fue...
35:24Pues fue para que tus hermanos y Valeria ya no fueran un estorbo para nosotros.
35:27Y por favor, deja de quejarte y mejoras algo.
35:30¿Ah, sí? ¿Y qué quieres que haga?
35:32Pues primero...
35:35Primero consigue que su mujer firme el divorcio con tu papá.
35:37Ya te dije que la voy a presionar.
35:40Bueno, no es solamente que la presiones, ¿sí?
35:43Haz lo necesario para conseguir esa firma.
35:46Entienda que no puedes arriesgarte a que se quede con toda esa parte de la herencia, mi amor.
35:49A ver, eso no va a pasar.
35:52Mi papá nos va a morir.
35:55Y además, en todo caso, ahora tenemos más elementos para imponer el testamento.
36:00Bueno, pero podríamos ahorrarnos todo ese proceso si firma.
36:05Está bien.
36:08¿Y una cosa más?
36:11Tienes que ir a la oficina y preguntar por los pendientes que dejó tu papá.
36:14A ver, ¿qué no entiendes que mi papá me corrió?
36:16Pero eso solamente lo sabes tú.
36:19Es el momento perfecto para que tomes el lugar que siempre debiste haber tenido.
36:40Ay, pa.
36:48Mari fue la culpable de lo que pasó.
36:54Te juro, papá, que se va a arrepentir por lo que te hizo.
37:04Me voy a asegurar de que pague para arruinarte la vida.
37:12No soy culpable de ti.
37:16Te amo.
37:20Te amo mucho.
37:35No, no, yo no puedo hacer eso.
37:39¿Por qué no?
37:41Eres tú al que le corresponde tomar ese lugar.
37:43No, no, porque mi papá no se va a...
37:47Mi papá va a estar...
37:48Eso no lo sabemos.
37:49O sea, sí, o sea, sí, por supuesto que va a estar bien,
37:52pero en lo que despierta, que no sabemos cuánto pueda tardar eso,
37:57tú no puedes seguir así.
37:59Tienes que hacerte de carácter, mi amor.
38:01Por favor, ya reaccionas a algo, a lo que está pasando.
38:08Te aseguro que tu papá va a estar muy orgulloso
38:11y va a estar contento de que resuelvas en lugar de estar haciendo aquí nada.
38:17No lo sé.
38:19Mira, ¿sabes qué?
38:20Ya entonces deja que todo se caiga en pedazos.
38:23No quiero ser oportunista, Paula.
38:25Es que ya no están aquí tus hermanos, por favor.
38:28A ver, dime qué esperas que pase.
38:32Que Héctor tome el control, perfecto.
38:34Que él tome el control de la empresa y se quede con todo.
38:37La verdad es que yo ya no te entiendo, Leonardo.
39:01Sin tocarse.
39:05No me merezco que estés aquí.
39:07No, no digas eso, mi amor.
39:09No digas eso.
39:11Sin tocarse.
39:15No me merezco que estés aquí.
39:17No digas eso.
39:18Sin tocarse.
39:20Es mi hija.
39:23Soy la peor hija de este mundo.
39:26Te traté muy mal, injustamente.
39:30No, no es cierto, mi hija.
39:32No es cierto. Además, eso ya no importa.
39:35Claro que importa, mamá.
39:37Hice todo mal.
39:40Por favor,
39:44Perdóname por no escucharte.
39:46Ya no digas nada más.
39:48Yo ya te perdoné.
39:50Pero ahora, hija,
39:53perdóname tú a mí.
39:57Yo nunca voy a dejarte sola. Tú eres mi hija.
40:00Mi hija.
40:01Claro que te perdono.
40:04Mamá, tengo mucha miedo de lo que pueda pasar.
40:07No tengas miedo.
40:08No tengas miedo. Todo va a estar bien.
40:11Dios está contigo
40:13y con tu bebé
40:14y tú eres inocente.
40:16Y Dios también lo sabe.
40:20Lo que quiero es volver a ti.
40:23Señora, necesito que salveme.
40:25¿Por qué?
40:26Porque ya se la van a llevar a llevar.
40:28¿No? ¿Llevar a dónde?
40:30Ya está firmada en su traslado.
40:32No, no, no puede ser.
40:34No, mamá.
40:36Yo lo sé, yo lo sé, mi amor, yo lo sé.
40:39Oiga, no, no, no.
40:40Está atrasada. Espérenme.
40:41No la toque, no la toque.
40:43No la toque.
40:44No, no, no.
40:46No se puede llevar.
40:48Dios, por Dios, por Dios.
40:51No, no, no, no, no.
41:14Hola, papá.
41:24Hola, papá.
41:30Soy Nico.
41:40Oye, ¿recuerdas?
41:41Que si no te hablaba cada dos días desde Boston,
41:45te enojabas muchísimo conmigo.
41:49¿Sabes por qué lo hacía?
41:52Para que me extrañaras un poco más, papá.
41:57Y para que me pidieras que regresara.
42:02Te necesito.
42:07Y necesito recuperar todo el tiempo que estuve alejado
42:10de ti.
42:12Así que no te puedes ir.
42:15No como lo hizo mi mamá.
42:18¿Me escuchas?
42:22Yo te prometo
42:24que voy a descubrir a la persona
42:27que te quiso lastimar.
42:29Voy a encontrar al responsable.
42:35Papá, tú solo te tienes que recuperar.
42:40Que yo me encargo de todo lo demás.
42:46¿Me escuchaste?
42:48Yo me encargo de todo, papá.
42:54Te amo.
42:58Te amo mucho.
43:11¿Por qué se puso así?
43:13Fue una impresión muy fuerte para ella.
43:16¿Pero está bien, no?
43:18Sí, no tiene ningún peligro.
43:20Le dimos un calmante solo para que pueda llevar
43:23poco a poco la situación.
43:25¿Y más o menos cuánto tiempo va a estar así mi mamá?
43:28Un par de horas solamente.
43:30Ya después se la puede llevar a su casa.
43:34No, no, no.
43:36No, no, no.
43:37Ya después se la puede llevar a su casa.
43:41Muchas gracias.
43:49Esto debe ser demasiado para ti, mamá.
43:56Vamos a estar bien.
43:58Muy pronto las tres vamos a estar juntas de nuevo, vas a ver.
44:02Te lo juro.
44:07Las tres.
44:37Me siento muy mal por todo lo que está pasando.
44:43Siempre te he visto como el hombre más fuerte.
44:47El más inteligente del mundo.
44:55Y yo,
44:57siempre te he visto como el hombre más fuerte.
45:00El más inteligente del mundo.
45:05Me duele mucho verte así.
45:11Yo sé que me corriste.
45:14Pero creo que Paola tiene razón.
45:18¿Quién va a ver por la empresa mientras tú no estás?
45:22Mis hermanos ya se fueron.
45:26Yo sé
45:28que te vas a recuperar.
45:31yo sé
45:33que te vas a recuperar.
45:38Pero mientras eso sucede,
45:40yo me voy a encargar de cuidar por todo
45:43lo que hemos trabajado.
45:47Y voy a empezar por lograr que esa desgraciada
45:50renuncie a lo que tenías pensado dar.
46:01No, no, no.
46:05No, no, no.
46:31Tienen que volver a besar.
47:02Lo importante es que me divorcie.
47:05Después vamos a ver lo de los negocios turbios.
47:08Quiero que me divorcies de Marco Valenzuela.
47:12¿Qué quieres que haga, tía?
47:14¿Que no me divorcie de él?
47:15Eso es exactamente lo que yo quiero.
47:22¿Qué es lo que buscas?
47:24Quiero que trabajes para mí.
47:25¿Qué dices?
47:28No te puedes enamorar de la hija de ese infeliz.
47:32Olvídate de ella.
47:34Más allá del odio,
47:35hoy me atrevo a amarte.
47:36¿Y tú te atreverías?
47:38Inicia el lunes 24 de febrero,
47:396.30 de la tarde,
47:40por las estrellas.
47:42Te entregué mi vida
47:44y luego me traicionaste.
47:46Voy a descubrir la verdad.
47:48Nos vas a hacer mucha falta.
47:50Te voy a extrañar, abuelo.
47:52Papá, tú nos enseñaste a amar el mar.
47:54Juntas vamos a salir adelante.
47:57Donde el amor deje sus redes.
47:59Inicia este lunes,
48:008.30 de la noche.
48:01Donald Trump demostró
48:02que él mismo no tiene interés
48:04en imponer estos aranceles.
48:06Con Trum es un día a la vez.
48:08La guerra comercial de Trump
48:10era la más tonta guerra
48:12en la historia.
48:14Tercer grado,
48:16al terminar en punto
48:17con Enrique Acevedo,
48:19con las estrellas.
48:21Si la vida en pareja
48:22comienza a complicarse,
48:24Ya no la aguanto.
48:25¿Por qué no te separas?
48:26¿Qué me quieres decir?
48:28Hay alguien que podrá ayudarte.
48:30¿Te cae que vas a buscar al Tiger?
48:32Gu, tranquilo.
48:34Qué buen trabajo.
48:36Busco novio para mi mujer.
48:38Este domingo,
48:397 de la noche,
48:40con las estrellas.
48:42Para poder llegar aquí,
48:43primero tendrás que reír hasta morir.
48:45Mi nombre es Marilu.
48:46Tengo el mejor trabajo del mundo.
48:48En México hay la tradición
48:49de celebrar la muerte
48:50de formas peculiares.
48:52Aquí todos nos pasamos de vivos.
48:54Sabemos hacerte reír
48:55con Muero por Marilu.
48:56Inicia domingo 23 de febrero
48:58y disponible en VIX
48:59a partir del 14 de febrero.
49:01En las primeras horas del día
49:02tendrás toda la información
49:04en las noticias.
49:06Lo que importa en México
49:07y también más allá
49:08de nuestras fronteras.
49:09En un espacio
49:10con las historias
49:11que hay que conocer
49:12de manera rápida y clara.
49:14Soy Carlos Hurtado
49:15y te espero en las noticias
49:16nuestra viernes
49:17cinco cincuenta M
49:18por las estrellas.
49:21Ponte en contacto con
49:23los resultados más calientitos
49:25del deporte.
49:29Entrevistas exclusivas.
49:33Análisis de opiniones.
49:35Contacto deportivo.
49:37Martes, jueves y viernes
49:38once treinta de la noche
49:39con las estrellas.
49:41El gran amor de la vida
49:42de tu abuelo
49:43fue la abuela
49:44de Tomás y Andrés.
49:45Dejó estar mi hijo.
49:47Sí, Alicia.
49:48Te voy a dejar en la ruina.
49:49A través de tu sobrinita Vera
49:50no es más que una cucarachita.
49:52La fábrica de chocolate
49:53de San José
49:54llegó a su fin.
49:55Una prueba de embarazo.
49:56Tengo motivos
49:57para que te hagas
49:58esos análisis.
49:59Gran final
50:00domingo veintitrés de febrero.
50:02Despierta y conoce
50:03la información más relevante
50:04todas las mañanas.
50:05Con el análisis
50:06de cada noticia.
50:11Deporte, clima
50:12y entretenimiento.
50:13Tenemos las claves
50:14para iniciar bien el día
50:15y bien informados.
50:17lunes a viernes
50:18siete a nueve de la mañana
50:19con las estrellas.
50:20¿Qué es lo que buscas?
50:21Quiero que trabajes
50:22para mí.
50:23¿Qué dices?
50:26No te puedes enamorar
50:27de la hija de ese infeliz.
50:30Olvídate de ella.
50:31Más allá del odio,
50:32hoy me atrevo a amarte.
50:33¿Y tú te atreverías?
50:34Inicia lunes veinticuatro
50:35de febrero
50:36seis treinta de la tarde
50:37por las estrellas.
50:38Disfruta tus mañanas
50:39con las estrellas
50:40a las nueve.
50:41Consejos, invitados, juegos
50:42y toda la diversión
50:43está en hoy.
50:44Hoy vamos a descubrir
50:45los beneficios
50:46del masaje chaco.
50:47Y al terminar
50:48notas famosos,
50:49moda, cocina y más
50:50solo en Cuéntamelo Ya.
50:51Benson Bull
50:52que le llenó el ojo
50:53al Circo Soleil
50:54tras ver
50:55sus diversas actuaciones
50:56durante los Grammys.
50:57De lunes a viernes
50:58con las estrellas.
50:59Te entregué mi vida
51:00y luego me traicionaste.
51:01Voy a descubrir
51:02la verdad.
51:03Nos vas a hacer
51:04mucha falta.
51:05Te voy a extrañar,
51:08tú nos enseñaste
51:09a amar el mar.
51:10Juntas vamos
51:11a salir adelante.
51:12Amar el mar.
51:13Amar el mar.
51:14Amar el mar.
51:15Amar el mar.
51:16Amar el mar.
51:17Amar el mar.
51:18Amar el mar.
51:19Amar el mar.
51:20Amar el mar.
51:21Amar el mar.
51:22Amar el mar.
51:23Amar el mar.
51:24Amar el mar.
51:25Amar el mar.
51:26Amar el mar.
51:27Amar el mar.
51:28Amar el mar.
51:29Amar el mar.
51:30Amar el mar.
51:31Amar el mar.
51:32Amar el mar.
51:33Amar el mar.
51:34Amar el mar.
51:35Amar el mar.
51:36Amar el mar.
51:37Amar el mar.
51:38Amar el mar.
51:39Amar el mar.
51:40Amar el mar.
51:41Amar el mar.
51:42Amar el mar.
51:43Amar el mar.
51:44Amar el mar.
51:45Amar el mar.
51:46Amar el mar.
51:47Amar el mar.
51:48Amar el mar.
51:49Amar el mar.
51:50Amar el mar.
51:51Amar el mar.
51:52Amar el mar.
51:53Amar el mar.
51:54Amar el mar.
51:55Amar el mar.
51:56Amar el mar.
51:57Amar el mar.
51:58Amar el mar.
51:59Amar el mar.
52:00Amar el mar.
52:01Amar el mar.
52:02Amar el mar.
52:03Amar el mar.
52:04Amar el mar.
52:05Amar el mar.
52:06Amar el mar.
52:07Amar el mar.
52:08Amar el mar.
52:09Amar el mar.
52:10Amar el mar.
52:11Amar el mar.
52:12Amar el mar.
52:13Amar el mar.
52:14Amar el mar.
52:15Amar el mar.
52:16Amar el mar.
52:17Amar el mar.
52:18Amar el mar.
52:19Amar el mar.
52:20Amar el mar.
52:21Amar el mar.
52:22Amar el mar.
52:23Amar el mar.
52:24Amar el mar.
52:25Amar el mar.
52:26Amar el mar.
52:27Amar el mar.
52:28Amar el mar.
52:29Amar el mar.
52:30Amar el mar.
52:31Amar el mar.
52:32Amar el mar.
52:33Amar el mar.
52:34Amar el mar.
52:35Amar el mar.
52:36Amar el mar.
52:37Amar el mar.
52:38Amar el mar.
52:39Amar el mar.
52:40Amar el mar.
52:41Amar el mar.
52:42Amar el mar.
52:43Amar el mar.
52:44Amar el mar.
52:45Amar el mar.
52:46Amar el mar.
52:47Amar el mar.
52:48Amar el mar.
52:49Amar el mar.
52:50Amar el mar.
52:51Amar el mar.
52:52Amar el mar.
52:53Amar el mar.
52:54Amar el mar.
52:55Amar el mar.
52:56Amar el mar.
52:57Amar el mar.
52:58Amar el mar.
52:59Amar el mar.
53:00Amar el mar.
53:01Amar el mar.
53:02Amar el mar.
53:03Amar el mar.
53:04Amar el mar.
53:05Amar el mar.
53:06Amar el mar.
53:07Amar el mar.
53:08Amar el mar.
53:09Amar el mar.
53:10Amar el mar.
53:11Amar el mar.
53:12The factory of chocolate San Jose is finished.
53:15A pregnancy test.
53:16I have reasons to take your diagnosis.
53:19The Grand Finals, Sunday, February 23.
53:40Let's go.
53:44Que no te detengas, dije.
53:55No, no, no, no.
53:59Que no te detengas, dije!
54:27Es que no podemos dejar a tu hermana en la cárcel.
54:31No podemos.
54:32Te prometo que vamos a ver.
54:35Es que no podemos solo ver, hija.
54:38Tenemos que hacerlo, ¿y ahora?
54:40Mamá, necesito que te tranquilices.
54:42No, ¿sabes qué?
54:43Llévame con los portillos.
54:46Yo hablo con ellos, tienen que entender.
54:47Siéntate, siéntate.
54:48Por favor.
54:49De verdad.
54:50No es buena idea, mamá.
54:51No es buena idea.
54:52Ellos tienen que comprender y entender que Mar no es ninguna delincuente.
54:56Mom, for God's sake, the Portillas put her in jail.
55:01They're not going to help us this time.
55:03They don't care.
55:05You and I are going to find a way to help Mar.
55:10No, I don't want to be fooled.
55:12I have the image here, here, of when they took her.
55:16I know, I know, I know.
55:23Hey, rest, okay?
55:26I don't want to leave Dad.
55:27I know.
55:28But you have to be careful.
55:29I want you to be calm.
55:32But let me know if anything happens.
55:34I promise.
55:36Don't worry.
55:37Arturo, if you need me to come, let me know.
55:40You won't need it.
55:43Let's go.
55:48Do you need anything?
55:49I'm not going to worry about my dad.
55:51I'm just going to buy myself a coffee.
55:53Thank you for staying.
55:58If you need anything, call me.
56:00Let's go.
56:23Let's go.
56:49Forgive me, son.
56:51Just when you were letting yourself be seen.
56:56I wanted to give you the happiest life, but I couldn't do it.
57:01All this is my fault.
57:04I don't know how I could believe Paula.
57:08I did everything she told me and I can't believe I didn't realize.
57:14I ruined your life before you were born, son.
57:18Can you forgive me one day for all the bad decisions I made?
57:29I heard you.
57:35If you don't, you'll be freezing to death.
57:39Good night.
57:47Good night.
58:31What happened?
58:36I don't understand anything.
58:37Don't worry.
58:39Everything will be fine.
58:41I missed you so much.
58:43I've never stopped being by your side.
58:48You have to know that everything I've done
58:52is for the good of our children.
58:56You've always been a great father.
58:59I can't do this without you.
59:02Then come with me.
59:05Come, my love.
59:17Juan Portilla.
59:19What a coincidence.
59:21What are you doing here?
59:23Do you remember me?
59:25None of my brothers are here.
59:27I haven't named the new directors
59:30and I'm the only general director left.
59:32That's why I'm assuming the general direction
59:35of Textiles Portilla.
59:37Omar told me Paula used her to give Luis that medicine.
59:40Of course, no one believed Omar.
59:42I knew it.
59:44I knew it!
59:45I knew it!
59:47He's going to pay for this.
