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Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 69 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 69 Completo HDLas Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 69 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 69 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 69 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 69 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 69 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 69 Completo HD
00:00:00I'm going to show you that there are still those who we love with madness
00:00:05We are two among a million
00:00:08The most difficult thing happened
00:00:10What happened?
00:00:12What happened? What are you saying?
00:00:15I'm here, I'm listening to you
00:00:18I already told you
00:00:24He's dead
00:00:26He's dead
00:00:28Dad, are you okay?
00:00:38Dad, I love you
00:00:42I love you, dad
00:00:45Doctor, doctor, my dad just reacted
00:00:59The truth is that he does feel the absence of his father
00:01:03Yes, a lot
00:01:06The truth is that no matter how much I turn him around, what Omar did is unforgivable
00:01:10He abused his trust
00:01:12Luis would never have doubted his wife and her giving him a drug hidden from everyone
00:01:17Hidden from him too
00:01:20Well, he's already arrested and he's going to pay
00:01:22Well, but that's not enough for Nicolas, right?
00:01:25For no one
00:01:27The important thing is that the truth is discovered
00:01:30Well, now he confessed
00:01:33He confessed that she had given him the drops
00:01:36But he didn't know what drug he was giving him because you gave it to him
00:01:39Of course, to blame someone else
00:01:43But of course they don't believe him, right?
00:01:46What I think is that they should speed up the trial
00:01:49No, there's no rush
00:01:51In the end, all the truth will come out
00:01:53Let's see, the important thing is that my dad recovers
00:02:13Doctor, what happened? How is my dad?
00:02:16It has been too much stress
00:02:18It was necessary to apply a sedative to relax him
00:02:21And thus protect his heart
00:02:23Yes, yes, of course, I understand
00:02:25But after a first review, I can tell you that I am amazed
00:02:29Your father is having a very good response
00:02:33I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I think there is a very good chance of recovery
00:02:43Thank you, my God, thank you, doctor, I knew it
00:02:47My dad is a very strong man
00:02:49I asked for some analysis to see if the levels of intoxication had already decreased
00:02:53And other studies to see how it has evolved
00:02:56Yes, yes, doctor, whatever is necessary
00:02:59I will keep you informed, excuse me
00:03:01Thank you
00:03:13What happened?
00:03:14My dad just woke up
00:03:16How? But is he okay?
00:03:18Yes, the doctor sent him to do some studies and says he sees an important advance
00:03:24Thank God
00:03:26Could you talk to him?
00:03:28No, he still can't talk, they had to give him a sedative because he looked stressed
00:03:33Yes, I can imagine
00:03:35And what else did the doctor tell you?
00:03:37That this is a very good sign
00:03:39You know what?
00:03:40I'm going there, I'll see you there
00:03:44What happened? What happened?
00:03:46My dad is reacting
00:03:47And how is he?
00:03:48They gave him a sedative, but apparently he's fine
00:03:51I'm going there
00:03:52Let's go, let's go
00:03:57How could he recover?
00:04:03Ma'am, is it true that Mr. Luis got better?
00:04:06Yes, how did you know?
00:04:07I heard young Arturo
00:04:09Of course, you hear everything that suits you, right?
00:04:12It was because he was passing through here, ma'am
00:04:15But then, he's going to get better
00:04:18Yes, yes, it seems
00:04:20Oh, well, what happiness
00:04:22Who would have thought, right? Everything seemed so lost
00:04:24Well, yes, who would have thought?
00:04:26With a big surprise
00:04:28I hope that doesn't change when Luis wants to forgive Mar
00:04:31No, ma'am, how do you think he's going to forgive her?
00:04:34She wanted to kill him
00:04:36Exactly, but oh, Lupe
00:04:38You never know
00:04:39Imagine, now they're looking for evidence to see if he really did it
00:04:43How can it be?
00:04:44We don't need evidence, ma'am
00:04:46Of course not
00:04:47But then you're going to have to stay firm with your statement
00:04:50Imagine that they come out with another surprise
00:04:52A bad one
00:04:53Don't worry, ma'am
00:04:55I know what happened
00:04:56I know what I saw
00:04:59You didn't like the food, did you?
00:05:01Why do you say that?
00:05:02Because you haven't tried anything
00:05:04Do you want something else?
00:05:05No, it's perfect, it's just that I'm not very hungry
00:05:09Do you want to try something else?
00:05:11Do you want a quesadilla? A mojito?
00:05:13No, the thing is that I have nausea
00:05:18I don't know
00:05:19Do you want to try something else?
00:05:22Do you want to try something else?
00:05:25Do you want to try something else?
00:05:28That's why I have a great solution, honey
00:05:30What is it?
00:05:31A mint tea
00:05:32That was the only thing that got rid of my nausea when I was pregnant with my baby
00:05:36Yes, ma'am
00:05:40Hey, do you call your doctor?
00:05:41Yes, I have to call him
00:05:42No, no, no
00:05:44Yes, mom
00:05:46What's wrong?
00:05:47Tell him I'm going to stop the nausea
00:05:48No, don't worry, it's going to pass
00:05:50Please, Camila
00:05:52The most important thing for me is that you and the baby are fine
00:05:56Everything is going to be fine
00:05:58All I need is for you to be with me
00:06:13What's up, Nico?
00:06:31But they wanted to kill...
00:06:35Ofelia's daughter
00:06:47What do you want, Rocio?
00:06:48I understand everything
00:06:50You were kicked out of the Portilla mansion because your daughter tried to kill Luis Portilla
00:06:54Shut up!
00:06:56You don't know what you're saying
00:06:58You don't know my daughter
00:07:00It's in the news
00:07:02I don't care where she is or who says it
00:07:06My daughter is innocent
00:07:08I'm sorry for you, Ofelia
00:07:11Because no one can go against the Portilla family
00:07:15You're lost
00:07:17So if you ever need an ally
00:07:21You know where to find me
00:07:25We'll see each other
00:07:27I checked your father's studies
00:07:29And the levels of intoxication have decreased
00:07:32But they haven't disappeared
00:07:33Well, what does that mean?
00:07:35That your father is getting better
00:07:37Oh, thank God
00:07:40But we can't know how he's going to react
00:07:42Well, but he's better
00:07:45Can we see him?
00:07:46You can see him
00:07:48But I have to warn you that
00:07:50We gave him some sedatives
00:07:52And at the moment he can't communicate
00:07:54But he's going to be able to, right?
00:07:57I hope so
00:07:59It's going to take time
00:08:00How long?
00:08:01It's impossible to know
00:08:03Besides, now we have to focus
00:08:06On his recovery
00:08:08And above all, keep him calm
00:08:10Yes, yes, of course you can count on that, doctor
00:08:12I don't think it's a good time
00:08:14For him to know what happened
00:08:16When we see an improvement
00:08:18I'll let you know
00:08:20And you'll be able to talk to him
00:08:23I understand that what happened to your father
00:08:25Is being investigated by the authorities
00:08:27But they still can't come and make a statement
00:08:31Yes, I totally agree
00:08:33Depending on his condition
00:08:35And his evolution
00:08:36We'll be able to make decisions
00:08:38Of course, doctor
00:08:39Thank you very much
00:08:41We'll make sure to keep him calm
00:08:43The important thing is that your father
00:08:45Is on the right path
00:08:46And we have to make sure that everything continues like this
00:08:50Thank you, doctor
00:08:52Thank you
00:09:02Oh, please
00:09:03Have salmon in my salad
00:09:04I'm fed up with chicken
00:09:05Of course, ma'am
00:09:07Are you going to wait for your husband?
00:09:08No, if he's late, no
00:09:09I'm going to the spa and I'll be back
00:09:14Let's see, open
00:09:18Good afternoon
00:09:20We're from the DA's office
00:09:21And we have a search warrant
00:09:25That's right
00:09:26We're going to search the entire house
00:09:29And look for the missing evidence
00:09:30To complete the investigation
00:09:32Referring to the attempted murder of Luis Portilla
00:09:35Wait, but...
00:09:36No, no, no
00:09:37You can't do anything
00:09:38If the family's lawyer isn't here
00:09:40I'm sorry, ma'am
00:09:42We have the warrant
00:09:48This can't be
00:09:50I'm sorry
00:09:58See you later
00:10:00Where are you going?
00:10:02To see Amparo
00:10:03I want to go too, let's go
00:10:05No, no, no
00:10:06I'm going alone
00:10:09There are things I need to talk to her alone
00:10:14I hope one day you have the confidence
00:10:16To tell me everything that happened to you
00:10:19Maybe if you stop being so harsh
00:10:20Our relationship will get better
00:10:23Sweetie, I assure you
00:10:24You'll be happier
00:10:27If I don't fill your head with things
00:10:29That are not even worth mentioning
00:10:35See you for dinner?
00:10:46Officer, how much longer?
00:10:49Are you going to take long?
00:10:51Officer, I'm talking to you
00:11:08The police are at the house
00:11:09They came with a search warrant
00:11:12No, they came in without being able to stop it
00:11:14Don't worry
00:11:15It's part of the investigation
00:11:17I don't know, but this makes me very nervous
00:11:19At least they could have told me
00:11:20But no one tells us anything here
00:11:22What happened?
00:11:23Let's see
00:11:24The police arrived at the house
00:11:26No, let's see, we can't go in or out
00:11:29We can't even move, please
00:11:31I'm really very nervous, Leonardo
00:11:32Can you come?
00:11:35I'm going there
00:11:36Thank you
00:11:40Mrs. Paula, why are you doing all this?
00:11:43Well, because they are looking for evidence
00:11:45To blame Amar
00:11:47To see how many years of marriage they are going to give him
00:11:53What's wrong?
00:11:54Why are you so serious?
00:11:56Did you hear the doctor?
00:11:57Everything is going to be fine
00:11:58My dad is going to meet your baby
00:12:03By the way, we already know what it is
00:12:05Are you going to be a nephew or niece?
00:12:07It's still too soon
00:12:10You don't know how excited I am to be you
00:12:18Hey, are you okay?
00:12:19Yes, yes
00:12:20I just...
00:12:21I just have a little nausea
00:12:25Are you sure?
00:12:27Yes, yes, yes, but well
00:12:29You tell me what's going to happen with your model
00:12:32You're going to fire her, right?
00:12:35My relationship with Valeria is over
00:12:36But we're going to keep working together
00:12:39I can't believe it
00:12:40I mean, it's not like she's the best model in the world, right?
00:12:42Valeria has done very well
00:12:44Of course not, Arturo
00:12:45There are millions better than her
00:12:47Well, she's learning
00:12:49And I know that every day she's going to be better than me
00:12:52I can't understand
00:12:55I can't understand how these women came into our lives
00:12:58And they destroyed her that way, Arturo
00:13:12Well, here I am
00:13:13Who are you?
00:13:14I'm listening to you
00:13:16That family has a lot of power
00:13:18Look at what they did to me
00:13:21My husband's death was unpunished
00:13:23They stole my son in front of my eyes
00:13:25And look at them
00:13:26They're free
00:13:31I assure you
00:13:32That my daughter is innocent
00:13:36I'm sure the one who planned all this
00:13:38Was Paula's damn wife, Leonardo's wife
00:13:40Whoever it was, they're all the same
00:13:43My daughter is innocent
00:13:45If it really was Paula
00:13:47Leonardo is going to do everything he can to protect her
00:13:51That's how they are
00:13:52They protect each other
00:13:54Well, I'm not going to allow it
00:13:56Oh, Eufelia
00:13:58You remind me so much of myself a few years ago
00:14:02Fighting against the Portilla
00:14:05Do you realize?
00:14:08We're just two mothers defending their children
00:14:11In front of that family
00:14:14Who was going to say
00:14:16That we were going to end up the same?
00:14:26It's been a while, hasn't it?
00:14:28I don't know, Leo
00:14:29I don't know how long these things take
00:14:31It's been hours
00:14:39Hey, did you find anything?
00:14:42We found the medicine
00:14:44And where did you find it?
00:14:45Who does this bag belong to?
00:14:48To me
00:14:58What happened to you was a misfortune
00:15:01But you were not in a position to fight for your son
00:15:04Mar has me and I'm not going to give up
00:15:06I don't care what happens
00:15:09I'm going to get my daughter out of jail
00:15:11Whatever it takes
00:15:12It's true
00:15:14You and I want to find the truth
00:15:16And for justice to be done
00:15:19It's time to join forces, Eufelia
00:15:21And work together
00:15:23Without deceit
00:15:25Yes, okay
00:15:26Without deceit
00:15:28That family thinks they have all the power
00:15:31But the secrets they keep
00:15:33Can be destroyed from one moment to the next
00:15:37We can show all the people
00:15:40That the Portilla are pure lies
00:15:44You're right about that
00:15:45I also know many things about them
00:15:49They won't be able to against us if we are together
00:15:53Count on me to bring justice
00:15:55And finally
00:15:57We can unmask that family that has made us suffer so much
00:16:07The Portilla
00:16:22Hi, Arturo, how are you?
00:16:26Good, Pris
00:16:28I'm glad my dad is reacting
00:16:30Yes, Cami told me the news and I'm glad
00:16:34Do you know where your sister is?
00:16:36I think she was in the waiting room
00:16:39Okay, thank you
00:16:43Before I go
00:16:45I want to tell you something
00:16:47Yes, of course, what happened?
00:16:49I know I hurt you a lot
00:16:52And I want to fix it
00:16:55I know it was very bad how I reacted to you and your girlfriend
00:17:00And I just want to tell you that this time
00:17:02It helped me realize everything I lost
00:17:06Everything I lost because of my mistakes
00:17:08Nice to meet you
00:17:12I really want you to be happy
00:17:16I want you to know that you can count on me for whatever you need
00:17:22Please forgive me
00:17:24For everything I did
00:17:28I know what you lived was very hard
00:17:33But the good thing is that you realized what was happening
00:17:36And you worked on it
00:17:40You know, and now I understand that love
00:17:43True love
00:17:45Is to see that the other person is well and happy
00:17:51It's the only thing I wish for you
00:17:54That you are happy
00:17:56Even if it's not with me
00:17:59Thank you, Pris
00:18:01You will see that very soon you will find happiness
00:18:04Thank you
00:18:06I'm going with your sister
00:18:09See you
00:18:10See you
00:18:19Come in, come in, please
00:18:21I have very good news for you
00:18:24What happened?
00:18:25The police found more evidence that will help prove that your sister is innocent
00:18:37Thank you, thank you, thank you
00:18:38I told you
00:18:39I told you I was going to tell the truth
00:18:41What did you find?
00:18:42The medicine they gave my dad was in Lupita's things
00:18:46The maid of the house
00:18:50I can't believe it
00:18:53Well, they arrested her
00:18:55They said that the safest thing is that she had changed the contents of the drops
00:19:01She was the one who said that Mar was giving those drops to your dad?
00:19:06How unfair
00:19:07Poor Mar
00:19:09The lawyer is doing everything to ensure that your sister can continue her process in freedom
00:19:15It's the best news I've had in a long time
00:19:18Thank you, Nicolas
00:19:20Thank you because you never doubted Mar
00:19:23And I will never forget that
00:19:32Hey, how did it go with the doctor?
00:19:35How's your baby?
00:19:37I think everything is fine
00:19:39He just had me do some tests
00:19:41But, is something wrong?
00:19:43They're routine tests
00:19:44No, everything is fine
00:19:46I hope so
00:19:48By the way, I'll pay you for the consultation later
00:19:51We have a lot of expenses right now
00:19:54And how did you marry the driver?
00:20:00No, my friend
00:20:02It's a joke, you don't have to pay me anything, don't worry
00:20:11Are you sure you're going to be able to continue a life that I'm not used to?
00:20:18When my dad recovers, I know things are going to change
00:20:25Mar is going to rot in jail
00:20:26And I'm finally going to go back home
00:20:38Good evening
00:20:40Good news, mom
00:20:43They found more evidence of what they did to my dad
00:20:46And the lawyer is going to fight so that Mar can continue the process outside of jail
00:20:51Oh, thank God
00:20:53The investigation will continue because they found another suspect
00:20:57Sure, sure, Paula
00:20:59No, no, no, they found the medicine among Lupita's things
00:21:04Oh, no, no, no, she wasn't
00:21:07Well, the evidence is against her
00:21:09And she was the one who accused Mar
00:21:11That's why they arrested her
00:21:13But why would she do something like that?
00:21:15I don't know
00:21:16But that helps Mar
00:21:18At least so that she doesn't continue in that place
00:21:20Thank you very much
00:21:22Thank you
00:21:23Of course that's not enough
00:21:25Tell the lawyer, please, please
00:21:28That she doesn't stop working until everyone knows that my daughter is innocent
00:21:33And that the real culprit, and I don't think it's the one they have, Lupita
00:21:38Pay for what she did
00:21:44You know what? I'm very surprised
00:21:46I can't believe that after so many years, Lupita dared to do something like that
00:21:51Do you realize?
00:21:52You trust people and you end up with something like that?
00:21:55No, it's just that everything seems very strange to me
00:21:57Oh, my love
00:21:58Well, look, that's how people can be of service
00:22:01A little bit, you trust them and they betray you
00:22:04No, no, it's just that
00:22:06There was something in Lupita's reaction that makes me doubt
00:22:11I don't know, like...
00:22:12Oh, my love, she was acting
00:22:14It was an act
00:22:16Let's see, everything was planned against Mar, not Luis
00:22:21No, my love, don't you remember?
00:22:23From the first day, Rosita and Lupita hated Felia and Mar
00:22:28So what happened, surely, was that she saw her putting the medicine and she changed it to blame her
00:22:34Do you understand me?
00:22:35No, no, no, it's just that everything seems very complicated to me
00:22:37To plan
00:22:39For a person like Lupita, please
00:22:42Besides, where is she going to get that medicine from?
00:22:44Well, I don't think it's very difficult to get that drug
00:22:48Maybe someone in the family could have given it to her
00:22:50What if she's taking the wrong steps?
00:22:53Let's see, my love, this is a lesson for us
00:22:55And we have to be very careful with the next person we hire
00:22:58This can't happen to us again
00:23:02I'm going to change
00:23:07Well, and when is my Mar going to get out of jail?
00:23:10There is a whole procedure, but let's hope it's very soon
00:23:14Oh my God, I don't want my daughter to stay there one more night
00:23:20Ma'am, I assure you that the worst has already happened
00:23:23You just have to be patient
00:23:25Okay, thank you very much
00:23:29Thank you
00:23:31Well, then we'll see you tomorrow
00:23:34If you allow me, I have something else to talk to Valeria
00:23:38Oh, and can't I hear it?
00:23:40No, it's work
00:23:43Well, in that case I'll leave you
00:23:46But I order you to let me know when I can go see my daughter
00:23:51Please tell me
00:23:53I promise
00:23:55Thank you
00:24:00I will never forget this day, Nicolas
00:24:03I swear I won't
00:24:05Thank you
00:24:08Thank you
00:24:38I've been abandoned and in pain
00:24:42My innocence was taken away in my suitcase
00:24:47The ambition is now my advisor
00:24:54No matter what, I'll get up
00:24:58Today I know I'm worth a lot and now I'll charge
00:25:02Cash, money, last name
00:25:06I make my own destiny
00:25:11No matter what, I'll dominate
00:25:16And I'll have everything I want
00:25:20Neither free nor loaned
00:25:24I want it all in one go
00:25:29Today I know I'm worth a lot and now I'll charge
00:25:32The world is crying
00:26:03If I kiss you, I'll stop
00:26:05I won't make you look bad in front of everyone
00:26:07What did you feel?
00:26:08I won't leave you alone until you tell her the truth
00:26:10You have to kiss again
00:26:16My dear inheritance, we know how to make you laugh
00:26:19This Thursday at the end of the Noti
00:26:21Everything that happened this week
00:26:23You'll find it in the most complete sports program
00:26:27This Sunday at 11am with the stars
00:26:57This Sunday at 11am with the stars
00:27:28Remember that the best gift is friendship
00:27:31Because it's very nice to have many, many, many, many friends
00:27:34Happy Valentine's Day
00:27:37We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo
00:27:39Monday to Friday with the stars
00:27:41To get here, first you'll have to laugh until you die
00:27:45My name is Marilu
00:27:46I have the best job in the world
00:27:48In Mexico there is the tradition of celebrating death in peculiar ways
00:27:52Here we all go live
00:27:54We know how to make you laugh with I Die For Marilu
00:27:56It starts on Sunday, February 23rd and is available on VIXX from February 14th
00:28:01Cantinflas is willing
00:28:03Always at your service
00:28:04To occupy any position
00:28:06You know that here is your mannequin
00:28:07And be the center of attention
00:28:09Who are you?
00:28:10Now you'll see who I am, now hold on, little girl
00:28:12Of your fun
00:28:13Very good, squeeze
00:28:15This Saturday you'll receive in Gran Hotel
00:28:17And Sunday will be the extra with the stars
00:28:20See you soon
00:28:21If life in a couple begins to get complicated
00:28:24I can't stand it
00:28:25Why don't you split up?
00:28:26What do you mean?
00:28:28There is someone who can help you
00:28:30You think you're going to look for the tiger?
00:28:32You, calm down
00:28:33What a good job
00:28:35I'm looking for a boyfriend for my wife
00:28:37This Sunday at 7pm with the stars
00:28:41Jumex Mía presents the 13th Carrera Cardia Student
00:28:44That's why I invite you to run with me
00:28:465, 10 or 21 kilometers
00:28:48If you enjoy the route, super fun and family
00:28:52What are you waiting for? Sign up now
00:28:53This March 23rd, see you at the finish line
00:28:56Hashtag, your help goes first
00:29:24Tell me right now who you were talking to
00:29:26Vera, get out of my office, please
00:29:29I don't want you here
00:29:30I feel harassed
00:29:31Eva, you were right
00:29:33Your grandfather died of external metallic suffocation
00:29:37Grand Finale, Sunday, February 23rd, 9pm
00:29:41Enjoy your mornings with the stars at 9pm
00:29:44Advice, guests, games and all the fun is on today
00:29:47Today we are going to discover the benefits of the Champi massage
00:29:50And at the end, famous news, fashion, cuisine and more
00:29:53Only on Cuéntamelo Ya
00:29:54Benson Bull, who caught the eye of Circo Soleil
00:29:56After seeing his various performances during the Grammys
00:29:59From Monday to Friday with the stars
00:30:01The best games of the MX League are on VIX
00:30:06The most beloved teams of the Clausura Tournament return
00:30:11Exclusive games, streaming, only on VIX Premium
00:30:16Subscribe and follow the MX League now
00:30:20Good boy
00:30:32This is an advance of what we will have today in the news
00:30:35The abandoned baby in Tultitlan evolves favorably
00:30:38The United States will assign terrorist organizations to 5 Mexican cartels
00:30:43Senators of Morena and Aliados approve the reform to the Infonavir
00:30:47Details in point of the 10.30
00:30:51You are betraying me
00:30:53Tell me right now who you were talking to
00:30:56Vera, get out of my office, please
00:30:59I don't want you to be here
00:31:00I feel harassed
00:31:01Eva, you were right
00:31:03Your grandfather died of external mental asphyxiation
00:31:07Grand Finale, Sunday, February 23, 9pm
00:31:11To love even if the wind is not in favor
00:31:15The sea rejected her before she touched the water
00:31:17Eva, I'm going to calm down when you stop being the victim
00:31:20Really, no one else wants to go fishing with you?
00:31:23She will face every obstacle
00:31:25Even if they put thousands of obstacles, we will jump one by one
00:31:28Monday to Friday, 8.30pm
00:31:31This Saturday, La Rosa de Guadalupe has two shocking stories
00:31:36I feel so defeated, so useless
00:31:39I already told you that it is time to take the reins of your life
00:31:42I'm going to be a mother
00:31:43You are going to be the most smelly mother in the world
00:31:46La Rosa de Guadalupe, shocking stories
00:31:50Saturday with the stars
00:32:16You already know that your mannequin is here
00:32:17And be the center of attention
00:32:19Who are you?
00:32:20Now you will see who I am, now hold on, little girl
00:32:22Of your fun
00:32:23Very good, squeeze
00:32:25This Saturday you will receive in Gran Hotel
00:32:27And Sunday will be the extra with the stars
00:32:30See you soon
00:32:32I get on stage and I am focused on this is much bigger than me
00:32:37When we are in the show, I think your heart beats a thousand percent
00:32:42We have fun
00:32:45We like family, traditions, roots
00:33:12Wake up Monday to Friday, 7.00 to 9.00am
00:33:14With the stars
00:33:17Saturday with the stars
00:33:36It's good
00:33:38Old man, I do not want to ruin the moment
00:33:40But now why did you go out for dinner?
00:33:43Because I wanted to spoil you a while
00:33:45That's why I left work early.
00:33:46But what are we celebrating?
00:33:48What do you mean, what?
00:33:50What are we going to do, grandpa?
00:33:55I can't say no to that.
00:33:56But are you sure we can give ourselves this treat?
00:33:59Of course.
00:34:01I just asked for a credit line in Didi.
00:34:02Can we borrow it?
00:34:04No, if that's the case, we can order another dessert.
00:34:12I told you.
00:34:14They just told me they approved my credit.
00:34:16What's up?
00:34:17Eat, eat, eat.
00:34:18The bill, please.
00:34:22Congratulations, honey.
00:34:24You're going to be an extraordinary grandmother.
00:34:30Let's see.
00:34:31A plane.
00:34:36Let's see, give me some cappuccino.
00:34:38Maybe we should take more photos
00:34:41for a parallel campaign in the United States.
00:34:44You still want to leave?
00:34:49Well, you tell me.
00:34:51You know you'll always count on me.
00:34:55And there's more good news.
00:34:58My dad is already reacting.
00:35:01Thank God.
00:35:02I knew it, I knew it.
00:35:05It looks like everything will be just fine as before.
00:35:10I wish it were.
00:35:12Why do you say that?
00:35:15I don't know if I'll be able to forgive Arturo
00:35:17after what happened.
00:35:20He didn't wait for things to clear up.
00:35:24He didn't believe in me a little bit more.
00:35:27Not like you.
00:35:32Don't think about that, Valeria.
00:35:34What's important here is that you love him.
00:35:38And I hope you can resolve it.
00:35:42Frankly, I don't know anymore.
00:35:49Well, I'm leaving.
00:35:52Good night.
00:35:53Get some rest.
00:35:56Here it says there's an investigation
00:35:58into what happened to Luis Portilla.
00:36:01It looks like they wanted to kill him.
00:36:02He's Paula's father-in-law.
00:36:05It's her, right?
00:36:08And this one here is her husband, Leonardo.
00:36:11It looks like this family is full of problems.
00:36:15I don't know.
00:36:16I don't know what's going on.
00:36:17I don't know what's going on.
00:36:19I don't know what's going on.
00:36:20I don't know what's going on.
00:36:22I don't know what's going on.
00:36:23This family is full of problems.
00:36:26I wouldn't be surprised if Paula had something to do with it.
00:36:29You think?
00:36:31When I met her, she was a girl who was willing to do anything.
00:36:35She was the prettiest of all models.
00:36:38And she's always used her beauty in her favor.
00:36:41No one can keep their looks forever.
00:36:45She can.
00:36:46We all have a past.
00:36:49Please, Armando, don't expose yourself.
00:36:52I wouldn't want anything to happen to you because of me.
00:36:55Look, if Paula's in more trouble,
00:37:01maybe that could help us.
00:37:05And if she's like you say,
00:37:08I'm sure we're not her only enemies.
00:37:12What are you going to do?
00:37:14Stay alert.
00:37:17And find someone who hates her more than we do.
00:37:44Sorry, I woke you up.
00:37:45I don't care.
00:37:46I have to go to work.
00:37:48Get some rest.
00:37:51And you, my love, please take care of your mom, okay?
00:37:56I hope you're back by dinner time.
00:37:59I'm going to the hospital to see my dad later.
00:38:02Do you know anything new?
00:38:04Not much, but they say he's better.
00:38:06That's good. I'm glad to hear that.
00:38:08By the way, here.
00:38:15I don't know if you or your brothers paid for the consultation, but there it is.
00:38:19Juan, it's not necessary.
00:38:21No, of course it is.
00:38:23I promised you I'd get together to pay for your doctor.
00:38:26Cami, I'm never going to let you down. Never.
00:38:30Thank you very much.
00:38:32For me, you and my son are the most important thing I have.
00:38:36I'm going to make sure you never need anything.
00:38:40So you have to work 24 hours a day.
00:38:50See you.
00:38:54It won't take long.
00:39:19Good morning.
00:39:22Nicolas, how are you?
00:39:25What are you doing in my dad's office?
00:39:27Well, he left me here.
00:39:30Yes, yes, yes.
00:39:31After you ran away, he spoke to me and asked me to take care of everything.
00:39:35My dad did that?
00:39:38I don't know why you're surprised. I've never failed him.
00:39:41Better tell me what you're doing here.
00:39:44I came to see Hector.
00:39:46Oh, well, he must be in his office.
00:39:48Leo, I think it would have been good if you at least told us you were in charge.
00:39:52No, no, no.
00:39:53Excuse me, but you don't work here anymore.
00:39:55I don't have to do that.
00:39:57Besides, this was my dad's decision.
00:40:00I'm no one to skip it.
00:40:04I'm so sorry you're enjoying being in that chair.
00:40:08Especially with what's going on.
00:40:11You don't know what you're saying.
00:40:12Yes, yes, yes.
00:40:13And even if you take dad's chair right now,
00:40:16it will always be huge for you.
00:40:18I am the one who has always, always been on his side.
00:40:22You left the United States.
00:40:24Neither you nor Arturo have more rights than I do.
00:40:27All that time you spent with him
00:40:30didn't help you learn the most important thing.
00:40:33But you know what?
00:40:34Enjoy it while my dad comes back.
00:40:37I'm not going to wear myself out in that.
00:40:39I'm leaving.
00:40:44The nurse will be here soon.
00:40:46So you can eat something.
00:40:50Thank you, son.
00:41:02No matter how hard I try, I can't remember anything.
00:41:08What happened?
00:41:10Don't worry.
00:41:12It's just that I'd like to know.
00:41:15You were very serious.
00:41:18You were like that for many days.
00:41:22Your heart was very weak.
00:41:29But the important thing now is that you're much better.
00:41:33The doctors say your recovery is a miracle.
00:41:39Thank God and the Virgin.
00:41:46How is everyone?
00:41:48Your brothers?
00:41:54The hospital?
00:41:57The office?
00:41:59The house?
00:42:21You have to rest so you can recover.
00:42:31Why do I feel like you're hiding something from me?
00:42:37I'm not hiding anything from you.
00:42:39It's just that you're recovering.
00:42:41You want to live your life like nothing happened.
00:42:43That's it.
00:42:48And Mar?
00:42:53Where is she?
00:42:55She's at home, Dad.
00:42:57She's at home.
00:42:58What happens is that we did shifts to take care of you.
00:43:03Miss Alex.
00:43:05I'm better now.
00:43:11I want to see her.
00:43:21Thank you very much, Nicolas.
00:43:24What did he say?
00:43:25That he met with the lawyer.
00:43:27He has all the documents ready.
00:43:29So what are you waiting for?
00:43:32He's on his way.
00:43:34Oh my God, help me, Mar.
00:43:37Let her get out of this horrible place.
00:43:39Calm down, Mom.
00:43:41I can't be calm until I know that Mar is going to come out.
00:43:44You have to be patient.
00:43:46And Mar is going to come out.
00:43:47You'll see.
00:43:48God will hear you.
00:43:50But why are you so sure?
00:43:53Because Nicolas promised me.
00:43:55And Nicolas always keeps his promises.
00:44:02Take a deep breath.
00:44:10Very good.
00:44:11Everything is in order.
00:44:13What happened to me?
00:44:21You were delicate and your heart resented it.
00:44:23But your body is recovering.
00:44:28I know, but I have to leave soon to fix a lot of things.
00:44:41I don't know what's going on with my family, with the company.
00:44:49Luis, that has always been your problem.
00:44:52You worry about everything, except the most important thing.
00:44:55About you.
00:44:59I try.
00:45:04But I feel like I can't.
00:45:07That's why I talked to your children and asked them to have controlled visits.
00:45:12And to give you information little by little.
00:45:15You see?
00:45:17That's why Mar isn't here.
00:45:18You don't have to worry about anything.
00:45:21Everything is fine, Dad.
00:46:19When we're at the show, I think your heart beats a thousand percent.
00:46:24We like family, traditions, roots.
00:46:34I gave you my life and then you betrayed me.
00:46:38I'm going to find out the truth.
00:46:40We're going to miss you a lot.
00:46:42I'm going to miss you, Grandpa.
00:46:44Dad, you taught us to love the sea.
00:46:46Together we will move forward.
00:46:48Love where love leaves its nets.
00:46:51Monday to Friday, 8.30 at night.
00:47:17Impacting stories.
00:47:19I feel so defeated, so useless.
00:47:21I already told you that it's time to take the reins of your life.
00:47:24I'm going to be a mom.
00:47:26You're going to be the most annoying mom in the world.
00:47:28La Rosa de Guadalupe.
00:47:30Impact stories.
00:47:32Saturday with the stars.
00:47:47If love is a crime, arrest me.
00:47:49The crazy wedding, we know how to make you laugh.
00:47:51Friday at the end of the noti.
00:48:16We're going to discover the benefits of the Champi massage.
00:48:21And at the end, famous fashion, cooking and more.
00:48:24Only in Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:48:26Benson Bull, who filled Cirque du Soleil's eye after seeing his various performances during the Grammys.
00:48:30From Monday to Friday with the stars.
00:48:32Wake up and know the most relevant information every morning.
00:48:36With the analysis of each news.
00:48:39Sport, climate and entertainment.
00:48:41We have the keys to start the day well and well informed.
00:48:44Wake up, Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning, with the stars.
00:48:49Cantinflas is willing.
00:48:51Always at your disposal.
00:48:52To occupy any position.
00:48:54You know that here is your mannequin.
00:48:55And be the center of attention.
00:48:57Who are you?
00:48:58Now you will see who I am, now hold on little girl.
00:49:00Of your fun.
00:49:01Very good, squeeze.
00:49:04This Saturday you will receive in Gran Hotel.
00:49:06And Sunday will be the extra, with the stars.
00:49:09See you soon.
00:49:10If Valentine's Day comes to you as a surprise.
00:49:13Come see it.
00:49:15Don't you feel a little disgusting?
00:49:17Remember that the best gift is friendship.
00:49:20Because it is very nice to have many, many, many, many friends.
00:49:23Happy Valentine's Day.
00:49:25We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
00:49:28Monday to Friday with the stars.
00:49:33The best games of the MX League are in VIX.
00:49:38Return the most beloved teams of the Clausura Tournament.
00:49:43Exclusive games.
00:49:44Streaming only on VIX Premium.
00:49:48Subscribe and follow the MX League now.
00:50:03Please, brush your teeth because you have a piece of peanut there.
00:50:07We know how to make you laugh with Renta Congenada.
00:50:10Saturday with the stars.
00:50:13To love even if the wind is not in favor.
00:50:16The sea rejected her before she touched the water.
00:50:18I'm going to calm down when you stop being the victim.
00:50:22Really, no one else wants to go fishing with you?
00:50:25You will face every obstacle.
00:50:27Even if they put thousands of obstacles, we will jump one by one.
00:50:30Monday to Friday at 8.30 pm.
00:50:33To tickle nothing like this couple.
00:50:35Today it's my turn, right, Vitor?
00:50:36Yes, today it's your turn, tomorrow it's Milanese and the day after, Taman.
00:50:39To make it beautiful, we're going to have to postpone the party for a month and a half.
00:50:42How many times, Mrs. Cuca?
00:50:44People are already complaining that you made the joke in the pool.
00:50:46Does everyone do that?
00:50:47Yes, but not from the trampoline.
00:50:49We, the handsome ones, know how to make you laugh.
00:50:51This Sunday, 5.30 pm.
00:50:53It seems that Rafael and Alejandra...
00:50:55The important thing is that I get a divorce.
00:50:56Then we'll see about the shady business.
00:50:59...will finally be together.
00:51:00I want you to divorce me from Marco Valenzuela.
00:51:02But it won't be easy for them.
00:51:04What do you want me to do, aunt?
00:51:05That I don't get a divorce from him?
00:51:07That's exactly what I want.
00:51:09Monday to Friday at 2.30 pm.
00:51:11For the stars.
00:51:13Enjoy your mornings with the stars.
00:51:15At 9 pm.
00:51:16Advice, guests, games and all the fun is on today.
00:51:19Today we are going to discover the benefits of the champi massage.
00:51:22And at the end, famous fashion notes.
00:51:24Kitchen and more just in Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:51:26Benson Bull, who filled his eye with Cirque du Soleil after seeing his various performances during the Grammys.
00:51:31Monday to Friday with the stars.
00:51:34What are you looking for?
00:51:35I want you to work for me.
00:51:37What do you say?
00:51:40You can't fall in love with that son of a bitch's daughter.
00:51:44Forget about her.
00:51:46Beyond hate.
00:51:47Today I dare to love you.
00:51:48And would you dare?
00:51:49Starts Monday, February 24th.
00:51:516.30 pm.
00:51:52For the stars.
00:51:53Join us in this story.
00:51:55It sounds to me.
00:51:56At full volume.
00:51:57On Saturdays.
00:51:58I have many plans for us.
00:52:00Do you have plans for us?
00:52:01Yes, I told you I'm married, right?
00:52:04Why did you paste all those photos on the wall?
00:52:06I was a fool, mom.
00:52:07I refuse to lose her.
00:52:09This story sounds to me.
00:52:10At full volume.
00:52:125 pm.
00:52:14I was on a stage and I am focused on this is much bigger than me.
00:52:19When we are in the show, I think your heart beats a thousand percent.
00:52:24In which case we have fun.
00:52:26We like family, traditions, roots.
00:52:56Occupy any position.
00:52:58You know that here is your mannequin.
00:52:59And be the center of attention.
00:53:01And who are you?
00:53:02Now you will see who I am, now you hold on, little girl.
00:53:04Of your fun.
00:53:05Very good, squeeze.
00:53:07This Saturday you will receive in Gran Hotel.
00:53:09And Sunday will be the extra.
00:53:11With the stars.
00:53:12See you soon.
00:53:13To get here, first you will have to laugh until you die.
00:53:17My name is Marilu.
00:53:18I have the best job in the world.
00:53:20In Mexico there is the tradition of celebrating death in peculiar ways.
00:53:24Here we all go live.
00:53:26We know how to make you laugh with I die for Marilu.
00:53:29It starts on Sunday, February 23rd and available on VIX.
00:53:32From February 14th.
00:53:33If Valentine's Day comes as a surprise.
00:53:36Come see it.
00:53:38Don't be chubby, disgusting.
00:53:40Remember that the best gift is friendship.
00:53:43Because it is very nice to have many, many, many, many friends.
00:53:46Happy Valentine's Day.
00:53:49We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
00:53:51Monday to Friday with the stars.
00:53:54Don't be chubby, disgusting.
00:53:55Remember that the best gift is friendship.
00:53:57Happy Valentine's Day.
00:53:59Don't be chubby, disgusting.
00:54:01Remember that the best gift is friendship.
00:54:12Excuse me, does Mr. Portilla know anything?
00:54:15Has any of the children said anything?
00:54:17Camila, but he didn't say much.
00:54:24Hello, good morning.
00:54:26How are you?
00:54:27Excuse me, do you know anything about the Portilla family?
00:54:30No, nothing at the moment, but I hope you say something soon.
00:54:35But you're not a reporter, are you?
00:54:38Oh no, no, I'm just interested to know what's going on with them.
00:54:43Do you know them?
00:54:44Yes, I'm the only person who knows how they really are.
00:54:50Well, in that case, nice to meet you. My name is Mateo.
00:54:53And who are you?
00:54:55I'm a good friend of Arturo's.
00:54:58Oh, really?
00:54:59Yes, yes. In fact, do you know if he's here?
00:55:01Well, he has hardly moved from the hospital.
00:55:04Of course. I imagine he doesn't want to separate from his father.
00:55:07Yes, he's a great boy. He doesn't deserve a father like Luis Portilla.
00:55:14I see you don't like him very much.
00:55:17No, he's not a good man.
00:55:20In fact, no one in that family is a good person.
00:55:25Well, except for Arturo, of course.
00:55:27I agree. They also owe a lot to my family.
00:55:30How curious. Something similar happens to me.
00:55:34Well, I think you and I could help each other a lot.
00:55:38If possible, please write down your number.
00:55:43I'll call you later to agree and talk more calmly.
00:55:46Do you agree?
00:55:48Yes. It will be a pleasure to meet another friend of Arturo.
00:55:53Thank you. Excuse me.
00:56:04Daddy, you don't know how scared I was to think that I was not going to see you anymore.
00:56:08That you were not going to be with me anymore.
00:56:11Don't be afraid, daughter. I'm here.
00:56:14I didn't want us to keep fighting and something bad to happen to you.
00:56:18All because of that...
00:56:24...of that situation.
00:56:30What are you talking about, daughter?
00:56:32She's talking about your heart, Dad.
00:56:36How delicate it is.
00:56:37Yes, about your heart, Dad.
00:56:40You don't know how much I need you, Daddy.
00:56:43You can't get sick.
00:56:46Daughter, I'm here with you.
00:56:49Nothing bad is going to happen to me anymore.
00:56:52Please, don't ever leave me.
00:56:56With you.
00:57:00Sorry to interrupt, but it's better to let your father rest.
00:57:04Yes, of course.
00:57:06I'm going, I'm going.
00:57:08Daddy, I'm so happy that you're okay.
00:57:13I love you so much.
00:57:19And I love you.
00:57:22The truth is that you don't know how much it hurts us.
00:57:24It hurts everyone.
00:57:26It hurts everyone.
00:57:27Come on, let my father rest.
00:57:29Come on, let's go.
00:57:31It hurts everyone.
00:57:32Come on, let my father rest.
00:57:35Come on, let's go.
00:57:36I'm going, Daddy, I'm going.
00:57:43What happened, Dad?
00:57:47Don't forget to tell Mara to come.
00:57:53I want to see her.
00:58:08Please take this to the courthouse.
00:58:10And tell Hector to come.
00:58:12Yes, sir.
00:58:14Oh, I'm sorry.
00:58:16I forgot, but Mr. Hector left with Mr. Nicolás.
00:58:20Well, you know he doesn't miss me anymore.
00:58:22He always does what he wants.
00:58:25Excuse me.
00:58:26No, no, you know what? Wait for me.
00:58:28Tell me.
00:58:30It's just that if this continues like this,
00:58:34without a clear head,
00:58:37this is going to come down.
00:58:41You know what?
00:58:43I need you to make a statement to the board of directors.
00:58:46About what?
00:58:47I want it to be official.
00:58:49That the Director General of Textiles Portilla
00:58:52is me.
00:59:04What happened?
00:59:06We did it.
00:59:07Oh, thank God.
00:59:08Yes, yes.
00:59:24Are you okay?
00:59:25Yes, yes.
00:59:43He asked about Mar.
00:59:45He wants to see her.
00:59:47But we don't know how he's going to react when he finds out the truth.
00:59:50We have to find a way to make him know without him knowing everything.
00:59:53I want to know the movements of that family well before I get closer.
00:59:57Because believe me,
00:59:59the first to know the whole truth will be his husband.
01:00:03Come on, honey, calm down, okay?
01:00:05Calm down, no.
01:00:06Calm down, we are lost.
01:00:09Now my dad is going to end up hating me.
