• 2 days ago
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 81 en HD Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 81 en HD Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 81 en HD Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 81 en HD Completo
00:00:30No, mi amor, mi amor, por favor, esto, esto es una mentira,
00:00:33esto es una confusión, no, no, no.
00:00:38¿Qué pasó?
00:00:40Al fin estoy diciendo lo correcto, papá.
00:00:43Paula fue la que hizo lo del medicamento.
00:00:47Y Marta en Arizona.
00:00:49Lo hizo.
00:00:50Lupita me lo confirmó.
00:00:52No, es una trampa, mi amor, fue una trampa.
00:00:55Mi amor, Ophelia me pidió dinero y luego quería amar,
00:00:58pero como no se lo di, pues ella está inventando todo esto.
00:01:02No es cierto.
00:01:03No, ya cállate, Paula.
00:01:04No es cierto.
00:01:05Ophelia me quiso chantajear y no sé qué te haya dicho, mi amor.
00:01:09Estás mintiendo.
00:01:10No, mamá.
00:01:11No, no, no estoy mintiendo.
00:01:14Tu madre me estaba amenazando, me pidió dinero,
00:01:16porque si no le iba a decir a Leonardo o algo de mi pasado,
00:01:19que no me enorgullece, mi amor.
00:01:21Pero yo le di el dinero para que no te dijera nada,
00:01:24pero yo no sé qué más te inventó.
00:01:29Yo escuché todo.
00:01:32Yo estuve ahí cuando Mateo te citó en la casa de don Félix.
00:01:35No, me pusieron una trampa.
00:01:37¿Y tú cuántas has puesto?
00:01:39Mi amor, por favor, escúchame.
00:01:41Escúchame, me tienes que creer, por favor, Luis.
00:01:44Luis, por favor.
00:01:45Ya, ya.
00:01:46Déjame hacerle daño a mi hijo.
00:01:48Déjame hacerle daño a mi familia.
00:01:50Por favor, Luis, Luis, por favor, mi amor.
00:01:53Te advertí,
00:01:54que un día iba a abrir los ojos.
00:01:57Esto es una gran mentira, por favor, Leonardo.
00:01:59Ya no te quiero escuchar, Paula.
00:02:01Te amo, por favor.
00:02:02Por favor, llévesela.
00:02:04¡No, Leonardo!
00:02:05¡Leonardo, no me hagas esto, por favor!
00:02:07Con permiso.
00:02:08Vamos a cumplir con nuestro deber.
00:02:41Ay, ay, ay, ay.
00:02:43No, claro, claro que la arpía esa de Paula
00:02:47iba a usar las cosas a su favor.
00:02:51Era obvio que le iba a hacer creer a Mar
00:02:54que yo prefería el dinero.
00:02:56Ay, no puede ser que sea tan bruta
00:02:59que no haya pensado en eso.
00:03:01Bueno, esa mujer no tiene límites.
00:03:04No para de hacer daño.
00:03:06Sigue manipulando.
00:03:09Sigue manipulando a mi Mar
00:03:11y ella es tan buena,
00:03:14que ni siquiera se da cuenta.
00:03:16Mira, Mar no va a volver a caer en las garras de ese monstruo.
00:03:20¿Sabes qué?
00:03:22Tengo que hacer algo para que no le haga daño.
00:03:25Pues ve a hablar con Mar.
00:03:27No, ella no me va a escuchar.
00:03:29Ay, seguro que sí.
00:03:32Amparo, tú no viste cómo me vio Mar.
00:03:37Me vio con un odio.
00:03:40No, no, no, eso no.
00:03:42Claro que no, sólo está enojada, pero se le va a pasar.
00:03:48Voy a hablar con Valeria.
00:03:51Ella sí me va a escuchar.
00:03:55Voy a reconocer lo mucho que me equivoqué
00:04:00llevando a Mar a la mansión.
00:04:07Los dejo solos.
00:04:09Sí, gracias.
00:04:23Me entregué, papá.
00:04:32Lo siento mucho, hijo.
00:04:37Fui a buscar pruebas en su contra.
00:04:42Una parte de mí se resistió a creer.
00:04:52Pero esa mujer es un monstruo.
00:04:57Siempre me engañó.
00:05:00Sólo me usó.
00:05:02Hijo, pero te diste cuenta.
00:05:04Sí, pero debe haber sido tarde.
00:05:06¿Qué es tarde?
00:05:08Para abrir los ojos, hijo.
00:05:10Es que...
00:05:12descubrí cosas horribles de ella.
00:05:17No sabes cuánto lamento escuchar eso, porque...
00:05:23no te lo mereces, Leonardo.
00:05:27Mi mamá y tú, Arturo,
00:05:30todos siempre tuvieron razón sobre Paula.
00:05:37Ella es mala.
00:05:44Y con tal de tener más...
00:05:48te quiso matar.
00:05:51Perdóname, papá, perdóname.
00:06:00Tranquilo, mi hijo.
00:06:20Before you say anything,
00:06:25I have to admit how much I was wrong, son.
00:06:30You were right.
00:06:32I should never have accepted
00:06:35that we should return to the Portilla mansion.
00:06:39Yes, don't laugh.
00:06:41You were absolutely right, daughter.
00:06:44What do you think?
00:06:46I thought I was going to bring Paula down,
00:06:50but oh, the very same
00:06:53put your sister against me again.
00:06:55Do you think?
00:06:58I need your help.
00:07:00Don't worry about Mar.
00:07:02I'll take care of her.
00:07:04Daughter, I knew you'd do it for her.
00:07:09You've always been such a good sister, my love.
00:07:12Well, now we have to plan how we're going to help her.
00:07:20What's wrong, daughter?
00:07:22For Mar, I'll do anything.
00:07:25I don't want to know anything else about you.
00:07:31Don't be so hard on me.
00:07:34I already admitted that I was wrong.
00:07:37What else can I do?
00:07:40I don't know what you did to Mar.
00:07:43And you know what? I'd rather not know.
00:07:48But to agree with Rocio all this time,
00:07:51I can't believe it.
00:07:53You dedicated yourself to giving information about Arturo
00:07:56until he got, I don't know how,
00:07:58to prove that he was his son.
00:08:00No, no, no. Look, daughter.
00:08:02Everything has an explanation.
00:08:05I saw Rocio very desperate.
00:08:08That's why I helped her.
00:08:10From mother to mother.
00:08:12Mother to mother? That's not true.
00:08:14What you wanted was to have information
00:08:17to manipulate Luis Portilla.
00:08:19And you didn't even care a little bit
00:08:20that that was going to cause me great pain.
00:08:22You didn't care about anything.
00:08:23No, no, no, daughter. No, no.
00:08:25I never thought that...
00:08:26No, no, no. You never think.
00:08:28That's precisely the problem.
00:08:31That you only think about yourself, Ophelia García.
00:08:34No. No.
00:08:36I swear that's not true, Valeria.
00:08:38Enough, enough, enough.
00:08:40I'm tired of hearing lies.
00:08:44Are you worried about Mar and her baby?
00:08:45A lot.
00:08:46Okay, leave her alone then.
00:08:49I'm not going to let you destroy Mar's baby.
00:08:53You've already done enough by destroying ours, don't you think?
00:08:59Daughter. Daughter!
00:09:10I can do it alone.
00:09:13This is a mistake.
00:09:15I just want to make a call, okay?
00:09:17It's my right.
00:09:18Ophelita, there's no one here who's going to do this to you.
00:09:22Shut up, okay?
00:09:23Shut up!
00:09:24But why? I need to make a call.
00:09:26What you're doing is illegal.
00:09:28You don't know, do you?
00:09:29You don't know who the Portilla family is?
00:09:31My husband?
00:09:32If you don't want to have problems, then stop making the call.
00:09:35I have a right.
00:09:36You have five minutes to make your call.
00:09:40You're going to regret the deal you're giving me.
00:09:50I asked them to bring you some tea.
00:09:58I also owe you an apology, Mar.
00:10:02Don't worry.
00:10:05I also fell for Paula's lies.
00:10:08I was bad and very cruel to you.
00:10:14Yes, you were.
00:10:18But it's okay, I understand you.
00:10:29You know you have all my support.
00:10:32Thank you, Dad.
00:10:35What you did shouldn't have been easy.
00:10:48Please, let's meet.
00:10:50Come get me.
00:10:52I don't want to know anything else about you, Paula.
00:10:56What that damn Ofelia told you is a lie.
00:10:59Please, you can't believe her.
00:11:01You know everything I've done for you, for us, honey.
00:11:06I told you I don't want to listen to you.
00:11:09No one came for you.
00:11:10Not your parents, not your siblings.
00:11:13Leo, everything you've achieved is thanks to me and what I've told you.
00:11:17And if I did something wrong, it's because I love you.
00:11:21Because I want what's best for you.
00:11:25Leonardo, please, honey, you can't do this to me.
00:11:29For everything you did.
00:11:31Leo, listen to me, please.
00:11:33Let's clear things up.
00:11:34Let's talk, please.
00:11:36I never wanted to do anything to your dad.
00:11:38It was wrong.
00:11:40It was wrong.
00:11:41I talked to Lupita.
00:11:43I went to the gallery.
00:11:44There's nothing you can do or tell me to fool me.
00:11:49Please, Leonardo.
00:11:51Leonardo, I beg you.
00:11:53Please, don't leave me here.
00:11:55Look, at least give me a chance to leave.
00:11:58Of course.
00:12:00That's what you were going to do, right?
00:12:04If you ever loved me, please, I beg you not to leave me in this place.
00:12:11Don't look for her again.
00:12:20I feel that even if I go and she's far away,
00:12:24what separates us is something deeper and more difficult to overcome than just the distance.
00:12:32So what do you want to do?
00:12:34I've wanted to work.
00:12:36I've wanted to work.
00:12:38So what do you want to do?
00:12:39I've wanted to work.
00:12:41But I don't have a head.
00:12:43Arturo doesn't answer my emails.
00:12:45Leonardo is busy.
00:12:47Well, if you want, I can help you.
00:12:49No, Miss.
00:12:50That would be too much.
00:12:52When we were in college,
00:12:54you missed your brother so much that on Fridays, instead of going out, you stayed to play with him online.
00:13:01I know he'll understand you.
00:13:03You fought a lot against what you felt.
00:13:06But it was useless.
00:13:24You're sick, aren't you?
00:13:27Leo, what's wrong?
00:13:29What happened? Did something happen to my dad?
00:13:33It's Paula.
00:13:36What did she do to you?
00:13:40I turned her over to the police.
00:13:45I was an idiot.
00:13:52All this time, she looked at me in the face.
00:13:57You can't imagine what I discovered about her.
00:14:00Leo, I'm so sorry.
00:14:03But Paula has to pay. She has to pay.
00:14:09Besides, you deserve someone who loves you and respects you.
00:14:21When did our family break up like this?
00:14:26How did we allow this to happen?
00:14:32It's my fault.
00:14:34Hey, no.
00:14:36Of course not.
00:14:38We're all responsible.
00:14:40All of us.
00:14:45This is how it is.
00:14:49Don't cry.
00:14:53No more.
00:14:55I can't stay here.
00:14:57I can't stay here.
00:15:00No, I can't stay here.
00:15:02Please get me out of here.
00:15:05Please, I can't stay here.
00:15:08Oh, blondie.
00:15:10No one will listen to you here.
00:15:12Shut up.
00:15:17You'd better shut up, my queen.
00:15:20Don't touch me again.
00:15:23If you touch me again, you're going to lose this hand, got it?
00:15:27And you're going to lose life.
00:15:28Don't touch me again.
00:15:45Now I'm alone.
00:15:48And you know what?
00:15:52I deserve it.
00:15:54But I swear I'm going to do everything I can to get my daughters back.
00:16:04Now I ask you to enlighten me, to change me.
00:16:09Please, please.
00:16:11I need to learn how to be a better mother.
00:16:16I beg you.
00:16:17I need to learn how to be a better mother.
00:16:20I beg you.
00:16:23I beg you.
00:16:47I beg you.
00:17:17I beg you.
00:17:30Good morning.
00:17:31Good morning.
00:17:33Well, since you don't have children or shared property,
00:17:37you just have to sign the divorce agreement.
00:17:39Do you agree?
00:17:46Are you sure about this, Juan?
00:17:49Camila, you know it's for the best.
00:17:53I just want you to know that the time I've spent with you
00:17:57has been the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me.
00:18:02I learned to enjoy the little things, the details.
00:18:07What a united family can do, and that was thanks to you.
00:18:13If it were up to me, things would have been different.
00:18:19I don't know.
00:18:21I don't understand.
00:18:23I just want you to know how good you are to me.
00:18:29I learned that you can be happy without money.
00:18:33But you only need to be close to the people you love.
00:18:43Thank you for teaching me all that.
00:18:55Did you want to see me, Dad?
00:18:58How are you, Arturo?
00:19:00I'm fine. How are you?
00:19:04I think I should go.
00:19:05I didn't know you were here. Don't worry.
00:19:08Dad, I'm leaving. I'll call you later.
00:19:10No, no, no, no, Nicolás. Come here.
00:19:12Neither of you is leaving.
00:19:15If I asked you out, it's because the three of us have to talk.
00:19:18I don't have to talk to anyone, Dad.
00:19:19Yes, yes, yes. You're going to talk to me.
00:19:22Because there can be nothing or no one above
00:19:25what your mother and I have told you all our lives.
00:19:29If you don't do it for me...
00:19:32At least believe in Cecilia's memory.
00:19:36She will tell you that despite all the love you have for each other,
00:19:40it must be more important.
00:19:42I know you two are suffering.
00:19:45But no.
00:19:47You can't go on like this.
00:19:51I'm going to leave.
00:19:53But none of you are going to leave until you find a solution.
00:20:20Neither of you imagined this would happen when we made the plan to get married, right?
00:20:27That's right.
00:20:29What was going to be a revenge turned out to be something much more important.
00:20:38You are a very beautiful woman.
00:20:41And I'm sure your life will be much better from now on.
00:20:45You have a very good heart.
00:20:47Although you hide it so much.
00:20:51You are a great person, Juan.
00:20:54And I really wish you were very happy.
00:20:58I also wish you all the best, Camila.
00:21:01You will find someone who loves you as you deserve.
00:21:29Thank you for everything, Juan.
00:21:43My dad is right.
00:21:45We can't go on like this.
00:21:52Very well.
00:21:54So tell me, why did you have to fall in love with Valeria?
00:21:56Why did you have to fall in love with Valeria?
00:21:58I don't know.
00:22:00But it's something I've had to fight for a long time, Arturo.
00:22:06And if it weren't for what you told me, that you were going to forget her,
00:22:10that Valeria was dead to you,
00:22:13if you had told me, I would never have told her what I feel.
00:22:20But you are my brother.
00:22:22All I want is your happiness.
00:22:27So if you really love her,
00:22:31it's okay.
00:22:34I'm going to Boston.
00:22:37And I'm still with my life.
00:22:40And that's it.
00:22:48You don't have to go anywhere.
00:22:52I also made mistakes that hurt Valeria.
00:22:57Arturo, it doesn't matter what happens to Valeria.
00:23:02All I want is to get my brother back.
00:23:12I also want to get my brother back and make you happy.
00:23:15But for that to happen, it depends on her.
00:23:19It depends on her.
00:23:22And if that happens,
00:23:25and I lose Valeria,
00:23:31I prefer your happiness.
00:24:20Used, abandoned and in pain
00:24:24He left with my innocence in the bag
00:24:29The ambition is now my advisor
00:24:37Whatever it costs, I'll get up
00:24:41Today I know I'm worth a lot and now I'll charge
00:24:46Castle, money, last name
00:24:51I make my own destiny
00:24:56Whatever it costs, I'll dominate
00:25:01And whatever you want, I'll have
00:25:06Neither free, borrowed, nor fiat
00:25:10I want it all at once
00:25:15So let me cry, let someone else cry
00:25:20Let the world cry
00:25:45I can't get her out of me
00:26:15My name is Marilu. I have the best job in the world.
00:26:19In Mexico, there is a tradition of celebrating death in peculiar ways.
00:26:23Here, we all have fun. We know how to make you laugh with
00:26:27I die for Marilu. Sundays, 8 p.m.
00:26:30For the stars. And available on VIX.
00:26:34Jumex presents the 13th Carrera Cardia Student.
00:26:37That's why I invite you to run with me.
00:26:395, 10 or 21 kilometers.
00:26:41If you enjoy the route, super fun and familiar.
00:26:45What are you waiting for? Sign up now.
00:26:47This March 23rd, see you at the finish line.
00:26:50Hashtag, your help beats.
00:27:10We've been together for years.
00:27:12Sundays, 8 p.m.
00:27:14For the stars.
00:27:17We're getting ready.
00:27:19I'm glad you recognize him.
00:27:21To get a smile out of you.
00:27:23Get out or I'll get you out. For God's sake.
00:27:25Because the weekend arrives in a hurry.
00:27:27There I will be with the improper punctuality.
00:27:29Enjoy this Saturday with Cantinflas with
00:27:32Immediate delivery.
00:27:34And on Sunday, El Patrullero 777.
00:27:37With the stars.
00:27:39The beloved character returns.
00:27:41That surprised everyone.
00:27:43What position did they offer you in that company, Leti?
00:27:46President's assistant.
00:27:48For his amazing transformation.
00:27:50I feel very happy.
00:27:52But happy, really.
00:27:54It's for you.
00:27:56The most beautiful fairy.
00:27:58Starting on Monday, March 10th.
00:28:00For the stars.
00:28:02Devan and Susana Escobar Basaldua.
00:28:04A girl who went to a party with her friends.
00:28:05She was seen for the last time on the edge of a road.
00:28:09They voluntarily leave their home.
00:28:12You always end up being guilty of the victim.
00:28:15You're getting in my shoes, Cebarras.
00:28:18Premieres this Tuesday at the end in Punto.
00:28:20And from March 6th on VX.
00:28:22They can be asked for anything.
00:28:25Less studying.
00:28:27To these two to finish school, they only need one subject.
00:28:31Gray matter.
00:28:32Or work.
00:28:33Have we found a job worthy of our category?
00:28:36Vitor and Albertano, get out of here, both of you!
00:28:39In Nosotros Los Guapos, we know how to make you laugh.
00:28:42This Sunday, 5.30 pm.
00:28:45What are you looking for?
00:28:47I want you to work for me.
00:28:49What do you say?
00:28:52You can't fall in love with that bastard's daughter.
00:28:56Forget about her.
00:28:58Beyond hate.
00:29:00Today I dare to love you.
00:29:01And would you dare?
00:29:03Monday to Friday, 6.30 pm.
00:29:05For the stars.
00:29:07Jumex Mía presents the 13th Carrera Cardia Student.
00:29:10That's why I invite you to race with me.
00:29:125, 10 or 21 kilometers.
00:29:14If you enjoy the route, super fun and familiar.
00:29:18What are you waiting for? Sign up now.
00:29:20This March 23rd, see you at the finish line.
00:29:23Hashtag, your help to the Andes.
00:29:31My name is Marilu.
00:29:33I have the best job in the world.
00:29:35In Mexico, there is a tradition of celebrating death in peculiar ways.
00:29:39Here, we all have fun.
00:29:41We know how to make you laugh with
00:29:43I die for Marilu.
00:29:45Sundays, 8 pm.
00:29:47For the stars.
00:29:49And available on VIX.
00:29:51In this family that doesn't fall.
00:29:53Did you throw the administrator down the stairs?
00:29:55Wait a minute.
00:29:57Never do that to me.
00:29:58No, from the fifth floor to the basement.
00:30:01It's choking.
00:30:03Are you okay?
00:30:05Ball, please.
00:30:07We know how to make you laugh with
00:30:09A family of 10.
00:30:11This Sunday, 6.30 pm.
00:30:13Everything that happened this week.
00:30:15You will find it in the most complete sports program.
00:30:22Detailed reports.
00:30:25And all the news of the day.
00:30:26More sports.
00:30:28This Sunday, at 11 am.
00:30:30With the stars.
00:30:32If you don't like something.
00:30:34You are new.
00:30:38You are not old.
00:30:40He knows how to make you happy.
00:30:42Now you have to keep throwing the water.
00:30:44Very nice.
00:30:46And that you don't wash my face.
00:30:49We know how to make you laugh with
00:30:51Monday to Friday with the stars.
00:30:53Put on your sunglasses.
00:30:54With the stars.
00:30:56Get in touch with
00:30:58the hottest sports results.
00:31:18I've been looking for you for two years.
00:31:20For a kiss on a plane?
00:31:22Did you think it would've happened between us?
00:31:24Hola amor, ¿qué pasó?
00:31:26Me molesta que tengas una vida con ella.
00:31:29Pero es que tú tienes la tuya.
00:31:30No se puede querer a dos personas al mismo tiempo.
00:31:33Sin embargo, aquí estamos.
00:31:54Hashtag, tu ayuda alante.
00:32:25The New Yorker
00:32:27The New Yorker
00:32:33We have some news today.
00:32:35Rafael Caro Quintero and Vicente Carillo Fuentes
00:32:38are found not guilty in front of a judge in New York.
00:32:41They arrest Don Rodo, brother of Nemesio Seguera,
00:32:44leader of the Jalisco cartel,
00:32:45and the story of the hiker who spent almost 30 hours
00:32:48hanging from a branch in Saltillo.
00:32:50Details at ten thirty.
00:32:54The New Yorker
00:33:24The New Yorker
00:33:25The New Yorker
00:33:26The New Yorker
00:33:27The New Yorker
00:33:28The New Yorker
00:33:29The New Yorker
00:33:30The New Yorker
00:33:31The New Yorker
00:33:32The New Yorker
00:33:33The New Yorker
00:33:34The New Yorker
00:33:35The New Yorker
00:33:36The New Yorker
00:33:37The New Yorker
00:33:38The New Yorker
00:33:39The New Yorker
00:33:40The New Yorker
00:33:41The New Yorker
00:33:42The New Yorker
00:33:43The New Yorker
00:33:44The New Yorker
00:33:45The New Yorker
00:33:46The New Yorker
00:33:47The New Yorker
00:33:48The New Yorker
00:33:49The New Yorker
00:33:50The New Yorker
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00:35:45The New Yorker
00:35:46The New Yorker
00:35:47The New Yorker
00:35:48The New Yorker
00:35:49I offer you an apology.
00:35:54Several weeks have passed and I still have a broken, divided heart.
00:36:01Oh, Eva, I'm so sorry.
00:36:05Have you seen Nicolas or Arturo?
00:36:07Yes, separately, because they almost never get together.
00:36:13Hey, but it looks like the brand is doing very well, right?
00:36:16Yes, I follow them on social media and I see them. They sell a lot.
00:36:21I like it. I hope they do well. They deserve it.
00:36:26And what have you thought about them?
00:36:29I'm still very confused, Amar.
00:36:31I swear you don't know how much I would love to understand myself,
00:36:34understand what's going on here, and I can't.
00:36:52There is no doubt that life always puts things in their place.
00:36:57Yes, that's why you'll never know where you are.
00:37:01Oh, Ofelia, how can you be so proud?
00:37:05You came as a queen and look at you now.
00:37:08You're just like any of us.
00:37:11Oh, no, neighbor. There are levels.
00:37:14There are levels. No, no, no.
00:37:17We were never the same and we will never be.
00:37:21And then why did they return you to La Colonia?
00:37:23Nobody returned me.
00:37:25I, unlike you, can decide about my destiny.
00:37:30I wanted to return to this place.
00:37:33Oh, please.
00:37:35Well, it's the truth.
00:37:36And I'm very sorry that you never know what it is to sleep on silk sheets.
00:37:42To have a refrigerator full of food to do whatever you want.
00:37:48Or to have employees all day to do whatever you want.
00:37:52Or to eat with silver cutlery.
00:37:56To have French perfumes, jewelry, designer dresses.
00:38:02That's what makes me different from you.
00:38:05How do you see it?
00:38:06That I did live it.
00:38:08And what did it help you?
00:38:09You're alone living on memories.
00:38:12It helped me a lot.
00:38:15Because my daughters have access to another life.
00:38:18They won't have brooms in their hands or jars.
00:38:22And I was able to change their lives.
00:38:26Excuse me.
00:38:28Look, I decided to be a queen and now I've decided to be good.
00:38:35Do you understand?
00:38:40Oh, Vale.
00:38:41Love itself is very difficult.
00:38:45I don't want to imagine when there are two important people.
00:38:49It gets even more complicated.
00:38:53I'm lucky.
00:38:55I met two incredible people.
00:38:58Well, it's good that life gave you that opportunity.
00:39:01Because both are very good men.
00:39:03Arturo and Nicolás, both are.
00:39:05Arturo is fun, passionate, always with so much madness in his head.
00:39:12And that excited me a lot.
00:39:15And he was also the first man who saw me as I could never see myself.
00:39:20And Nicolás always understood me.
00:39:23As if we had known each other all our lives.
00:39:28He always knows what he wants.
00:39:30And whenever he needs it, it's all for me.
00:39:33Well, now I understand why so much confusion.
00:39:36It is obvious that you feel something very strong for both.
00:39:40Yes, this is not right.
00:39:42They adore each other.
00:39:44Neither of them would do anything to hurt the other.
00:39:47And I don't want to hurt anyone either, Amar.
00:39:53I want to be with you.
00:39:55I want to be with you.
00:40:00I think for the good of both,
00:40:03the best thing is for me to stay away.
00:40:23I didn't know you had already arrived.
00:40:27What happened?
00:40:31I signed the divorce.
00:40:35Juan is free to do what he wants.
00:40:38There is no way to recover.
00:40:41I don't like to see you cry.
00:40:43Well, get used to it because I can't stop.
00:40:49I swear that at some point I thought that Juan
00:40:53was going to change his mind, but...
00:40:57I didn't expect it at all.
00:41:00It's always better to be alone
00:41:03than to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you.
00:41:07Look at me, baby.
00:41:09I was clinging to Paula.
00:41:12It only caused me pain.
00:41:14You're going to get over this, Leo.
00:41:16I promise you.
00:41:18Yes, yes, but you too.
00:41:21I have no idea what I'm going to do now.
00:41:24You can focus on something that excites you.
00:41:28You don't know how work has helped me.
00:41:35Yes, it's a good idea.
00:41:37Think about what you want to do
00:41:40and start looking for something out there.
00:41:43Thank you for encouraging me
00:41:45and for giving me hope.
00:41:47I will always be there for you.
00:42:08Yes, at least I was able to talk to Arturo.
00:42:11Oh, that's great.
00:42:13And how do you feel?
00:42:17I already explained to him that I never wanted to hurt him.
00:42:20To tell you the truth, no matter how hard it is,
00:42:21it's not the best option.
00:42:23At least he listened to me.
00:42:25And that's already a gain.
00:42:27You love each other very much.
00:42:29I knew you were going to find a way to talk.
00:42:32Thank you, Mish.
00:42:36What are you going to do?
00:42:38I would like to talk to Valeria.
00:42:40Are you going to fight for her?
00:42:43I want her to see me as an option.
00:42:46I would do exactly the same.
00:42:51I don't want to make you wait.
00:42:53But I stayed with Arturo to respect Valeria's decision.
00:42:57I understand you.
00:43:01And if you have the opportunity to be happy with her,
00:43:06take it.
00:43:08I'm not going to make you regret it.
00:43:12I let you go at the right time
00:43:14and I've regretted it many times.
00:43:18It's the truth, Nico.
00:43:19And I think it's best if I go.
00:43:22No, no, you don't have to go.
00:43:25It's not because of Valeria.
00:43:27It's because I have Nicolas in front of me, always.
00:43:31Not the one who wants to control everything, but the one who is...
00:43:34the one who is optimistic.
00:43:37The one who expects the best.
00:43:50I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:43:55Hi, Arturo.
00:43:59Sorry for coming like this without telling you.
00:44:02Please, come in.
00:44:19How are you?
00:44:21I've been very well, really.
00:44:23Can we talk?
00:44:34Daddy, can we talk?
00:44:36Yes, of course.
00:44:39Come, sit down.
00:44:41Are you okay?
00:44:45I already signed my divorce.
00:44:49Daddy, I love you more than anything,
00:44:51and I don't want us to fight again.
00:44:53That's going to depend only on you.
00:44:55I know.
00:44:57And I'm going to try so that it never happens again.
00:45:00What do you need?
00:45:02Tell me how I can help you,
00:45:04and I swear I'll find a way to do it.
00:45:06I talked to Leonardo.
00:45:10And he told me he needed something to distract me.
00:45:12I completely agree with him.
00:45:14And well, you know I've been designing for him
00:45:19I don't know, maybe you can try to work for the company.
00:45:26I mean, I understand if it's complicated for you to come in,
00:45:28but maybe you can find something I can do.
00:45:30For me?
00:45:32Nothing would make me happier, daughter.
00:45:41But I'm very sorry about what happened.
00:45:43Between Nicolas and I, there's nothing.
00:45:45I swear.
00:45:47We talked about what I felt,
00:45:49and I told him I was confused,
00:45:51and he wanted to talk to you,
00:45:53and I couldn't because I was so embarrassed.
00:45:56I don't even know why Rocío had to do that.
00:45:59Because that woman is crazy.
00:46:01I've been quiet about a lot of things.
00:46:03About my mom,
00:46:05about Mar, about Rocío.
00:46:07But if I kept quiet,
00:46:09it's because I thought at that moment it was for the best.
00:46:11And I couldn't do anything either.
00:46:15No, Arturo, listen to me.
00:46:17I never wanted to hurt you by hiding it from you about Rocío.
00:46:20If I didn't say anything,
00:46:22it's because I wanted to protect you and Nicolas.
00:46:25I understand you better than you think.
00:46:27But you left with Priscila.
00:46:29You took her to the company,
00:46:31she came in as a partner,
00:46:33and you spent the night with her.
00:46:35Nothing happened that night,
00:46:37and you know why?
00:46:38Because I love you.
00:46:40Because I can't throw you out of here.
00:46:43I feel terrible about Nicolas.
00:46:46You two are brothers.
00:46:48It doesn't matter if you don't have the same blood.
00:46:51You love each other as brothers.
00:46:53I know, and I'm not here to complain.
00:46:57I feel very bad with you two,
00:46:59with you and with Nicolas.
00:47:01Nicolas told me what he felt.
00:47:04I'm sorry.
00:47:06Nicolas told me what he felt,
00:47:09and if Nicolas did that,
00:47:11it's because he thought our relationship was over.
00:47:13Nicolas wouldn't be able to hurt you,
00:47:16and neither would I.
00:47:18Tell me something.
00:47:20Do you feel anything for him?
00:47:22All the support I expected from you,
00:47:25I got from Nicolas.
00:47:27And I started to feel things for him.
00:47:30Is it love?
00:47:32I don't know.
00:47:36Look, I know I was wrong,
00:47:38and sometimes I can be very explosive.
00:47:41But if there's something I'm afraid of,
00:47:44it's losing you.
00:47:46I couldn't react with everything that was going on.
00:47:49It was much easier to see you as part of the problem
00:47:52than to get close to you.
00:47:54No, I was wrong too.
00:47:56We were both wrong.
00:47:58I just want you to know
00:48:00that I'm going to be here
00:48:02when you need me.
00:48:04When everything your heart feels
00:48:06is at ease.
00:48:08Because I love you.
00:48:11Because I want to fight for you.
00:48:13Arturo, this is not a good time.
00:48:15I already talked to Nicolas and we fixed things.
00:48:17Valeria, if you decide to be with him,
00:48:22I'm going to respect you.
00:48:25Because I love you
00:48:27and I want to see you happy.
00:48:30Even if it's not with me.
00:48:33I love you.
00:49:04We are getting ready
00:49:06I'm glad you recognize him.
00:49:08to get a smile out of you.
00:49:10Get out or I'll get you out, for God's sake.
00:49:12Because the weekend comes quickly.
00:49:14There I will be with the improper punctuality.
00:49:16Enjoy this Saturday with Cantinflas
00:49:18with Immediate Delivery
00:49:20and on Sunday, El Patrullero 777
00:49:23with the stars.
00:49:25Wake up with the information you need to start your day.
00:49:30A closer look
00:49:31at the issues that matter to you.
00:49:36Sports, entertainment and the climate.
00:49:39The stories to be told.
00:49:42Wake up Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
00:49:45with the stars.
00:49:47In love, there are emotions that are carried by the tide.
00:49:51I can't stop thinking about you.
00:49:53Stop saying those things, please.
00:49:55My son, where is Aurelio?
00:49:57And others that sink into the depths.
00:49:59Beatriz, he doesn't have a pulse.
00:50:01Are you looking for drama? Here you find it.
00:50:03Do you still feel something for your daughter's father today?
00:50:07Monday to Friday, 8 to 8 p.m.
00:50:09If you don't like something...
00:50:11Are you new?
00:50:15You are not real.
00:50:17He knows how to make you happy.
00:50:19Now we have to keep throwing him water.
00:50:21Very nice.
00:50:23And I didn't wash my face.
00:50:25We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
00:50:27Monday to Friday with the stars.
00:50:30Join us in this story that sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:50:35It's the image of my family, you would never understand it.
00:50:37No, you're the one who doesn't understand it.
00:50:39How can you be so cruel, so selfish?
00:50:42You're going to get it.
00:50:44How do you know?
00:50:46Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:50:48This story sounds to me at full volume.
00:50:50Saturday, 5 p.m.
00:50:52In this family that doesn't fall...
00:50:54Did you throw the administrator down the stairs?
00:50:57Wait a minute.
00:50:59Don't ever do that to me.
00:51:01No, from the fifth floor to the basement.
00:51:04He chokes.
00:51:06Are you okay?
00:51:08Ball, please.
00:51:10We know how to make you laugh with a family of ten.
00:51:13This Sunday, 6.30 p.m.
00:51:15This is third grade sports.
00:51:17Santi Jimenez, who is already a Milan player.
00:51:20Will he have to work more?
00:51:22Well, for me it's a huge step.
00:51:24You get to a place where order is priority.
00:51:27It's a classic for Mexican players.
00:51:29It's very complicated.
00:51:31Third grade sports.
00:51:33Every Monday, when you finish on time.
00:51:35For the stars.
00:51:37Devan and Susana Escobar Basaldua.
00:51:39A girl who went to a party with her friends.
00:51:41She was seen for the last time on the side of a road.
00:51:44They voluntarily leave their home.
00:51:47It always ends up being the victim's fault.
00:51:50What are you wearing, Baras?
00:51:53Premieres this Tuesday, when you finish on time.
00:51:55And from March 6, on VX.
00:51:58The time has come.
00:52:00I assembled the teams.
00:52:02In the stars, Jair, Alexander Hacha, Lucero Mijares, and Maria Leon.
00:52:08And the legends, Yuri, Lucero, Mijares, and Emmanuel.
00:52:14Juego de Voces.
00:52:16Premieres on Sunday, March 16, 9 p.m.
00:52:18For the stars.
00:52:20Everything that happened this week
00:52:22You will find it in the most complete sports program.
00:52:30Detailed reports.
00:52:33And all the news of the day.
00:52:36More sports.
00:52:38This Sunday, at 11 a.m.
00:52:40With the stars.
00:52:42This guest will lose a screw and a tire.
00:52:45Adamari Lopez.
00:52:49Help me get a cat.
00:52:50Brian, go with the lady.
00:52:52Don't you offer him anything else?
00:52:54When I'm in a hurry, I find more crazy people.
00:52:58In Bola de Locos.
00:53:00We know how to make you laugh.
00:53:02Friday at the end of the Noki.
00:53:04Your father sold Alejandro Sanchez Guerra to Rancho La Paz.
00:53:07In those lands, there is a lot of money.
00:53:09What are you going to do with my planting?
00:53:11Do I have to give it to the Esquareños?
00:53:13Are you looking for drama? Here you find it.
00:53:15I'm going to take revenge.
00:53:17A son for a daughter.
00:53:18I don't know what's wrong with me.
00:53:20I can't get you out of my mind.
00:53:22Monday to Friday, 6.30 p.m.
00:53:25I've been looking for you for two years.
00:53:27For a kiss on a plane.
00:53:29Did you think it would have happened between us?
00:53:33Hello, love. What happened?
00:53:35It bothers me that you have a life with her.
00:53:38But you have yours.
00:53:40You can't love two people at the same time.
00:53:42However, here we are.
00:53:49The hottest results in sports.
00:53:56Exclusive interviews.
00:53:58This is a special match for me.
00:54:00Analysis and opinions.
00:54:02Contact Deportivo.
00:54:04Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 11.30 p.m.
00:54:07With the stars.
00:54:09This is third grade sports.
00:54:11Santi Jimenez, who is already a Milan player.
00:54:14Will he have to work more?
00:54:15Well, for me, it's a huge step.
00:54:17You get to a place where order is priority.
00:54:20Getting a classic for Mexican players is very complicated.
00:54:24Third grade sports.
00:54:26Every Monday, when you finish on time.
00:54:28By the stars.
00:54:30Join us in this story.
00:54:32It sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:54:34It's the image of my family.
00:54:36You would never understand it.
00:54:38No, the one who doesn't understand it is you.
00:54:40How can you be so cruel? So selfish?
00:54:42You're going to get it.
00:54:43How do you know?
00:54:45Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:54:47This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:55:13It's the image of my family.
00:55:15How do you know?
00:55:17Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:55:19This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:55:21How do you know?
00:55:23Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:55:25This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:55:27How do you know?
00:55:29Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:55:31This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:55:33How do you know?
00:55:35Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:55:37This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:55:39How do you know?
00:55:41Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:55:43This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:55:45How do you know?
00:55:47Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:55:49This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:55:51How do you know?
00:55:53Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:55:55This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:55:57How do you know?
00:55:59Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:56:01This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:56:03How do you know?
00:56:05Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:56:07This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:56:09How do you know?
00:56:11Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:56:13This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:56:15How do you know?
00:56:17Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:56:19This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:56:21How do you know?
00:56:23Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:56:25This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:56:27How do you know?
00:56:29Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:56:31This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:56:33How do you know?
00:56:35Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:56:37This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:56:39How do you know?
00:56:41Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:56:43This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:56:45How do you know?
00:56:47Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:56:49This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:56:51How do you know?
00:56:53Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:56:55This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:56:57How do you know?
00:56:59Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:57:01This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:57:03How do you know?
00:57:05Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:57:07This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:57:09How do you know?
00:57:11Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:57:13This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:57:15How do you know?
00:57:17Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:57:19This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:57:21How do you know?
00:57:23Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:57:25This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:57:27How do you know?
00:57:29Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:57:31This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:57:33How do you know?
00:57:35Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:57:37This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:57:39How do you know?
00:57:41Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:57:43This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:57:45How do you know?
00:57:47Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:57:49This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:57:51How do you know?
00:57:53Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:57:55This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:57:57How do you know?
00:57:59Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:58:01This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:03How do you know?
00:58:05Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:58:07This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:09How do you know?
00:58:11Because I trust you with my eyes closed.
00:58:13This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:15This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:17This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:19This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:21This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:23This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:25This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:27This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:29This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:31This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:33This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:35This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:37This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:39This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:41This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:43This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:45This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:47This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:49This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:51This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:53This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:55This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:57This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:58:59This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:01This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:03This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:05This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:07This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:09This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:11This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:13This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:15This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:17This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:19This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:21This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:23This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:25This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:27This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:29This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:31This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:33This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:35This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:37This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:39This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:41This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:43This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:45This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:47This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:49This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:51This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:53This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:55This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:57This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
00:59:59This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:00:03This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:05This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:07This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:09This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:11This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:13This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:15This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:17This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:19This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:21This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:23This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:25This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:27This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:29This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:31This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:33This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:35This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:37This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:39This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:00:47This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:49This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:51This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:53This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:55This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:57This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:00:59This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:01This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:03This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:05This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:01:11This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:13This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:15This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:17This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:01:21This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:23This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:25This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:27This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:29This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:31This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:01:33This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:02:03This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:02:05This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:02:11This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:02:15This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:02:17This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:02:55This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:03:01This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:03:03This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:03:05This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:03:07This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:03:57This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:03:59This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:01This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:03This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:05This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:07This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:09This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:11This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:13This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:15This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:17This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:19This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:21This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:04:31This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
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01:04:37This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:39This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:41This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:43This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:45This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:47This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:49This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:51This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:53This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:55This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:57This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:04:59This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:05:01This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:05:03This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:05:05This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:05:07This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:05:09This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:05:11This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:05:13This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:05:15This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:05:17This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
01:05:19This story sounds to me at full volume on Saturdays.
