• last month
00:00Thank you, David. Yes, I wanted to take you through so you can actually visualise and
00:04see and understand the types of information that's important to disabled people when looking
00:09at where they want to visit. And that's the information that we're capturing on our detailed
00:13access guides. First of all, just to show you how people find that information on our
00:18website, standard search engine, you type in what you're looking for. It's really simple
00:23and familiar to use for everybody. And I also just wanted to let you know about this great
00:28accessibility tool, Recite Me, that we've got all of our guides. But the key thing here
00:34is that all the guides can be viewed in Welsh. So to show you one of our access guides, we've
00:41done this recently for them. And it's exactly the type of guide that we propose to create
00:47for you as well. So you can see this is the beginning of the page. And then if you click
00:52Review Accessible Symbols, it just gives you a quick symbol reference if there's something
00:57specific that you're looking for that you need. It will show it there. And then as you
01:01scroll down, there's more information involved in that. What we want to do is take you through
01:09a journey through all the different types of the areas of the building. For many people
01:14looking at this guide for the club, it'd be the first time they've visited the club. So
01:19we want to make sure we're capturing everything in every part of the club that they would
01:23be going to. So this one, car parking. My son is physically disabled and car parking
01:29is an absolute nightmare for us on a regular basis. And this one, this is perfect for us.
01:34We can see that there's the hatching on either side. It's quite tricky to kind of get him
01:39out the car. This one, there's the space to do that. Equally so, we have to open the boot
01:44and pull a lot of equipment out. And by having the hatching at the back, it means you're
01:48not worried about traffic coming into you. So already you feel comfortable using this
01:52space. What we can also see is that it's concrete tarmac, a nice hard service. Sometimes if
01:59it's gravel or wood chipping, it can be more difficult for him to get across that. So again,
02:03we can see that that's easy for him to manoeuvre. And we can also see it's right by the club.
02:08So it's not going to be a long walk for him. And so you can just see already that that
02:12car park is something that would actually really fit and suit for his particular disability.
02:19Then the entrance, how do you actually get into that clubhouse? Sometimes this can be
02:24a barrier. Maybe there's a couple of doors and the first one you get to doesn't necessarily
02:29work brilliantly for your disability. There is another one round the corner. So if you
02:33know about that beforehand, you can have a look and say, actually, this isn't a barrier
02:36to me. There is another one round the corner. This door is great. It's step-free access
02:43and importantly, the doors open inwards, which means a wheelchair user can push through the
02:48doors. So already that's some information that they know that they would be able to
02:53get through and they're not having to try and open it towards them. In addition to that,
02:57as well as the images and the text, you can click on the images and it brings that up
03:02so you can really see that doorway. So you can see for yourself that there's no step,
03:07there's no lip. That space is straight from the patio into there. And it's something that
03:12just reassures you that the information that you're getting is correct by enabling to see
03:16it yourself. Then the bar, the function room, the space where you're going to spend time.
03:23It's not just important for the rugby matches, but for any private hire, any functions, anytime
03:28that you're using that space, you can provide the access guides and people can have a look
03:31at that area beforehand. So for the bar, for example, you can see the three different
03:36areas in this guide that we've captured. Now, where is the bar? Where is this function room?
03:40How do I pay? Where do I sit? All sorts of information that you need to consider. And
03:45then when you click on each of the options and you expand that, that's where the more
03:50detail is in. So for example, on this one, it's offering table service, which basically
03:55means somebody will come to you and take your order. Many bars are not going to have a lower
04:01section just by the very nature. And so when it's got a high section, it can present a bit
04:06of a difficulty for somebody to order at that bar. So by knowing that you can sit at your table
04:12and someone will take your order, will bring you your drink, you can pay at that table,
04:17that really opens up you being able to use that bar. And if you haven't seen anyone else doing
04:22it, or you don't have a knowledge that that service is available, you're possibly not going
04:27to ask for it. If you know the service is there, you know you can ask for it. And that's really
04:32going to make sure that you can use it and that enjoys your day more rather than there being
04:36anxiety about how do I actually order this? How do I enjoy this? How everybody else is.
04:41Then how do you watch the game? And this I'm taking the outside seating area and the text
04:46says it's got step free access. So you know, as a wheelchair user, I can actually go from that
04:51bar from this room onto that viewing area because you're there to watch the game. And also you can
04:57by looking at that larger image again, have a look at the surface. The surface is concrete,
05:02tarmac, you know, a hard surface. It's likely as a wheelchair user, you would be able to bring
05:07your wheelchair out there. Now you may not be able to transfer from your wheelchair to the picnic
05:13bench. You know, there's plenty of space around there, there's sufficient space so that you can
05:18come and bring your wheelchair next to your friends, your family, whoever it is that you are
05:22visiting the club with. And you can be with them, you can enjoy that game with the people that you
05:27want to. You can also see how close it is to the pitch so you know that if you go to this club,
05:32you will be able to be in this particular spot and you will be able to see the game.
05:36What we're also going to do is have a look at the pitch itself. You know, how do I get closer to the
05:42game? Maybe I don't want to say, but maybe I want to walk up and down as the game moves up and down.
05:47I want to be able to do that with it. Here there's a tarmac, there's concrete, it's not gravel,
05:52it's not the wood chipping. I know that I can move up and down that space really easily and that's
05:57how I want to enjoy the game and that makes that possible for you. So it's really about opening up
06:02and then being able to enjoy it the same way that somebody else may be able to.
06:06Toilets. This is a really, really key area for most people, particularly when there's food and drink
06:14involved. You want to be able to look at beforehand and know there is an accessible toilet, there's a
06:19toilet that works for me. I can order a drink, I can order food, I can stay there for a length of
06:24time. My son, as I mentioned, is disabled and he can use walking sticks for short distance. So
06:30if there is a handrail on either side of the toilet, he can bring that handrail down, he can
06:35walk up, he can put the walking sticks in between so that they're safe, they're not going to fall
06:39down for him and he can use that toilet independently. As an 11 year old, that's, you know, something he's
06:46really wanting to do more and more and I could be comfortable that he can go there and be safe
06:50and use independently. Being safe and independent is so important for anybody, particularly for a mum
06:58to know that your kid is safe. If it's not there, it's not a problem. I can help him but I like to
07:05know what's going to be there. I like to know what to expect. I like to know that I can with confidence
07:09can say, yes Sebby, you can go ahead. So by having that information, by having the pictures, by having
07:15that detail allows us to know how to use the toilet, know how to be more confident, independent
07:20and stay longer. And again, if you click on the different aspects there, the location, the
07:26dimensions, all of that information comes through and you can see the amount of information that
07:30we're capturing that to cover all types of different disabilities and how they use that toilet.
07:36Additionally, it's important that we capture all the different areas. It's not just the spectator,
07:41it's not just the private function visitor, it's about the players coming as well.
07:47Often people think about wheelchair, you know, somebody's not going to be coming and playing
07:50wheelchair, but what about somebody with neurodiversity? Somebody with autism may want
07:56to have a look at the guides beforehand and they can picture what the changing room looks like,
07:59they can picture what the club entrance looks like and therefore they have more confidence
08:04when turning up. We'd also do any additional rooms, so anything like a gym, any other function
08:10rooms that you may have, covering any areas that anybody will go, we'd make sure that those areas
08:15are covered. And then finally, I just want to talk about other features that we feel are important.
08:21People will have certain aspects that they want to look for. So, for example,
08:25seating and then on the search easy guide, you can type that word in. On the left hand side,
08:30you can see each different area of that club. It will highlight where there is seating for you
08:36and then on the right hand side, it will highlight that word. So, I know if I want to find seating,
08:41it will show me where that word is and I can find the particular information that I'm looking for
08:46in regards to that. Also, we've got some things changed and this is about making sure the access
08:51guide is kept as up to date as possible. And so, what would happen is you click the button,
08:56you fill out a form quickly and it gets through to our partnership team. They would verify with
09:01you about the changes and then we would change that on your access guide. If it's something
09:07simple, we'd change the text. If it's something more complicated, like you've got two handrails
09:16now on the toilet and you want to take a new photo of that to show that that's on there,
09:20you can take a photo, you can send that through to us. We would make that change and therefore,
09:25the access guides are as up to date as possible and you know information that you are providing
09:31to any disabled person, any visitor, any spectator, any player that wants to come to your
09:37club, they can have a look and they know that information is up to date and they can attend
09:41with as much confidence and enjoy it as possible. So, I hope you are as excited about kind of the
09:47information that we're gathering there as I am and I will pass you back to David.