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Young Pallant Artists are showing their work in a special exhibition free to visit in the Print Room at Chichester’s Pallant House Gallery running until April 20.


00:00Good afternoon, my name is Phil Hewitt, Group Arts Editor at Six Newspapers, and I'm really
00:06lovely to talk about a significant exhibition that's just up and running at Pallant Hills
00:10Gallery in Chichester, Young Pallant Artists. It's select screen prints running until April
00:1620th. Now, Emily, you're one of the community managers for the whole thing, and Hannah,
00:21you are one of four participating artists. And it's a group of artists who perhaps need
00:26a little bit more support to access art, to participate in art. And you were saying
00:30that through your membership of this group over a couple of years now, you have gained
00:35so much, haven't you? How's it changed you? What's this group, the Young Pallant Artists,
00:40what has it given you, would you say? Firstly, it's given me a community, and all of us are
00:48just, we get on really well, and to create art with other people is a really special
00:54experience, and you really get to know people, and it's quite a vulnerable experience too.
01:02And you kind of let a side show that you might not in everyday life. So I think the community
01:09has been just incredible, but also the opportunities that the gallery provides for us.
01:15Multiple people have had their work displayed in the gallery, and now we've curated this
01:20exhibition together. And Hannah, you said a really interesting thing just now, that
01:25participating in art allows you to cut out the noise, to stop the noise of whatever's going on
01:30in your mind, in your life. That's crucial, isn't it? To find a place where you can focus
01:35and find peace. Yeah, I think you could describe it as a digital detox type thing.
01:43All in favour of that. It is, yeah, yeah. And even, you can use technology to assist you in art, but
01:51I think people do find, because everyone is from a different background there, and
01:55they need, everyone needs that space to think for themselves. And maybe that's,
02:02that art's centred around their hobby, or difficulties they might have gone through,
02:07and that's, it's just an amazing way to express all of those feelings and let them out, but at
02:11the same time just switch them off. There's a bit of both, I would say. That sounds brilliant.
02:16There's just so much noise, isn't there, from the digital world. It's so insistent,
02:20but to be in your own mind in a safe space, finding peace through art.
02:25And tell me about the themes, what's covered in this exhibition?
02:30The themes, so it's all about human nature and how we might approach problems in different ways.
02:41So we have some kind of pieces about technology and how we've progressed as humans, but maybe
02:51that might not be a good thing. There are some things, you know, with the environment.
02:55So it's asking questions about what are we really, as humans, how are we kind of
03:05looking to the past, and what do we think about that, and how are we also looking forwards,
03:10and what does that mean for us? It sounds fantastic. And Emily,
03:15you must be a really, I don't know what the word is, must be a really gratifying, satisfying,
03:20enjoyable thing to take part in, to facilitate, and you must feel great pride in your artists.
03:28Definitely. It's been a fantastic journey. We started this project about a year ago,
03:33and I think we've all really learned from each other. It's been, everyone's working alongside
03:39each other. They've had fantastic conversations, and just sharing the collection as well,
03:44things that are normally kind of hidden away. The young people in the group have been able to
03:48really be involved in the kind of behind the scenes, and what we do at the gallery,
03:52selecting artworks, making all those decisions about essentially what the viewer sees. So it's
03:59been great. It really does sound great. And it meets every week on a Thursday, 4.30 to 6 o'clock,
04:06did you say? And you have vacancies, don't you, Emily? Who would benefit most by becoming a young
04:12talent artist, do you think? Yeah, so anyone between the ages of 18 to 30, who feels that
04:19they need a bit of extra support to join in a creative workshop. That could be for many different
04:25reasons. It could be disability, mental health, absolutely anything. Maybe someone's a bit
04:30isolated. Just come and have a chat with us, and we can tell you more, and you'd be very welcome.
04:36But just come and find you at the gallery and talk them through.
04:40You can then email us. Brilliant. Well, the exhibition, the Screenprints
04:44exhibition, continues until 8.20. Lovely to speak to you again, Emily, and Hannah,
04:49congratulations on being part of it. Thank you very much indeed.
04:51Thank you. Thank you.
