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UAE residents speak about their country on National Day. With National Day upon us,Gulf News chats to UAE residents about how they enjoy life in the Emirates.
00:31What do you think about the UAE?
00:34UAE is a good country. We are all happy here.
00:38I was born in Abu Dhabi and I've been living here in UAE for my whole life.
00:43It's like my mother country. I really like it so much and I really enjoy life here.
00:49Actually it's not so bad. At first I came here it was a little bit boring to be honest.
00:54Because it's really hard to go from one place to another.
00:56But then once you get to know it, it's really fun. Everything you need is provided.
01:03They gave us land, passports, help, everything. We are happy to see it.
01:12Dubai is very nice. People are very nice. Business is very nice.
01:18It's amazing how much construction is going on. It's very exciting to be here.
01:23People from all over the world, great food.
01:24If you had to sum up the UAE in one word, what would it be?
01:28It would be friendly.
01:31Fabulous. Never ending.
01:33Fun. Happiness. Progress.
01:35Modern. Opportunity. Surprising.
01:38Money. It seems like there is a lot of money here.
