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Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, Una Healy and Steph McGovern are starring alongside a shed load of celebrities in the brand new Netflix show, Celebrity Bear Hunt.

Laurence reflects on his near-death experience, says he doesn't want his family seeing him like that on TV and they reveal something VERY naughty that Shirley Ballas said to them!

Celebrity Bear Hunt is streaming now on Netflix. Report by Jonesl. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00Mel B snores like this. She goes, zig-a-zig-a.
00:03I still can't believe she said that.
00:05I mean, if nothing else, we're beginning to panic. They'd have to have a week of Memorial
00:09Changing Rooms programmes.
00:10Look at this. Absolutely beautiful, you three. I feel like, have you been a little bit influenced
00:15by this guy with your patterns and your colours?
00:18He pinched my shirt.
00:19I used to wear Lawrence's shirt in...
00:21Yeah, you did.
00:22Well, the thing is, see, I had a bit of a mole in the costume camp, so I ended up taking
00:27quite a lot of my own stuff.
00:29Of course he did. And I'm surprised that you made your own stuff as well.
00:32Well, no, exactly. Can't keep me down. And yeah, we did a bit of sharing, weren't we?
00:38Yeah, I mean, I was obsessed with your shirts.
00:40Danny was always after my moisturiser.
00:42Well, can you believe the poster and all the different faces on it? It's just nuts. You
00:47can't even really make it up. Did you know what you can let yourself in for?
00:52Well, no, but I mean, that's the great thing, and that's the great thing about us being
00:55the first to have done it, is that they can describe it on paper. It can come to you via
01:02your age and all this kind of stuff. But actually, we're the first and we pushed that boundary
01:07and it happened around us. And it was wonderful, because particularly if you've been in television
01:13quite a long time, to actually get that sense that absolutely everybody involved was listening
01:19to what was going on and changing it slightly. And it became terribly exciting, I think.
01:22Danny said it was like the Truman Show.
01:24It was a bit.
01:25You forget and suddenly you're like, eh, and you look at the camera.
01:29That took a while to get used to, being mic'd up and the cameras on you 24-7. We were in
01:34the bear pit and we had these big cameras attached to us.
01:37Do you not normally have one of those? I have one of those going round Lidl.
01:40I was thinking that would be my worst nightmare, that angle.
01:43Yeah, I know what that angle is.
01:45Yeah, but you see, the thing is, that's the secret when you get on telly. Never care about
01:48what you look like, because you're going to see yourself from as many different, unflattering
01:52angles as you possibly can. And I'm on the side of a bus stormy as well.
01:55Well, I'm just happy that you're alive, Lawrence.
01:57Well, I know, right?
01:58Are you okay?
01:59I mean, so is the entire nation. I mean, if nothing else, we're beginning to panic that
02:02they'd have to have a week of Memorial Changing Rooms programmes. No, I'm bouncy. I'm very
02:08bouncy. I mean, you know, I bounced out of it quite quickly, to be honest. I mean, it
02:12really just was a complete testament to, you know, you should actually not wind up a 60-year-old
02:19grandfather and, you know, let him loose. Push him off a speedboat, because awful things
02:25happen to him. You know, anyone sane would have just kind of been a limp. Actually, to
02:29be fair, when I did then do the bear pit the next day, it was the best bear pit I've ever
02:34done, because I slowed down a little bit and I just sort of thought about what was going
02:38on, rather than running like a rhino at every challenge, which is exactly what I was doing.
02:42Yeah, but it didn't stop you from going to the toilet, did it?
02:44Oh, no, I know.
02:45Having a wee break.
02:46But I mean, I'm so cross about that, because I am literally, I inhabit a family, I inhabit
02:51many generations of weak-bladdered descendants, and I'm always the one that's like, oh, do
02:56we have to stop the car again? But there is this thing that you can get called Gatorade.
03:01You've entered your weak-bladder phase?
03:02No, no, it's not since. No, it's bloody Gatorade. And as she said, I've now completely and utterly
03:07ruined any kind of commercial relationship I might have had with. Although I think tenner
03:11man pants might want to be in touch.
03:13Why not?
03:14I want to be the face of male incontinence.
03:16Put that somewhere on the side of a bus, there you go.
03:19Absolutely, can you imagine? Our new brand ambassador, Wee Wee Lawrence.
03:23You talk about all of these challenges, and you're talking about animals. I think my biggest
03:26challenge would be sleeping in a room with a load of, a Spice Girl, for God's sake.
03:30I know.
03:31The first Wimbledon youngest girl. That would be my biggest fear.
03:34Yeah, well, you see Mel B snores like this, she goes...
03:38So now we know where it goes.
03:39It was this surreal thing.
03:40Very surreal, yeah. There's no way you can naturally just feel, yeah, this is casual,
03:43this is cool.
03:44The thing is, to me, it just felt like a school trip, but we're just much older and it's pretty
03:48crazy for you.
03:49It did at the beginning, but as the days went on, that all went out the window. We did get
03:53used to it. We adapted really quickly to a completely different environment worlds away.
03:58Astonishingly quickly, and I think, again, surely this is Bear's mission, is the fact
04:02that actually even the most pampered individuals on the planet, even us show ponies, if we're
04:08let loose in the wild, will revert very quickly into successful human beings, into human animals
04:14that can actually cope with the wild, and I think it's a very empowering thing to have
04:19And I also think the sleeping, we didn't take ourselves too seriously, so I found myself
04:22giggling like a child every night because I would look across, and as you said, I had
04:27a Spice Girl on one side, Boris Becker on the other, and then in front of me was Lauren
04:31Swen and Boyne, who looked like Henry VIII in wording.
04:34No, she said I looked like dead king.
04:37Yeah, you did look like a dead king.
04:38You know, with all the drapery and everything like that.
04:40It was so funny.
04:41You didn't look like anything. You wanted to look like a dead king, don't you?
04:43Fine. I'll take that.
04:44So every night I went to bed giggling, just like this is-
04:47Oh, you were a nightmare!
04:48I know.
04:49And you wouldn't stop as well. You'd be going like this, and then they'd be quiet, and then
04:53you'd go-
04:54And it all starts off again.
04:56But I mean, you obviously are an amazing singer. We love everything you've done. Having Mel
05:01B there, she's my idol, right?
05:04How did you feel being surrounded by someone that invented girl power? That is huge. In
05:10fact, she's still going. She's still so open and honest. Did you learn much from someone
05:14like Mel?
05:15Yeah, well, she really inspired me in lots of ways. Obviously, she came from the Spice
05:18Girls, and I even said to her, I wasn't a poster girl as a child, but I had a poster
05:22of the Spice Girls on my wall. But it's amazing how quickly- I was starstruck when I met her
05:27first, but I just got to know everyone on a human level. And it just was so cool to
05:33feel so normal around these people, like I was. And I'm very quiet for the first couple
05:37of days. I was very shy. And then I opened up and got used to it, you know?
05:41At least you didn't shut up.
05:43I'll never forget one of my moments where I was like, this has pinched me, was singing
05:47Wannabe with Mel. It's just me and her in the bedroom, because I wanted to know the
05:53exact lyrics again of her bit.
05:57And I was like, I'm actually doing this. And then I got to do her hair in the Spice
06:02World movie style as well.
06:03In the Spice Buns?
06:05Oh my goodness. That's thanks to you.
06:09Yeah, it looks so good.
06:10It's so good.
06:11Poor Mel. She was like your girl's world.
06:15But I also thought all the mix of personalities really worked, and Steph, you're such an amazing
06:19journalist getting the best out of people, and you really did. And everyone was so vulnerable.
06:23It was so nice to see that everyone's just really normal.
06:26Yes, they were.
06:27You guys were as well.
06:28That's what it felt like, didn't it?
06:29What it was, what was really, really affirmed was the fact that everyone's got their own
06:32normality, because actually there wasn't a level line that we were all on. Some were
06:37super weird, some were very friendly, but actually we were all who we were. And I think
06:42that's another thing that I think the viewer will really take home from this, is the fact
06:45that actually everybody is totally different, even celebrities. Even celebrities, when you
06:51get inside the real person, they're not going to be different. And I think the secret was
06:57the fact that actually we're all very genuine. I don't know what the collective noun for
07:04celebrities is, but whatever that is, we were people that had all done our own thing in
07:11our own fields and achieved an enormous amount.
07:14But there were some that were slower, some that were faster, some that were quieter,
07:17some that were more out there. But actually, it was lovely discovering what made them special.
07:25Yeah. Just the real stuff about what people's life are like in real life. You know like
07:30Shirley Ballas, where you see her looking immaculate every single week on Strictly.
07:35And then to see her do the washing up and chat about what it was like when she was the
07:39world champion.
07:40And talk about her beef curtains.
07:41Oh, I can't believe you just drew that in.
07:44I walked into that and I thought this was a furnishing conversation. I literally thought
07:49we were talking about helmets. It was only halfway through that, and then it started
07:53backing out.
07:54I still can't believe she said that. And then I got asked about it in the cabin room, where
08:00we get asked about the day. And then they were like, how did it feel when Shirley started
08:04talking about her beef curtains? And I was like, what?
08:06What, you heard that?
08:08Are we still talking about this?
08:11But wasn't it wonderful to see Shirley so vulnerable as well? She's conquered her fears
08:16of heights. How are you guys in that on day one?
08:19I think particularly for someone like Shirley, because it is all about the immaculate front,
08:24isn't it? It's all about that implacable head charge on Strictly. You never really meet
08:30the real Shirley inside.
08:32But you danced as well, didn't you?
08:34Yes, she did. She did a dance class.
08:36That was amazing.
08:37You loved that, didn't you?
08:38But you've got some cooking from Zoo. You've got some singing from Una and obviously from
08:42Mel. Interior?
08:45No, so I made a sundial, which you won't see.
08:48Yes, he made a sundial.
08:49Yes, I hear.
08:50We didn't know what time it was.
08:51Yeah. And luckily, having been brought up in the Renaissance, I can remember how you
08:55do that. And it was rather lovely as well. I borrowed an eyeliner off Mel and did beautiful
08:59Roman numerals. But of course, it was our secret. I'm sure the crew knew all about it.
09:04Was it accurate?
09:05Pretty accurate, actually. No, it was. And again, it was a bit cheap, but actually it
09:11was quite nice that we had something that the crew didn't have, didn't know about,
09:17and we knew something.
09:18It's like nasty Nick from Big Brother all over again.
09:20Yeah, I know. I know. Exactly. Flamboyant Lawrence.
09:24So this is the next sponsor deal, right?
09:26No, my own range of sundials. On it. On it now. We're doing it. Yeah, definitely.
09:31So when you got put through this, did you guys come out stronger? How do you feel now?
09:35Are you pleased you did it?
09:36Oh, so happy I did it.
09:37Oh, I'm so pleased we did it.
09:38I would do it again. I loved it.
09:40Would you?
09:41Yeah, I would do it. I would do it again, but I would want it to be different because
09:46it was the unknown that I loved about it. It was the first of its kind. Couldn't watch
09:51previous series to see how people did it or have any game plan. Just went in there. Everyone
09:55was on level playing field. And I would do it again, but it would have to be very different.
10:00You said about the kids, you really want to make them proud.
10:03What are you going to do? Sit them down? Are they going to binge it?
10:06Well, you can binge it. You can binge it. Yeah, they will watch it. When they heard
10:10it was Netflix and Bear Grylls, they're like, you have to do it.
10:12I guess they know that you're alive.
10:14They know how it's going to end.
10:16Yeah, because my dad was really stressed about it.
10:18My mother was as well.
10:19Yeah, and I didn't tell him I was doing it beforehand because he's always like, please
10:23don't do any show.
10:24Did you tell him, I'm actually on my five for two weeks.
10:27And he saw a piece in the papers the other day and he rang me and he was like, are you
10:31alright? And I'm like, dad, you've seen me since several times.
10:34Oh no, I've seen him that whole time. It's just like, I understand there was something.
10:37I think your family seeing you in that vulnerable state is really emotionally crying.
10:41I'm not sure whether mine are going to do that. I mean, Jackie said that she doesn't
10:45really want to see my lips that colour. But you know, it's, yeah, I mean, it was something
10:53that I think we're all unbelievably proud of having done. And also something that, you
10:58know, this is what he's for is to actually show people, no matter how looked after they
11:07are, that actually you can be an animal. You can actually survive on an animalistic level.
11:13Danny says he wants to throw himself out of a plane now. You guys got a new lease of life
11:17of scary stuff.
11:18We'll support that.
11:19Go Danny!
11:20I think it's like that though you think you wouldn't do. When you come to it, you just
11:25throw yourself into it and you love it. Like, we jumped off a cliff into like a river with
11:30crocodiles in.
11:31Swam with crocodiles.
11:32We were like full on at the best time.
11:34It felt like such a big adventure. It really did. It was kind of like, a good way to describe
11:39it I think is elements of sort of Big Brother slash Hunger Games, you know?
11:45He can't make this up, can he? He's absolutely nuts. And now he's sitting in a hotel room
11:49I know, right? I know.
11:51Thank you so much, guys. I really did love it.
11:53Love to see you.
