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Kola Bokinni, Lottie Moss and Joe Thomas are starring alongside a shed load of celebrities in the brand new Netflix show, Celebrity Bear Hunt.

They reveal their struggles whilst in the jungle, they told us all about Boris Becker sending them to sleep, how he was their therapist and how much taking part has affected their lives.

Celebrity Bear Hunt is streaming now on Netflix. Report by Jonesl. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00If you go to the Costa Rican jungle, you're still getting in-betweeners quotes.
00:03I know, innit?
00:04It was like a bubble. It was surreal.
00:06But, you know, also we were fighting for our lives.
00:08Comedy is full of incredibly frail kind of mental...
00:13I think you three could be a little pop thing.
00:15Have you tried singing together? Have you tried your harmonies?
00:17We did a talent show.
00:18Oh, we did, didn't we?
00:20There was... I didn't sing in that, but...
00:23None of us sang, did we?
00:24Oh, no, Una sang.
00:25Una sang.
00:26Um, yeah.
00:28Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.
00:29We did improvisation.
00:30We did.
00:31We did a bit of singing together, actually, like when we've had music.
00:36Yeah. Yeah, that was weird.
00:38Was it weird singing in front of a Spice Girl?
00:40Or is that just normal now?
00:41I mean, she was very judgmental, you know?
00:44I will say the level of dancing was, like, too high for my liking.
00:48Like, I'm a really... There was one night where we were all dancing, like...
00:51These were all these professional, like, musicians who were, like...
00:54You've got some hips.
00:55You've got some...
00:56He's got moves.
00:57I've been known to dabble.
00:58Yeah, it was a mixture of people who were, like, just really good at dancing
01:03and then, in some cases, literally professional dancers,
01:05and then just, like, me.
01:06I was, like...
01:08Although Big Zoo said that you were the best bit about the whole show.
01:11Oh, that's really...
01:12Oh, that's nice of him.
01:13Because he just kept saying in-betweeners lines the whole time.
01:15Was he really annoying because of that?
01:16No, I mean, it was quite good.
01:17I mean, I had a lot of credit with Zoo because of being in the in-betweeners,
01:20but, I mean, things like...
01:22Yeah, a lot of chips.
01:24But, like, it's not really...
01:26Like, the time of in-betweeners is not a good companion to have with you
01:30in, like, what is a sort of semi-military situation.
01:33So I don't know whether he'd kind of thought it through, but...
01:36Yeah, he said that he was, the whole time, just repeating lines,
01:39bus wanker, all of it.
01:40Yeah, yeah.
01:41No, it's amazing.
01:42He was, he was, he was.
01:43It was a lot of that.
01:44No, I was telling him to, like, calm down.
01:45Why not?
01:47Because Jon's, like, so polite, like, it's like, after a while...
01:49I like that even if you go to the Costa Rican jungle,
01:51you're still getting in-betweeners quotes.
01:53I know, innit?
01:54Shout at you.
01:55In a bad mood like that.
01:56Oh, like, Carly.
01:58Oh, no.
02:00Yeah, he did tell me about that as well.
02:01Also, how lucky are you that you ended up, right,
02:04in the middle of nowhere with a blooming chef?
02:06I know.
02:07I know.
02:08It was ideal.
02:09No, no, no.
02:10Who's got his cookbook?
02:11I don't think we actually understand how lucky we were.
02:14It would have been shambles.
02:17No, no, no.
02:18Imagine Lottie on the ones on pizza.
02:19Me hungry, babe.
02:20You don't want to see that.
02:21I bet you're good at beans on toast.
02:22I mean, barely even that, my love.
02:24Honestly, I'll probably burn that still.
02:26He said his biggest regret from the show was you guys cooked one night.
02:31That was...
02:32As in, his regret was that we didn't cook more?
02:34He should never have done it.
02:35Oh, he should never have cooked.
02:36Yeah, okay.
02:37No, because he did end up then doing it every night,
02:39because it wasn't meant to be him every night.
02:41It was just that it ended up being him every night.
02:43I love it.
02:45And when you saw this poster when you signed up for it,
02:47were you like, what?
02:49I've got the first...
02:50A 15-year-old Wimbledon winner.
02:52The woman that invented girl powder.
02:54Yeah, yeah.
02:55I've got the incredible champion dancer.
02:57And the new three, obviously.
02:58What a line-up.
02:59Were you just like, what is going on?
03:01Yeah, it was...
03:02I did think...
03:03Big mix of people, but it actually worked really well.
03:06We all got along really well, to be honest.
03:08We're lucky in that, I think.
03:09Yeah, and I think you're going to help a lot of people, guys,
03:12watching this, because you all opened up really naturally,
03:15and I can't tell you what it meant to see you vulnerable.
03:19And I think we'll see you on your shows,
03:21and see you on your social media,
03:23and it's so nice to see a normal side.
03:25How did you feel?
03:26It was that bit Truman Show.
03:27That's what Danny was saying.
03:28The cameras were there, and he felt that was really difficult.
03:31It was Hunger Games, Truman Show.
03:33It was like a bubble.
03:35It was surreal.
03:36But also, we were fighting for our lives.
03:39On a daily basis.
03:41And, you know, it was hot, and we were sweaty.
03:45Yeah, you forget about the cameras, though.
03:46Yeah, you forget about your cameras after a while,
03:48but then, you know, you're trying to be good,
03:50but then you realise, like, I can't make a fire.
03:52And I think part of being good at the challenges
03:55is, like, not to be really pretentious,
03:57but it is partly about, like, recognising your own vulnerabilities
04:00and, like, trying to kind of address them a bit.
04:02And you are in there for a long time.
04:04I think, like, leaning on other people, you kind of learn,
04:06and you don't have to take it all on yourself.
04:09Especially in the challenges, like, we had to kind of, like,
04:12learn that, like, right, this challenge isn't going to work
04:14if I just do it myself.
04:16At the beginning, I think we all kind of tried to just do it ourselves.
04:19And then, at the end, we realised, like, actually,
04:21you have to work together.
04:22Otherwise, you can't do any of the challenges.
04:24So, like, I think a lot, like, for a lot of us,
04:26you kind of just want to, like, get it done yourself,
04:28and you're like, I know how to do it best.
04:30But then you realise, like, actually, these other people in my team
04:32actually are really good at this and really good at this.
04:34Yeah, exactly.
04:36And knowing your strengths, because I had to know mine
04:38because I didn't have any.
04:40I saw your race goals as well.
04:42You've got some strength. You've got some strength.
04:44I mean, yeah, yeah, you know, yeah.
04:46And then, yeah, everyone else is good at stuff.
04:48And I think it's really interesting that, you know,
04:50you're a comedian, Joe, and you make everyone laugh,
04:52but you were really honest and open about anxiety,
04:54talking to a therapist, missing your family.
04:56Yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:57Like, I don't think people are going to expect that.
04:59And it's amazing.
05:00Oh, my goodness.
05:01I mean, comedy is full of incredibly frail kind of mental friends of mine.
05:06I mean, like, it's...
05:07But a comedy, to me, is, like, is all about vulnerability, really.
05:12I think it's the...
05:18I mean, there's something about...
05:19There's a connection between vulnerability and authenticity,
05:21and there's a connection between authenticity and being funny.
05:24And I think that it's all kind of part of the same thing.
05:26Yeah, I did feel...
05:28It was difficult being away from my family.
05:30Like, I speak to my partner, Hannah, like, every day.
05:34I mean, I sometimes think her job is basically to, like,
05:37sort of, like, listen to my neurotic monologues.
05:42And it's not a job she's necessarily entirely...
05:46She didn't necessarily know that was the gig.
05:49And it's not the only part of the gig.
05:51And a free gig.
05:52Yeah, it's a free gig for no money.
05:54She didn't pay for me.
05:55It's every day, there's no money, it's quite hard.
05:59But, yeah, you do have to...
06:01You're kind of...
06:02You have to sort of self-therapise to a certain extent.
06:06And, actually, that is, like, it's quite challenging
06:10just because of the length of time you're in there for
06:12and, yeah, not being able to be in connection
06:14with the people who support you on the outside.
06:16I did find that difficult.
06:17Do you feel stronger now that you've done that?
06:20Yeah, I did some chin-ups.
06:24And, Lussie, you were really honest about it as well.
06:26And I loved...
06:27It sounds awful, but I loved the moment
06:29that you just kind of let yourself go.
06:31And everyone around the table was like,
06:32we've been there, we get it.
06:33No, it was really nice to have everyone rally around me.
06:36And I think I'm a person...
06:37I've always been like this where I just...
06:39I was very like my dad in that I was just like...
06:41I've always been like, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
06:43You know, I don't want to come across as, like, weak
06:45or, you know, like, being like a pity party, like, you know.
06:48And then I just kind of think, like,
06:50the more vulnerable I've gotten,
06:51the more I've become, like, actually stronger as a person.
06:54And this definitely, like, I came out of this
06:56and I've definitely changed a lot since coming out of this,
06:59I think it's taught me a lot.
07:01So, yeah, I'm very thankful for Netflix and everyone.
07:05Bear Grylls changed my life. Maybe next book.
07:07Oh, my God, yeah.
07:08Credit to Bear Grylls.
07:09Foreword by Bear Grylls.
07:10I think also just the people inside.
07:13You guys also helped me, you know.
07:14Oh, thanks.
07:15You're feeling good now. You're alright.
07:17Really good, yeah.
07:18I'm so pleased. You look amazing.
07:20And you said about Bear Grylls.
07:22I can't see... Is he just, like, hard man all the time?
07:27Because I feel like he's just a machine.
07:29He's got a sort of...
07:31He's sarcastic as well.
07:32Is he?
07:33No, no.
07:34He's got different modes.
07:35After the first challenge, he was, like, you guys were all awful.
07:40We was, though.
07:41We were.
07:42We were walking around, just talking really loudly,
07:45just in the open, not really making any attempt to hide.
07:49I set off every single chip.
07:52Every one.
07:54I set off every single one.
07:55I was like...
07:56It's not like I was going to, like, boss it.
07:57And you weren't even given a prize for that.
07:58I mean, you got every one.
08:00And you were given no credit.
08:01Do you know what I mean?
08:02It's unbelievable.
08:03Still waiting for it.
08:04He wanted to challenge all of us, though.
08:05I think that was, like, the main thing for him.
08:06I think he didn't want us to come in and...
08:08Like, a lot of us came in, I think, thinking, like, oh, you know,
08:10like, we probably would say, like, oh, we've got this.
08:12Like, this will be all right.
08:13Like, shh.
08:14You know, I get this.
08:15And I think he wanted us to all feel like, actually,
08:17you're going to be pushed.
08:19And we were.
08:20Yeah, Lawrence learned the bow, and I thought he was dead.
08:21Oh, my God.
08:25He was a shocker.
08:27That man is...
08:28I was there.
08:29I was there in the middle of the ocean.
08:30He had to challenge you.
08:35I mean, the guy did sundials.
08:38He's going to have a new sponsorship there, isn't he?
08:40Getting his own sundials.
08:41Well, it was sundials, so probably not.
08:43It didn't work.
08:44Did not work.
08:45Oh, they said it worked perfectly.
08:47It did not work.
08:48He would say that, though.
08:49When he left, yeah, we were just saying the time wrong the whole time.
08:53I love that.
08:54And who individually did you learn something from?
08:57Because I have to say, Boris.
09:00Boris 100%.
09:01Reading fairy tales in German.
09:02Oh, I think that was my...
09:03Yeah, I think that was actually...
09:04Of the episodes I've seen, that was my favourite bit.
09:06I was like, this is just profound.
09:08This is beautiful.
09:09Mel says she did it because she knew it would be really boring,
09:11so they're going to ask for an audio book to help them sleep in future.
09:14I mean, honestly, Boris Becker, read an audio book of him
09:19doing the German fairy tales he told his children.
09:22I mean, that's beautiful.
09:24The calm at peace out on there.
09:25Beautiful stuff.
09:26I mean, I would...
09:27It was extraordinary.
09:28It was just like...
09:29I learned a lot from Boris, actually.
09:30Boris was great.
09:31He was like a therapist to all of us.
09:33He would always come in with this sultry piece of advice,
09:36like, you know, if you don't let anything bother you...
09:39And everyone would sit around and listen, like little kids.
09:41He'd be like, if you don't let that bother you,
09:43then these things can happen.
09:44And we'd all be like, oh, my God.
09:46Any tennis?
09:47No, there was no...
09:49I was dancing, though.
09:51Like, Shirley taught me...
09:53I think it was the first bit of dancing coaching I ever had.
09:57Very basic.
09:58Strictly next?
09:59I think...
10:00I mean, I wouldn't place very highly.
10:03That's what we love on Strictly Next.
10:05Yeah, I mean, I'd have to be one of the ones
10:08who is a kind of audience favourite because they're so bad,
10:12which is available.
10:13That is a berth that's available.
10:15I know the show.
10:16If you're too good, like, nah, nah, nah.
10:18That's why you're not going on it.
10:20If you're a bit rubbish...
10:22Yeah, it wouldn't be fair, would it?
10:24I love it.
10:25You would say you're glad you did it, you learnt a lot,
10:28and you're stronger now?
10:29Oh, yeah.
10:30I genuinely think I did...
10:32I can legitimately say I did learn some stuff about myself.
10:36Like, I really did sort of become...
10:40I think there was a level of...
10:42and a little bit of self-sufficiency,
10:44a bit of emotional self-sufficiency, I think,
10:46I came away with that maybe wasn't there before.
10:49Booking some camping trips for the family.
10:52I legitimately thought I was going to come out
10:53and do loads of these activities,
10:55and I was like, actually...
10:57Right back to the same old stuff.
10:59No, just constantly on my phone now.
11:02Like, that's how much does.
11:04I've got two phones now.
11:05Were you actually scared for your life at one point, though?
11:07Because I don't know how you guys did it,
11:09unless I'm seeing something.
11:10I just don't know how you did it.
11:11I mean, because in all the challenges,
11:13they say to you, like, if anything happens, like, you can.
11:16Do you know what I mean?
11:17Like, there was an abseiling kind of challenge
11:19where we're, like, hanging off a cliff,
11:21and, like, obviously, if something goes wrong,
11:22like, it goes wrong.
11:23Well, it's a great quest.
11:24Lottie Moss eaten by lion.
11:26Do you know what, babe?
11:27Honestly, if I was going to go,
11:28I would rather go in a TV show like this.
11:30Do you know what I mean?
11:31Like, I would have rather gone on Netflix for everyone to see.
11:35What a way to go.
11:36That would be iconic.
11:37Do you know what I mean?
11:39Eaten by nurse shark.
11:40I also feel now, if you ever have any ailments,
11:42you can blame it on, like, a crocodile,
11:44or I told Steph to blame her arm on, you know,
11:46a bear biting her.
