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Spice Girl Mel B and ex-rugby star, Danny Cipriani are starring alongside a shed load of celebrities in the brand new Netflix show, Celebrity Bear Hunt.
They admit they had NO idea how dangerous the show with Bear Grylls and Holly Willoughby would be, they told us all about Boris Becker sending them to sleep and how much taking part has affected their lives.

Celebrity Bear Hunt is streaming now on Netflix. Report by Jonesl. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00You want to look kind of good and cool, but, you know, you just don't.
00:04Cos I'm like, well, at least he can talk and not snore whilst I go to sleep.
00:09But he walks out with smoke and his shirt off,
00:12and he goes, I can take them all. Come on.
00:15Guys, you survived Mother Nature's prison.
00:18I'm glad that you're alive.
00:20Me too. Why did you sign up for this?
00:21I mean, watching it back, what was going through your heads?
00:26I wasn't too concerned about anything but being on camera 24-7.
00:31I thought, do you know what? It's going to be safe, it's going to be all right.
00:33But then when they said there was leopard strolling in the vicinity...
00:37Yes, on a night time.
00:39There were sharks in the water.
00:40You jumped into the water knowing that.
00:43I thought they'd swim away, which they did.
00:45So then that was happening.
00:47Alligators going on, you know, and that was all happening.
00:50I wasn't too stressed. It was more the cameras.
00:53It felt like it was on the Truman Show.
00:55You're turning around to do a talk, and all you hear is...
00:59Yeah, you can hear it.
01:00You're like...
01:01Right, they're on me.
01:03I think the most scary thing that I would be scared of
01:05was sleeping in the same room as other people that I didn't know.
01:07Oh, that's nothing compared to what you actually mentally had to overcome.
01:12You know, it's the heat, it's not knowing what's going to happen tomorrow,
01:15where the next meal's coming from,
01:17when Bear and Holly are going to appear.
01:19Is it going to be now? Is it going to be in a few hours?
01:22Plus, we didn't have a clock.
01:23Luckily, Lawrence actually made a sundial.
01:26But, you know, that was the least of your worries.
01:29I mean, I was in between Boris and...
01:32I think... Was it Una I was next to?
01:34No, it was Big Zoo in the corner.
01:36You was in between snorers, I remember.
01:38Yeah, but it went Big Zoo, Boris, me, and then...
01:41God, I've forgotten who I was.
01:42I can't even remember. That was the least of the worries.
01:45Because I was thinking, always when I watch Big Brother and Love Island,
01:47I'm like, how do these people sleep in the same room?
01:49And you basically trialled it out.
01:51You're exhausted. You're mentally and physically exhausted.
01:55And you've just lived to see another day.
01:58And the lights are out and you've just got to get on with it.
02:01It's very different because we're competing,
02:03we're also in a team, so we're picking each other up.
02:06By the time you get back to the place later on,
02:08you're just kind of taking in what's going on around you
02:11and you're not sitting there trying to nitpick and stuff.
02:14So I feel like it allowed it to be a more harmonious environment,
02:18which still had some of its challenges.
02:21Right, list stuff.
02:22You had Boris Becker with a German night-time story.
02:25That is a dream.
02:27I don't remember that. I must have been out of the room.
02:30I asked him to do it because I'm like,
02:32well, at least he can talk and not snore whilst I go to sleep.
02:37That's clever.
02:38So he was like, just tell me a 35-minute story, Boris.
02:41And when I'm... Continue until you know I'm asleep.
02:44He's got quite a nice voice,
02:46even though German can be quite hard.
02:48But he's got a nice voice.
02:50Did you ask him to do it in German because you knew it would send you off?
02:55He could have been saying anything to me.
02:57That's genius, Mel. That's actually genius.
02:59I wish I'd thought of that because I didn't sleep a wink.
03:02I'd be like, Boris, give me a story, mate.
03:04Imagine just WhatsAppping him now.
03:06Can't sleep, Boris. Can you give me a voice note?
03:09Actually, I'm going to do that.
03:11Send me a voice note.
03:12It could be a German fairytale audiobook.
03:14That is funny.
03:15But can you believe the people that you're in there with?
03:18It's nuts when you look at it.
03:19Who would have thought that all these different people
03:21from every single...
03:22I just remember that day of that picture.
03:24It was quite hot.
03:26It was so hot. It was a joke.
03:28My head was turning afro.
03:30Getting all of us together at the same time,
03:32to pause at the same time.
03:34One's running off to the toilet, one needs a touch-up.
03:37It's like a nightmare.
03:39And you're dying in the heat.
03:41And you want to look kind of good and cool,
03:43but you know you just don't.
03:46They asked me to do a thousand things too,
03:48and they were like,
03:49because you can run, we're going to get you running up and down.
03:52Do you know how hot this is?
03:54They were like, you climb up this thing here.
03:56I'm like, climb?
03:57No, can you actually climb it a little bit?
03:58You want me to actually do some pull-ups while I'm doing it?
04:00They really got you good.
04:01I was like, come on, man.
04:02They got you good.
04:03I thought you must have been photoshopped
04:04all different times and places,
04:05but you were all together.
04:06No, it was done in like...
04:08Some of it was individual,
04:09but then the group ones where we're all in a line
04:11outside the front of the gate.
04:12That's all together.
04:13But then there's other action shots
04:14that you're just like, wow,
04:16they really got their money's worth.
04:18Action man, eh?
04:20Are you feeling like you've done your rugby?
04:22Is it film time next?
04:23I think that could be on the cards.
04:25That's good.
04:26Can you give me a guy like me,
04:27kind of blowing it out,
04:28kind of Bond style?
04:29James Bond.
04:30I don't know if...
04:31I've got too many tattoos for James Bond.
04:32We can put some makeup on those.
04:33Yeah, that's true.
04:34No, you've been tattooed.
04:35You are what you are.
04:36Tattoos are great.
04:37Yeah, but a tattooed Bond.
04:40Yeah, but I think we need that.
04:42It's a good point.
04:43Yeah, that or Superman.
04:44One of the two.
04:45Just one of those two.
04:46I love it.
04:47I'm just a kid living dreams now.
04:48Why not?
04:49Well, I want to talk about...
04:50You said kid living dreams.
04:51You both started out really young
04:52in the spotlight,
04:53and Danny, you said
04:54just having people's eyes on you
04:55was a lot.
04:56You said on the show,
04:57how was it being so vulnerable?
04:58Because did you forget
04:59the cameras at times?
05:00Well, you didn't.
05:02I just did.
05:03I did when I was in there.
05:05When I put myself into it,
05:06I fully was just like,
05:07I'm going to be myself
05:08and I'm going to be myself
05:09and I'm going to be myself
05:10and I'm going to be myself
05:11and I'm going to be myself
05:13But that was the palette
05:15All the time.
05:16Before I was going in.
05:17Right, right, right.
05:18That was the challenge for me.
05:19It wasn't necessarily
05:20about the heat
05:21or if I come across a lion
05:22or, you know,
05:23whatever's going on.
05:24You know, I swam
05:25with some sharks.
05:26It's not...
05:27It was fun.
05:28But having them
05:29on you all the time
05:30and then just leaving it open
05:32to how people perceive you,
05:34you know, that then
05:35has been taking a lot
05:36of self-reflection
05:37for me to be like,
05:38okay, how people take it
05:39is how people take it.
05:40You can't...
05:41You can't dodge
05:42anything that way.
05:43Whereas I feel like...
05:44Oh, it's in the edit.
05:46See, I would be happy...
05:47It's true.
05:48It's in the edit.
05:49With newspapers,
05:50it's a super edit, isn't it?
05:51Oh, yeah.
05:52It's like,
05:53we're going to really
05:54have this one on.
05:55It's a copy and paste.
05:57Copy and paste.
05:58Yeah, like,
05:59let's write whatever we can.
06:00This is new for you though,
06:01isn't it?
06:02Because, you know,
06:03you talked to Lottie
06:04and I think it was really lovely
06:05when she was so vulnerable
06:06and you really helped her.
06:07It was really lovely.
06:08Is it...
06:09Was this a new step for you?
06:10Kind of showing people
06:12you showed the world
06:13who you really are.
06:14I felt like I was
06:15deafening myself
06:16the entire time.
06:17Like, well,
06:18that's what I've been doing.
06:19That's what I've done
06:20my whole life and,
06:21you know...
06:22But you're letting people see it
06:23on this huge scale.
06:24Yeah, well,
06:25I'm letting people see it.
06:26Yeah, I feel, you know,
06:27we all have our childhoods
06:28and then we all face
06:29what we face
06:30and at some point
06:31you've just got to keep going.
06:32I've always had a good heart.
06:33I've always led with that
06:34and obviously,
06:35as we all do,
06:36we make mistakes
06:37but learning from that
06:38and embracing it
06:39means that now I get
06:40that I really enjoy
06:41whatever's coming my way.
06:42I feel like I'm in,
06:43you know...
06:44I like that.
06:46So if there was a lion
06:47down Oxford Street,
06:48you've got it.
06:49Yeah, I'm cool with lions, man.
06:50I feel like a lion
06:51wouldn't attack me.
06:52Just like he thinks
06:53the sharks
06:54were going to swim away
06:55if he encountered one
06:56in the ocean.
06:57Who even says that?
06:58I dove straight at it
06:59and it did swim away,
07:00did it not, Mel?
07:01Probably because it was like,
07:02who are you?
07:03Yeah, exactly.
07:04I was like,
07:05you're an idiot.
07:06I can eat you.
07:08I'll give you a chance.
07:09Yeah, this one's crazy.
07:10He's diving,
07:11he's swimming at me.
07:12Most of them swim away.
07:13I reckon the shark's
07:14been watching rugby there.
07:15I was like,
07:16I'm not going to mess with him.
07:17I've seen him on the pitch.
07:19And Mel,
07:20you were very honest
07:21about your vulnerabilities
07:22as well
07:23and you went on there
07:24to make your kids proud
07:25and to find yourself.
07:27How are you feeling now?
07:29I mean,
07:30I think,
07:31when I think back about it,
07:32I can't believe
07:33I or any of us
07:34did what we did
07:35and just took it
07:36in our stride.
07:37You know,
07:38I think we were all
07:43to be honest.
07:44And I think we all just
07:45kind of embraced it
07:46and got on with it.
07:47Yeah, Mel was a leader
07:48in that way too
07:49because when there was
07:51Mel was like,
07:52nah, come on,
07:53we're going to go and do it
07:54and any time...
07:55Let's go into the bare pit
07:57Yeah, you were just
07:58ready for it.
07:59Be next to a crocodile.
08:00Come on.
08:01We'd be like,
08:02let me encourage you
08:03to go and swim
08:04in that water.
08:06We've got medics
08:07on standby,
08:08but who knows?
08:09Yeah, Bear Grylls
08:10is there looking after us.
08:11But have you put
08:12something scary since?
08:13Has it kind of given you
08:14a new lease of
08:15jumping out of planes
08:16and doing things
08:17that are a bit crazy?
08:18Have you done that already?
08:19I do want to jump out
08:20of a plane, to be fair.
08:21It's the most frightening
08:22thing ever.
08:23Leslie was talking
08:24about that earlier.
08:25I do want to jump
08:26out of a plane.
08:28Because I want to fly.
08:29You want to fly?
08:30You fly straight down
08:31into the ocean,
08:32either head first
08:33or feet first.
08:34If you hit the water wrong,
08:35you are toast.
08:36Oh yeah,
08:37I'm going to be with someone
08:38hopefully the first time.
08:39I'm not going to jump out
08:40of a plane without a parachute.
08:41I'm going to have something
08:42without a parachute.
08:43Yeah, backwards like that.
08:44Oh, you're talking about
08:45from a helicopter.
08:46I'm talking about
08:47high up with a parachute.
08:48This was high up.
08:50With no parachute.
08:52That sounds crazy.
08:54But when you say
08:55about this crazy stuff,
08:56do you think there's
08:57anything like this on TV?
08:59Do you think this is
09:00a brand new concept?
09:02I think it's that brand new
09:03and I'm surprised
09:04that Netflix
09:05and Bear Grylls
09:06actually agreed to do it
09:08because there were
09:09some points of it
09:10where you think
09:11surely that can't be happening.
09:14That is really,
09:15and it was just happening.
09:17You know,
09:18right in front of our eyes
09:19you've got bears
09:20standing in water
09:21with big eels
09:22and snakes everywhere
09:23and you're thinking
09:24that he's lying
09:25and you look in
09:26and you go
09:27he's not lying.
09:28The things that went wrong
09:29because you can't like
09:30account for everything
09:31like what they filmed
09:32it's going to make
09:33the jeopardy
09:34and the excitement
09:35like beyond.
09:36Netflix did an amazing job too.
09:38There was one day,
09:39no one got to see anything
09:40but I walked past
09:41like a camera
09:42and saw like a bit of the shot
09:43and it just looked like
09:44an action film.
09:45So like that
09:46and then we were all
09:47doing things.
09:48And then he walks out
09:49with smoke and his shirt off
09:50and he goes
09:51I can take them all.
09:52Come on.
09:53And I just want to say
09:54as a 90s girl
09:56you did everything for me.
09:58Power, strength.
09:59The reason I'm here
10:00right now
10:01is because you made me
10:02believe in myself.
10:03That's awesome.
10:04You and your co-mates.
10:05That's lovely.
10:06That's so beautiful.
10:07Thank you for saying that.
10:08And that girl power
10:09that you're still doing
10:10for the world
10:11on TV
10:12and for girls.
10:13Give us a hug.
10:14That's lovely.
10:15Can I take a photo
10:16of you two?
10:19Well we'll finish
10:20the interview
10:21and that'll be lovely
10:22that'll be so nice.
10:23So you've got a strawberry
10:24you smell of strawberries.
10:25You do.
10:26Maybe that's the thing.
10:27It's a physical thing.
10:28Yeah you've got
10:29a really lovely
10:30fruity sweet smell.
10:31I just want to say
10:32both of you as well Danny
10:33you've made so many kids
10:34want to play rugby
10:35and meant everything
10:36to kids as well.
10:37So being on TV
10:38doing this
10:39being vulnerable
10:40it's so important
10:41that you're showing
10:42this side of you guys.
10:43Either that or
10:44our careers are over
10:45after this.
10:47Who cares?
10:48We had a blast.
10:49Oh honestly
10:50it's absolutely brilliant
10:51and to see you guys
10:52doing your thing
10:53meant the world to me
10:54so thank you so much guys.
10:56That's really sweet.
