• last month
00:00Inside the big game continues and we're getting closer to the big game right now we're sitting
00:26alongside a man who doesn't need any introduction to the viewers of our show, listeners to the
00:32show over the years, literally goosebumps right now man, always a pleasure catching
00:36up with you my man.
00:37Love you brother, appreciate you.
00:38Love you too man, I wish we spoke more, you're a busy man, I'm a busy man, you've got a lot
00:42of stuff going on, but first things first, how's the health, you're looking damn good
00:46Hey you know, just smoking mirrors out here fooling everybody every day right, no man
00:49we're here still every day, every year, we're back at the Super Bowl right, continuing to
00:54expose what it is that I discovered and that you don't need any pills.
00:58It's something that you and I have been talking about for years, literally 15-20 years now
01:03you and I.
01:04Secondly, quickly, I want to ask you about Jim's health, how's Jim doing?
01:07Jim's still trucking man, he's out there running, he's out at golf tournaments constantly.
01:10And I say Jim, Jim McMahon, I'm a business partner of Kyle.
01:15He's out golfing all the time man, you know he's continuing to keep rolling, he's still
01:19healing up from an ankle surgery, got infected, but you know these things, we're still here,
01:23you know he's still moving man, it's awesome to see.
01:25Alright, so Kyle Turley in the house with us, and Kyle shows up to Media Row, not because
01:30he wants people to go to his Instagram or his Twitter, I don't think he has that stuff.
01:35He shows up to Media Row to spread the word on a yearly basis about the positive health
01:41effects of cannabis, and not just people with cannabis, but CBDs, and what THC can do for
01:50you in a legal sense, and with the recent passing of the hemp farm bill, the delta
01:56strains have become legal in every state in America, and it makes such a big difference
02:02in people's lives, and this isn't about getting high people.
02:06Sidney Crosby, the great hockey player Kyle, I don't think the guy's ever even had a drink
02:10in his life.
02:11He's a big proponent for saying, you know what, we should have CBD and THC in our locker
02:16rooms to help heal, and I'm not going to name any names, but we had a player sitting
02:21in his chair with us this week that told me, I didn't do my first drug, and I became a
02:25drug addict because of a NFL doctor that started giving me drugs, he said, I never did a drug
02:30in my life.
02:31Me neither, that's what my story is, you know that, right?
02:33I was committed to the dream, right?
02:36So what exposed me to drugs was the NFL, injuries, I was talking to recently, just walking over
02:42here, I gotta go all the way down to Hall J, they make you, like they need to have
02:46carts for us, old guys, you know what I mean?
02:49My hips on fire, my knees on fire.
02:51Dude, I never fucking noticed that, because when I walked up, I'm like, you gotta be kidding
02:54me, Hall F and J's by the river, right?
02:56A mile, a mile, man, there's no parking either, so, you know, all these things, man, and how
03:01do you deal with that, okay?
03:03You know, it was pills, pills, pills, and those things didn't work.
03:06I didn't understand that until I got off them and found these strains in cannabis, but now
03:10we're even advancing into psilocybin stuff, all the mushrooms, all the other plant-based
03:14opportunities for people to find health and wellness.
03:17It's really what it's about, because it speaks to your internal systems that work.
03:22We have an endogenous cannabinoid system, it's the number one regulatory system in the
03:25human body, and they will not expose it.
03:28Even RFK is keeping this from the American public.
03:30How do you get America healthy again?
03:32Go to the source, the number one regulatory system must be exposed, these people are still
03:37not talking about it.
03:38It's amazing how much the system and people always hate things that are just natural plants
03:45and products, which, you know, they always preach, you know, well, it's God's earth,
03:51God's land.
03:52A hundred percent, yeah.
03:53Let me ask you, though, Kyle, and I didn't realize this about baseball, actually, Major
03:57League Baseball actually told players, you can smoke all the weed you want, don't smoke
04:01in the clubhouse, and you're not allowed to promote marijuana businesses, okay, fine,
04:06if you're a player.
04:07Except them, they got Charlotte's Web.
04:08That's why they don't want anybody promoting any other businesses.
04:10Okay, so you know how it goes.
04:12The NBA wouldn't have a league if they, you know what I mean, if they worried about players
04:16smoking weed.
04:18We know NFL, I've heard 75-80%, but where are we at with this right now?
04:21Because it seems to me, are they being hypocritical that they're sitting there with Snoop Dogg
04:25and ah-ha-ha?
04:26A hundred percent.
04:27Yeah, you know what I mean?
04:28A hundred percent.
04:29They embrace the culture, if you know what I mean.
04:30A hundred percent, exactly.
04:31But then they'll turn around and bust the court, right?
04:32And penalize.
04:33Exactly, and penalize players for it.
04:34Hey, we're cool, but then we're going to spit you out.
04:35It really has to stop.
04:36They've just now increased the amount of THC.
04:38They keep increasing it.
04:40It's like, why?
04:41Why do you keep increasing this?
04:42Why do even police officers get allowed an allowance of THC in their system, period?
04:48I would rather them stop increasing drug testing, which now they've got it at 350 nanograms,
04:53so you can pretty much use as much cannabis as you want.
04:56They want to understand now, it seems, why are you using this?
05:00Because more players are choosing cannabis over pills.
05:03That's just hands down.
05:04But why are they even allowing this?
05:06They need to stop increasing testing limits and go down.
05:09I want them to establish a national drug test for all politicians, police officers, judges,
05:14and everybody, to go down to 10 nanograms of THC, because they will all test positive
05:19for marijuana, each and every one of them, okay?
05:22And I'm tired of hearing all these guys that are getting fined and who still have to play.
05:27That's the NFL rule.
05:28Guys have still had to practice and play being fined for something that is the only neuroprotective
05:34patented substance on the planet, cannabinoids.
05:37And we're still giving pills to players.
05:39There's still literally a line before games for Toradol shots.
05:44That exists still.
05:46These are allowed.
05:47And my friends are dying.
05:48They're constantly dying.
05:50All these issues in our community are still around, and they know what fixes it.
05:54Not to mention the alcohol industry is...
05:57Free for all.
05:58All the advertising, everything around here, gambling, liquor.
06:03They're rampant opposition to this stuff all week, as well.
06:07So we've...
06:08You want to get healthy?
06:10Get him out of here.
06:11I'm a Jack Daniels, if you want to feel...
06:14Bring him on.
06:15That's fine.
06:16All right, Kyle.
06:17We've got about two minutes left.
06:18What's it like being back in New Orleans?
06:21Oh, yeah.
06:22And let me ask you something, man.
06:23I was walking around the field the other day at the media center.
06:25Bro, that's like a parking garage.
06:28That's a carpet on concrete.
06:29Oh, yeah.
06:30Is that like the hardest field in the league?
06:33That's abusive, bro.
06:34Yeah, and that's the new stuff.
06:36We literally had this floor mat.
06:38We played on this.
06:39This is hard.
06:40Right here.
06:41This is the surface we played on.
06:42Right here.
06:43This was old school AstroTurf, basically.
06:45Right here, what this rug is.
06:47Six years of my career.
06:48First six years, we're on this every game.
06:51That's on your knees, man.
06:52Oh, knees and scars and just swipe off a whole swatch of skin.
06:55Man, you guys were tough, man.
06:57I got hurt.
06:58I was on my knees walking on this stuff.
07:00I can't believe time is flowing already, but I know you got a ton of hits.
07:03Hey, you're a former Kansas City Chief.
07:05I think of you as a saint, but you are.
07:08You played for the Chiefs for a couple of years.
07:09Yeah, a few years.
07:10Yeah, right at the end.
07:11So are the Chiefs going to become the first team to win three times in a row, man?
07:13We got 30 seconds.
07:14I'd love to see it, man.
07:16At the end of the day, there's a lot of great things happening in Kansas City.
07:20Hopefully they'll resolve those issues between that border of Kansas and Missouri when it
07:24comes to cannabis because it's affected their players.
07:26Hey, drop the Missouri.
07:27Sports betting, legalization.
07:28That's right, man.
07:29It's an amazing state.
07:31Hopefully Kansas will catch up and the Chiefs can then expose all the other great things
07:34like Coach Reed's exposing about that trilogy book, book trilogy.
07:39My man.
07:40Yes, sir.
07:41Kyle Turley.
07:42Hey, man.
07:43We're here.
07:44Go to powerplantdepot.com.
07:45Keep up with me.
07:46We'll keep exposing the truth.
07:59We'll keep exposing the truth.
