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Knower of all things football, pop culture and candy, it's Mike Golic Jr. live from Radio Row in New Orleans! He joined the K&C Masterpiece to talk about his future plans to keep broadcasting with his dad, who he thinks will win Super Bowl LIX, why peanut butter M&M's are the best, and more!
00:00Now our video coordinator here, is this accurate?
00:20These are your favorite candy?
00:22These are my favorite M&M varietals, so peanut butter M&M's to me are the top tier of the
00:27Peanut butter, right?
00:28Peanut butter, yeah.
00:30The peanut M&M's right below that, because as I've often said, my favorite descriptor
00:34for food is it's got ass to it.
00:37Like this is a little meal right here.
00:39This is like when people go to space and they have the freeze-dried stuff, and you eat this,
00:43you're going to walk away going, alright, I don't have to eat for a little while.
00:45How many miles of candy then until you get to the regular M&M's?
00:49Because what are those for now?
00:52You know what?
00:53I think the regular M&M's are really good as like a shooter around Halloween, because
00:56you know the Halloween bag's like that big.
00:59So if you're walking around on Halloween night, like I'm in the business.
01:02That's your base?
01:03No, like I'm handing out candy at the front door now a lot more often.
01:07My friends have kids, so I like to go and do that.
01:09I hand out candy at the door and I get a little buzz.
01:12But I'm sitting there and I'm reaching in the bag, I'll pull one of those out, and you
01:15just hit the whole handful at once.
01:16It's like, remember the M&M's minis that came in the tube?
01:19And you could just rifle all those at once?
01:22It's like the way the Rams replaced Aaron Donald in the Aggregates this year.
01:28You are creating the M&M in the Aggregate with all of those that makes the experience
01:32It's an M&M by committee.
01:33The M&M, though, is very good for M&M cookies.
01:36Oh, right?
01:37And it's weird.
01:38That's true.
01:39The M&M cookie, which is the regular M&M, top notch.
01:41Just M&M's by themselves?
01:43What are we doing?
01:44You're right.
01:45Because you know what?
01:46It's an accent, but it's not a star.
01:47It's a garnish, but it's not a main course.
