• last month
00:00The text that just came in from the 808, Stiney, you just don't get it, do you?
00:08I don't. You're right. I kind of just don't get it. They were desperate. They had to do something
00:16and they did it. They didn't have to. They didn't have to. They chose to.
00:22Now, you know you're talking to your boy. You're not talking to me or the fans. It's
00:25Joe Lacob. I'm trusting the brain trust of the dubs. And my question to you is,
00:32why do you feel they did it? Because they needed something.
00:36I can't believe. I can't believe
00:42that the plan includes Steph, Draymond, and Butler at their ages for the next two and a
00:50half years. That's what it is. I, I, I just don't see it. Prove me wrong.
00:58And that starts tomorrow. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not here saying this will cripple the fray.
01:03I just don't get it. And I don't believe in it. I don't believe in the move. Yeah,
01:08that's all. I got you. And Evan was out yesterday. We got him back. Missed him. But yesterday you
01:15said, you know what goo and I tried to pry this out of you. You said you didn't hate it
01:19with how you started the show with what you're saying. Now,
01:22can I double back and say, Stani, are you planting your flag on? Maybe you hate it.
01:27I'm not crazy. I'm, I'm, I'm just not crazy. I mean, I guess like the way I am and here's
01:34the, what were you going to do? But that's the thing. Okay. They had to do something.
01:38They had to do something. Um, the, like the idea of making a move, like this to me was the,
01:47how many times do we hear this? Well, we're not going to make a move just to make a move
01:51a lot. I feel like that's kind of what they did. They, they made a move, but it wasn't something.
01:57It wasn't anything that was on their radar a few days ago. I don't think, uh, I think they pivoted.
02:04I mean, they may have had Butler in the back of their minds, but he wasn't playing a no chance.
02:09And there, I'll just say this to the masses and Evan kind of, I keep bringing them up. He's our
02:17brother, but he kinda, you know, I don't want to say he feels like you, but all we are fixated on
02:22is the age. Jimmy Butler will not be out there with a cane. He will not be out there with a
02:27blue placard with the handicap sign. He can still play. And I know I'm dreaming right now,
02:33but we won't know I'm wrong until it plays out. But Stiney, their backs are against the wall.
02:38They got to come out swinging, but what if somehow miraculously they got to the
02:43Western conference finals this year and next year? Like the, like I told you yesterday,
02:49the one word is direction. The direction is they're pushing their chips all in for the,
02:55this season and next, and obviously thereafter. But I think a lot of people would be changing
03:00their tune if the basketball part of this works and good Lord, if they were going to stand Pat
03:07and as much as I love Wiggins, and this is just not Wiggins and Butler, but Stiney, they had to
03:12try to do something and they did it. It could be a bad move, but until we see it. And that's,
03:18and that's where, that's where I do. This is not a reason. The idea of making a move.
03:28Okay. But they had to do something. Okay. It makes it sound like, like I got news for you.
03:35If this doesn't work, it's not like in a year we can say, you know what? Uh,
03:42Hey, we took a swing at Butler. It didn't work. No harm, no foul. No, there's going to be harm.
03:48And there's going to be a foul and it's going to set you back a little bit if it doesn't work.
03:55And if you're willing to take that chance, I guess you're willing to take that chance.
03:59Even if you didn't give up any of your young studs to get this, your version of young studs
04:04with Kaminga pods, Moody, who we all, let's be honest, Donnie, before this trade went down,
04:09we all, I assumed any deal was going to cost you, you know, one of the young guys,
04:14you still got those guys. And you know what? Let's see how much Kerr leans on them.
04:22You know, let's see if, let's see if Kerr is forced to use the young guys more.
04:28I'm interested to see what happens with Kaminga when he comes back and whether or not they're
04:34gonna be able to integrate him with, with a lot of, uh, you know, with playing time and things
04:40like that. Cause you're 21 and 10 yesterday is now 22 and nine when you, for them to get to the 46
04:46win market for last year's total 21 and 10, they're 25 and 26 to get to last year's win total
04:5346, which got them into the play in where he's got to go 21 and 10. They got to get,
04:59they got to go 21 and 10 and they'll finish 46 and 36. Here's the other thing I was thinking
05:04about an 8, 8, 8, 9, 5, 7, 9, 5, 7 zeros. The number, if you want to jump into the conversation.
05:10And like I said, um, yeah, I just, I kind of can't believe that they're going down this road.
05:16It's, it's very surprising to me. Um, but, but it's the road they're going down. Um, I just,
05:24let me ask you this. What does this signal about Lake up in, uh, Curry and Dray? I'll,
05:30I'll leave Dray out of this for a minute. Curry and Lake ups relationship. If Curry indeed was
05:37not on board with the acquisition of one, Jimmy Butler, what does that signal to you?
05:42If this thing blows up and it, and Lake up did it without their blessing?
05:48Well, then I think we're closer to stuff leaving or asking, asking out
05:53Austin and San Jose young studs. Goo where? No, I just mean the guys you got your version of the
05:59young players that you want to be young studs, but they're not going to do anything. If Butler's here
06:04and Kaminga continues to be out, but I'll tell you this partner and I mean it with every fiber
06:08in my body. If they get into a play in scenario, I am ultra more confident now with Jimmy Butler
06:16and his dogness and him being an alpha and whoever they would face. Then I did with what we saw last
06:22year, going up to Sacramento and looking like old men for that matter, not being able to get off a
06:28shot. So I know 2020 was a long time ago, 2023 couple of years ago, but damn it. Put some respect
06:35on Jimmy Butler's basketball resume. He took a team to the finals. He gets to the free throw line.
06:41He uses the MIDI and you were just yesterday standing. You kept talking about even at the
06:46event, at the tipsy putt, how this team is not good. You're worried about their three
06:52points shooting. I'm thinking this might be a blessing in disguise that you got a dude that
06:56doesn't rely on that. What about spacing? Well, all we can do is on that, Stani, we'll see.
07:04Yeah, I mean, I don't know if the Warriors were all together on this. I find it a little hard
07:09to believe that Steve Kerr was in on this in terms of, do you think Steve Kerr really wanted
07:17to make this move? It doesn't sound like it the way he talked about Wiggins. Here's some Steve
07:23Kerr real quick on how Jimmy impacts the Warriors' chances. I just know that the plans are different.
07:30It's almost a different sport in some ways. And we're getting a guy who's a proven playoff
07:35performer. Yeah, I like the idea that we're healthy. We can put it together and give ourselves
07:41a chance. And I think Jimmy, we've seen what he can do. You don't have a nickname like that for
07:48nothing. So that's the whole point, is let's see what we can put together here in the last 32 games
07:54of the year, give ourselves an opportunity to get to the playoffs and give it a run.
08:00All right. I don't hear a lot of excitement. I said that to you yesterday, the nicknames.
08:04You won't call them that, but Jimmy Buckets. I don't know. And maybe I'm reading too much
08:08into it. I don't hear a lot of excitement there. Yeah, we'll see. Here's more Steve Kerr.
08:13I'm excited to get Jimmy. He's an elite talent, one of the best playoff performers in the league.
08:20And it's a huge addition for us. So I haven't even met him yet. He hasn't gotten here yet.
08:29So I'm excited to just say hello and welcome him on board and get to work.
08:33All right. So I was a little surprised Steve Kerr didn't know him. NBA is such a small circle.
08:40Well, let me ask you this. And you and I got a pretty good relationship on a good day.
08:44If I were to leave or you were to leave, you would give me my fly. You know, you wouldn't be.
08:49I can't wait to work with Steven Smith. It would be like, oh, I'm going to really.
08:53You'd be somber. And then I believe Kerr is going to miss Wiggins.
08:56Not once you're out of town.
08:58Well, when a mic's in front of you and I just got, you know, it's the day of or the day after
09:03Guru's gone, Stani, KTVU, South Castoneta. How do you feel about working with Steven A. Smith?
09:09I'm looking forward to it. I think we could use him in ways we didn't use Guru.
09:17You know what, Sal? I don't know. I don't got a strong opinion.
09:19Well, I do think there is something to Steve Kerr may not know Jimmy Butler, but
09:23he knows Eric Spolstra. Like you don't think that he's called Spoh and tried to figure out
09:28who this guy is, because if he doesn't know him at all, then he's going to ask the straight from
09:33the horse's mouth. And I can't imagine it's a glowing recommendation.
09:36Let's take a listen to that fact just right there.
09:39If not, we texted briefly last night, but nothing substantial. It was more, you know, just
09:47a brief thought on the trade. And that was it. You know, he's busy. I'm busy, you know,
09:52so nothing really to report there.
09:56He did. He was talking about talking to Eric Spolstra by text.
09:59No, that's a hell of a point. But I would say this to Evan and the people out there
10:03to have that same mindset. If we take a step back, I'm take a page out of Evans too young
10:08to know this J.J. Evans. There were some good times with Butler, Spolstra and the Miami Heat.
10:15And I think that would have been the 2020 season where they went to the finals against the Lakers,
10:19the 2023 season where they went to the finals and lost against Denver.
10:24So I know it was rocky. It was ugly. And maybe the relationship is fractured. But Evan,
10:29I would say you got to believe there were some good times also.
10:33Yeah, absolutely. They made two finals together. But with the way that things ended,
10:38that wasn't good for me. It's you know, it's probably two sides of the same coin. It's like
10:42he could be great for you guys, but also he could be someone that might run the ship into the ground.
10:48I mean, the Warriors do lead the league now with two players who who have threatened to
10:55fight coaches. We got Jimmy Butler who wanted a piece of Spolstra. We have
10:59a great Draymond Green who wanted a piece of Kerr back in Oklahoma City.
11:04We might have some volatility in that locker. You bring up old stuff.
11:08You mean like leading the team to the finals? I thought Dre was going to get into it with
11:13the ref last night. Do you see what I'm saying? Yeah, he tried. Dre was wrong last night.
11:20I'm just Dre was dead wrong. So great at being the victim.
11:25I made it up. Dre, I love you, man. What would you think of this if I said this? Because I've
11:31been trying to think about this a million different ways. Let's say hypothetically
11:37you were GM and somebody said to you, I want you to look at the Warriors for a year from yesterday,
11:49the year before. You've watched them now for a year. You're hired to be GM of this team
11:56and you have no emotional attachment to anybody. You need to be like the wolf
12:04in Pulp Fiction. You got to invest to clean up. I mean, you got to just do it. And if the GM's Kurt,
12:13then the GM's Kurt. There's just no way a GM who looked at this situation objectively
12:23without any emotion would have made this move. I get that, but I think that's so unfair because
12:33in life, Donnie, it's about relationships. It's about the past. It's about the present
12:39and it's about the future. But the past sometimes has you make decisions out of loyalty,
12:47out of, come on, man. They owe these guys something. And Joe Lakeup, if Curry and Dre,
12:55let's just use those two, weren't on board, then he really is exercising what he told Bonte when
13:00he was here at the station a couple of years ago. The players are just the players. This is his baby
13:05and he's going to do it his way. Frank Sinatra. And maybe this is the first time, Donnie,
13:11the way I'm getting the feel now, everybody might not have been on board.
13:15This was his first Frank Sinatra move. I'm doing it my way. I don't care what you think, Curry,
13:24Steinmetz. Right. And you can say we can't have a GM in here who has no emotional ties
13:34because we are the Warriors. I'm just telling you that I don't think. I mean, this this is a
13:43move that's made. Out of desperation, that's what it feels like, and when you come off a season of
13:50not making the playoffs and you're five hundred, wouldn't that constitute and you've got two future
13:56Hall of Famers on the squad and you're just middling around, Stani, and you're kind of
14:00lifeless. Wouldn't that constitute being that that's desperate to me? And then I would have
14:06tried to make a run in the second half, which we had. And if we didn't if we didn't get it done,
14:12now we have to have the conversation with Curry because now it's two years where we didn't make
14:16the playoffs. He still has two more years left on his deal. Find out what he wants to do.
14:23But if I'll tell you the other thing is, if if, you know, if Curry's not gung ho about this move.
14:33Then we got. Then we may have to have a talk with Curry again anyway in the summer,
14:38you know what I mean? Yeah. So eight, eight, eight, nine, five, seven, nine, five, seven,
14:43zero is the number. Let's go to Shane in the city. What's up, Shane? How you doing?
14:49Hey, what's up, guys? Oh, boy. Back to back to Wiggins. Now, this first of all, it hurts to
14:57to lose Wiggins and like it's almost like the whole thing's like a practical joke because
15:02you look at him side by side and Wiggins is averaging more points and all that.
15:06Jimmy's resume, you know, of course, has whatever it is. But, you know,
15:13together and how does the team get better? And on top of that, it's almost like I'm surprised
15:20Curry sounds so upset, which is actually a good thing to me that he's not loving this either
15:26because it does seem just forced and silly. But I'm surprised he's so upset because now he has
15:30like another excuse to play Kaminga more. And then I wouldn't be shocked when Kaminga gets back.
15:37You have Guy Santos and Moses Moody in the depth chart ahead of him at the board.
15:42But on top of that, I do hope it works out. And I wanted to give you a little bit of love for
15:49wind the clock back about a month or so more ago, the Monday after Kaminga's back to back
15:55thirty four point games. I really enjoyed you and Evan's conversations and remarks,
16:00kind of showing some faith and some love for Kaminga. And, you know,
16:05I was bought into that, not that I would get them into like a playoff situation or anything,
16:09but maybe set them up better for the future going forward. And I hope that that doesn't
16:14this move doesn't kind of ruin all that potential we saw there.
16:17No doubt. Hey, Shane, that's it. I mean, that's the other thing. Now we got to find out
16:22how, if at all, this impacts Jonathan Kaminga. He's going to start, you know,
16:26Stiney. Oh, well, that I hear you. But I got to believe Lake up.
16:31I don't know. And I'm just I wouldn't assume Kaminga is going to be starting,
16:34but I believe Lake up is Kaminga's biggest fan. That's that may be fine,
16:38but I don't necessarily believe Kaminga is just going to be a starter on this team right now.
16:43I don't I don't see how you could afford not to have them in there.
16:47Well, because if you Butler at the two, Kaminga at the three, Dre at the four post slash Moody
16:53slash. I don't think that's TJD or Looney. I think they need another shooter in that lineup, but
16:58we'll see. We'll see. I just. Yeah, all I'm saying is, I mean, Kaminga has been in and out
17:08of the starting lineup all year, so I don't know what Steve Kerr's how Steve Kerr's going to use.
17:14You got to don't forget to ask me about. Oh, yeah. What'd you see last? OK, here we go.
17:19And, you know, I'm a sport. You guys know I'm a sports romantic.
17:22And I was with you at the tipsy putt again. We had a great time. We're going to shout out
17:25everybody to stop by. He's got all the names. But the bottom line is I am not going to front
17:31or lie here and say I'm not worried about the bilateral tendinitis in Curry's knees.
17:36And up into the news, I heard this morning about maybe every warrior teammate not being on more
17:41on board with this move. Steini, you know me and I've said this to you about some of the greatest
17:48scores. I'm not going to go with Steph Curry's line of 13 of 35 and say that's sufficient.
17:54I'm not going to tell you that's not out the page book of Prime Harden and Allen Iverson.
18:00Thirty seven is thirty seven. Six of twenty from deep. Course, Curry wants it better.
18:05But my gosh, to hoist up thirty five shots just from a physical standpoint to me,
18:12I'm like, oh, you're feeling better. And I thought he was feeling better.
18:16And the shot total got to that ridiculous plateau last night because he was excited about what or
18:23who he'll be passing the ball to in regard to his new teammate in the shy in regard to Jimmy Butler.
18:30So I was like, my man has a pep in a step hoisting up thirty five shots.
18:35I think it's two games in a row now that he took 30. Did he take 30 against the Jazz
18:40or was that the game before? He's making 30, either the last two or two out of the last three.
18:46I'm like, he's feeling frisky. But again, that's not a fish in city.
18:52Thirty five shots injected in my veins, Steph.
