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Residentes de Villa Inflamable denuncian a una empresa de residuos peligrosos por contaminación ambiental y efectos nocivos en la salud. Los vecinos reportan olores fuertes, lesiones cutáneas y muerte de animales. Acusan a las autoridades de negligencia y encubrimiento, ya que las inspecciones son anunciadas previamente, permitiendo a la empresa eliminar evidencias.


00:00The stream has a ravine, you have a place that is dry, and then the water comes.
00:06Of course, when I took the first steps, I ended up burying myself within the margins
00:13that are in the place with a kind of greasy mud, and immediately my feet began to burn.
00:22Were you barefoot?
00:24I was barefoot, yes, but of course, my feet began to burn,
00:28I began to notice this burning that Christian also has in his eyes and in his mouth,
00:35and a very particular smell, and through some networks we began to ask
00:41if anyone had any idea what it was, and some said it was a seaweed, and I say no,
00:47it is not a seaweed, it is impossible that it is a seaweed because of the proportion in which it is located.
00:53It's getting complicated, sorry Pablo, I'm going, but it's also getting complicated for Valentina,
01:00the cameraman already has very red eyes, he starts coughing, it's a reality,
01:04at the moment it is seriously difficult, the same thing that Pablo says that happened to him this morning,
01:08in fact, we are here for him from the moment he gave us this information, Pablo Ponzone,
01:13but I repeat, now I have the cameraman with very colored eyes, trying to take a little distance,
01:21because it was predictable that this was going to happen, the throat itches, it's a fact,
01:25the throat itches, it's a fact, and also the eyes, right?
01:29The symptoms, the symptoms of the eyes, if you get there, try to wash yourself with water if you can,
01:37I say, the first symptoms you find, I'm not talking to you anymore, like me, that I buried myself there,
01:44if you are a little higher up, burning in the throat, itching, and then your eyes turn red.
01:52Ma'am, here is a testimony, here is a testimony, you are a neighbor of the area.
01:56I am a neighbor of the area, what we are going through is terrible,
01:58with one of the companies of special and dangerous sewage, TRIECO,
02:02the famous stercycle, which in the year 2022, they recognize paying COIMAS,
02:06here in Argentina, in Mexico and in Brazil, I don't remember, well, not Brazil.
02:11Do you live here in this place?
02:12What do you suffer from on a daily basis?
02:13Because now we were having a hard time, even the red eyes.
02:16What are the problems you have?
02:17Look at my face, we go through the same thing every day.
02:20You have a lesion on your face.
02:21Yes, yes.
02:22What does the lesion correspond to?
02:23I don't know, it's something that came out on my face, I'm operated on.
02:27On one ass?
02:28Supposedly the doctor is going to do a biopsy to see what this is.
02:34We have been reporting to the Ministry of Environment, to the ACUMAR, and that happens every day.
02:39The company is in terrible condition, it is there.
02:41They harm our health, our breathing, things come out of our skin,
02:46animals die, and they cover this company.
02:50What does this company do?
02:51The company is dedicated to special and dangerous waste.
02:55It is a 1993 industry.
02:57It's terrible, it's terrible.
02:59Do they bring the waste here? Do they treat them?
03:01They bring them here, they come from ecological habitats, from Soma, from everywhere.
03:06I mean, here is the famous stercycle, which was denounced for the same issue of pollution.
03:11I mean, they burn all the hospital waste and everything, it's a disaster.
03:15The smells fall on us, they throw us smoke, dense, vapors that say vapors, they are gray vapors.
03:22The complaints are made by Mrs. Daniela Vilar, they are made by the Ministry of Environment,
03:27here in Avellaneda.
03:28The manager, Jorge Ferraresi, looks to one side.
03:31Then they call us saying, let's go to tourism, let's go to the ecological reserve,
03:37they make us a river park on the other side, and a few meters away we have total pollution.
03:43Is this the first time that rust appears in this way?
03:45No, it's not the first time.
03:46It appears green, it appears gray, it appears with cement.
03:49We have cemeteries up front, they wash the trucks, they throw them here.
03:52All kinds.
03:53The company yesterday afternoon was taking out some tank trucks with liquid.
03:57Because on Tuesday he came to CUMAR at 12.30 to inform the company that they were going to come today to do an inspection.
04:04At 5.30 in the morning, the incinerator is on.
04:07Smokes that travel kilometers and kilometers.
04:10In the fumes go pollutants.
04:12So this has to do with what?
04:14They got rid, let's say, of what meant something that they were going to control.
04:18Yesterday, that's right.
04:19Yesterday they came with tank trucks and took out the liquids.
04:23Today, by chance, this appears.
04:25Every time the tank trucks appear in the company TRIECO without labels, without anything,
04:30the next day this appears to you at dawn.
04:32The truck goes and comes.
04:33Where did he throw the liquids?
04:34The company does not have effluent treaters.
04:40I am a neighbor here.
04:41All my life.
04:42How many families live there?
04:43There is my son, here are our neighbors.
04:45Turn around, turn around.
04:47What is the name of the neighborhood where you live?
04:48Inflammable Villa they put him.
04:49Of course.
04:50Inflammable Villa they put him.
04:52A lot of people live there.
04:53What are the consequences in the physical part, in health?
04:56My face, look how it is.
04:57I am with a dermatologist.
05:00I am with a doctor of toxicology who sent to ask for so many complaints that I have
05:06to the company and to the ACUMAR to see what they do with the complaints we make to the neighbors
05:11that do not give bolilla.
05:12The animals die.
05:13I told them to take them to do a necropsy.
05:16We don't have money to do a necropsy.
05:18They don't take them.
05:19Why don't they take them?
05:20The ACUMAR, every time they call them, they are not there.
05:23They never come, but they do come to notify the company.
05:25One day we come to do an inspection.
05:27They anticipate the control.
05:28They anticipate it.
05:30We presume to take out the waste.
05:32They take out the things.
05:33When the inspection comes, there is nothing.
05:35Because they come with trucks and take out.
05:37The mobile environment laboratory, the Ministry of Environment, is taking distance.
05:41They leave with the sample.
05:42Do you think something is going to be done?
05:44Let's hope so.
05:45Supposedly they say they are going to do it.
05:47It is the first time that so many people came to the company.
05:50But they put the device at 8 in the morning to take air quality.
05:55A little while.
05:56It was on from 5.30.
05:57There were some fumes.
05:58I can show you.
05:59What health problems do you carry on a daily basis?
06:02The smells that make you sick break you down.
06:06Because you get dizzy.
06:07Your throat itches.
06:10Your lips.
06:11How do you feel now?
06:12I go to the hospital in Huilde.
06:13And you know what the doctors tell you?
06:15What's going on with the mayor of Avellaneda?
06:17Who has power of clause and does nothing.
06:21I keep making complaints.
06:23Keep making complaints.
06:25Because there are many neighbors.
06:26We move.
06:27We are organized neighbors.
06:29And what do they tell you?
06:30You put up with a little prick and they give you Reliveran.
06:33In injection.
06:34You go decomposed.
06:35They send you on a diet.
06:36While in the neighborhood we have this.
06:38This happens almost every day.
06:41Now lately they are turning on the incinerator less.
06:44They turn it on once in a while.
06:46But before, in the pandemic, the COVID waste was burned.
06:49To the open sky.
06:51What department is the company from?
06:52The company is from Special and Dangerous Waste.
06:54The company ...
