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Video Information: ShabdYoga sesssion, 01.06.2018, Advait Bodhsthal, Noida, India

~ How to get rid of all our suffering?
~ What is the cause of our suffering?
~ How to find out from where our suffering is coming?
~ Can only Spirituality free us from sorrow?
~ What is liberation? and how it is possible?

Music Credits: Milind Date



00:00:00The first question is from Anoop Tiwari. He is quoting three verses from Vivek Chudamani.
00:00:28Verse 303 says,
00:00:58Then verse 304,
00:01:28Verse 307 says,
00:01:58So, the question is,
00:02:13The suffering is tremendous due to this big wound, the ego that I am carrying
00:02:26and I will have to cut that on my own.
00:02:32Is there a sharp sword available to cut and remove this wound and also remove its cancerous nature?
00:02:55Anoop, if you think that the ego is suffering,
00:03:16then you must also know that the elimination of the ego
00:03:35or dis-identification with the ego involves suffering even greater.
00:03:48The suffering due to the ego persists and continues precisely because there is greater suffering involved in the elimination of the ego.
00:04:13The equation is simple.
00:04:18Had it been ego and suffering on one side and simple joy and freedom on the other side,
00:04:38the choice would have been straightforward and obvious.
00:04:49But it's not quite so straightforward even though it actually is.
00:05:01To get rid of suffering, one has to be prepared to pass through even more suffering.
00:05:17Therein lies the catch.
00:05:19Even the quantum of suffering that one currently experiences bugs and bothers
00:05:33and therefore one tries several methods to eliminate suffering including spiritual methods.
00:05:45So the very motivation is to somehow remove suffering.
00:05:57Now to remove suffering, there are genuine methods and phoney methods.
00:06:15What's the mark of a fake method?
00:06:28A fake method for the removal of suffering does not go to the roots of suffering.
00:06:44It merely suppresses or silences the conscious manifestation and experience of suffering.
00:07:07And in that there is pleasure.
00:07:14All fake methods of suffering deal with the manifestations, expressions of suffering.
00:07:44And the seeker finds that important because the seeker himself is not bothered with the seeds of suffering.
00:07:59What has troubled the seeker is the experience of suffering.
00:08:06We must discriminate between these two.
00:08:10The seed of suffering and the conscious manifestation.
00:08:16The sensual and mental experience of suffering.
00:08:24The seed cannot be experienced and therefore most people have no grudge, no complaint against the very seed of suffering.
00:08:38People start noticing and complaining and striving only when the seed sprouts, gains strength, gains volume, becomes apparent and experienceable.
00:09:04Then the experience is bothersome.
00:09:12Like a tumor reaching advanced stages.
00:09:19In the initial stages, when it was a bit in the seed form, then trouble was lying unmanifest, relatively dormant.
00:09:49So trouble could not be noticed or experienced.
00:09:57Remember that one does not go to a physician to get rid of the disease.
00:10:08If the disease produces no symptoms, if the disease remains hidden, latent, there are so many people who would adjust to it, compromise with it.
00:10:33One goes to the physician when the disease starts giving troublesome experiences.
00:10:50So most people are bothered just with the elimination of the experience of suffering.
00:10:59That's their aim.
00:11:03And if you are concerned just with the elimination of the experience of suffering, then there is an easy and fake way available.
00:11:17You were disliking a type of experience, you called it suffering.
00:11:29You can be given an opposite type of experience that you will call as pleasure or happiness.
00:11:42So when you experience suffering, there is a very quick and dirty solution available.
00:11:52Go to some place, go to some shop where happiness is available.
00:11:59And that is why happiness sells.
00:12:03Because happiness is a quick and dirty solution to the ancient and deep problem of human angst, human suffering.
00:12:17Happiness does not relieve one of suffering.
00:12:22But happiness takes your attention away from the symptoms of suffering.
00:12:33And one is done.
00:12:37One says fine.
00:12:38One says fine.
00:12:46Because the objective has been served.
00:13:01The genuine method comes with a problem.
00:13:09The genuine method exposes suffering, makes it conscious.
00:13:24We all know that normally only a very little bit of the entirety of mind
00:13:53is available to conscious experience.
00:14:03Conscious experience has been likened to an iceberg.
00:14:06It is just one by nine, a small fraction of that which is really present.
00:14:24So even if you say that you are suffering, your conscious experience is just one by nine of the total suffering.
00:14:41It's a tree of which only one by nine is above the surface.
00:14:55The roots are deep, deep in the dark.
00:15:06Eight by nine of the tree is below the surface, below the soil.
00:15:16And you are troubled.
00:15:17You are troubled by what?
00:15:21Just by one by nine.
00:15:24You are so troubled by the one by nine apparent and phenomenal experience that you want to eliminate it.
00:15:41You want to remove it.
00:15:44But the roots of the tree are deep within.
00:15:49And that is eight times that which is available to experience.
00:16:02To remove that one, to remove that one portion, actually the whole tree has to be uprooted.
00:16:16If only the surface level phenomena is removed, very soon the tree will regrow, branch out again because it has strong roots.
00:16:35Most of the tree is just roots.
00:16:40The roots are eight times bigger and deeper than the shoots and the trunk and the leaves and the twigs.
00:16:55It's that kind of a tree.
00:16:56So we see that to get rid of the conscious experience of the suffering, we will have to dig deep, dig deep towards the roots.
00:17:15Now begins the pain involved in the procedure.
00:17:30When you start digging deep, that which was not available to experience starts becoming experienceable.
00:17:49Just the one part out of nine was troublesome enough.
00:17:54You were running hither and thither to get rid of that experience.
00:18:00And now more and more of suffering is being unearthed.
00:18:09As you dig deeper, all you come across is more suffering and more suffering.
00:18:20And now there is great incentive for the spiritual seeker to run away.
00:18:26He will go away.
00:18:36Who will remain?
00:18:38Only the one who wants to see the whole thing through to its end.
00:18:45Once commitment has to be very deep and one must not be merely wanting the elimination of the superficial symptoms.
00:19:16One must be stubborn.
00:19:23One must be devoted enough and wise enough to uproot the whole tree.
00:19:46But that would mean going through much more suffering than that which seemed to exist in the first place.
00:20:03So the real process, the genuine process involves something counterintuitive.
00:20:16You start on the spiritual path to get rid of one part of suffering and to actually remove that one part you must face eight more parts.
00:20:36Normally this cannot happen because even the one part was intolerable.
00:20:45If one part was intolerable, how is one going to face eight more parts?
00:20:56So the process won't proceed for long.
00:21:07The process won't fructify.
00:21:12One would start bickering and cribbing.
00:21:18One would say, what kind of medicine is this that is only enhancing the pain?
00:21:26One would say, I came to get rid of my condition, but the medicine has only worsened my condition.
00:21:47And when one would be saying that, that would not be false.
00:22:02One's complaints cannot be just brushed away.
00:22:16It is a fact that the spiritual seeker, the genuine man goes through much more suffering than the ordinary normal man.
00:22:46So do not be too bothered about the suffering that you experience.
00:23:04If that which you experience bothers you, then you will not be able to go through that which is needed to be gone through.
00:23:23It is a fallacy that life for the spiritual man is free of suffering.
00:23:37It does not happen that way.
00:23:39In fact, the spiritual man is the one who is capable of going through much more suffering than the ordinary man.
00:24:09That brings us to the question, what sustains his resilience?
00:24:39What powers him to go through all this suffering?
00:24:50The answer will surprise you.
00:24:58The answer is that he is able to go through so much suffering because he has something that remains untouched by suffering.
00:25:14He is able to go through a lot of suffering because he does not really suffer.
00:25:33He suffers and yet not.
00:25:36He suffers and does not.
00:25:39Does he suffer? Of course, yes.
00:25:44Does he not suffer? Of course, yes.
00:25:55He has a great unending reserve of joy.
00:26:00And that is what empowers him to bear all the suffering.
00:26:10He has something that is much more important, valuable, immediate and intimate than suffering.
00:26:26That is what takes him through.
00:26:40Otherwise, how would you cross over?
00:26:46It's a tough battle.
00:26:56It's an arduous proposition.
00:27:00It's an entire ocean of suffering.
00:27:10You must have something within that emboldens you to invite suffering.
00:27:28You must have something central.
00:27:38So central that suffering starts appearing peripheral.
00:27:45So do not ask me, Anup, how to get rid of ego and its pangs.
00:27:56Turn towards yourself and ask, do you have that which will enable you to bear any suffering?
00:28:14It's a weak man who does not want to suffer.
00:28:22The strong one does not ask for eradication of suffering.
00:28:32The strong one asks merely for more strength.
00:28:36The weak mind says, let there be no suffering.
00:28:47He has no option but to request this.
00:28:51Let there be no suffering because I am not strong enough to bear it.
00:28:58The strong mind, the spiritual mind says, let there be suffering.
00:29:14All I want is the intimacy of that which will enable me to go through all the suffering without breaking down.
00:29:33That is a mistake that so many seekers make.
00:29:46They want removal of suffering which is not possible.
00:29:57Instead, they should ask themselves, is something beyond suffering present in their life?
00:30:21If you are born, if you are a human being, if you are an embodied being, then suffering is inevitable.
00:30:46And if you are a seeker, then even more suffering is inevitable.
00:31:02Who told you that the realized ones do not suffer?
00:31:11They joyfully suffer.
00:31:14That's the only difference between them and the normal sufferers.
00:31:21The normal sufferer curses and complains.
00:31:27The mystic, the man of God suffers and suffers so deeply that he dances.
00:31:40And since he can dance even in his pain, so he is blessed with more pain and more dance.
00:31:56If you want to just dance without pain, then your dance will be hollow.
00:32:08If you are someone who has no capacity for pain, then your dance, your work, your life, your poetry, your love, all will be hollow.
00:32:25You cannot be a lover without having great potential for pain.
00:32:40Great poetry arises only from deep suffering.
00:32:53But deep suffering is available only to those who are deeply joyful.
00:33:01Otherwise suffering will break you down.
00:33:09Mediocre and tepid minds have neither joy nor suffering.
00:33:21All they have is a shallow existence dealing with very ordinary experiences.
00:33:31Only large hearts can get broken because they allow themselves to be broken.
00:33:45Because they know that even if they are broken a thousand times, they would still be put together by something more powerful than suffering.
00:33:59Small minds cower, they seek armors, they run for shelter.
00:34:16And they must do that because their self-concept is that they will be destroyed against adversities.
00:34:29The strong mind revels in adversities.
00:34:38He invites wounds.
00:34:54That's the common man dealing in shallow happiness.
00:34:59Eat and sleep, that's the life of the common man.
00:35:03And dedicate your life to earning, eating and sleeping.
00:35:11What else does the common man do?
00:35:21That's the man of God for you.
00:35:24Capable of awakening and capable of suffering.
00:35:34Happiness is the world, eat and sleep.
00:35:40So if you are someone who is seeking happiness, then don't come to Kabir.
00:35:46Then you should go to the ordinary mortals.
00:35:49There you will find a lot of happiness, pleasure.
00:35:56With God, you get a lot of tears.
00:36:02If you are someone who has no capacity for tears, don't come to God.
00:36:33That's the attitude of the spiritual mind.
00:36:46The ordinary mind runs away from battles and possibilities of losses.
00:36:57The spiritual mind invites battles, wounds.
00:37:06He says my wounds are like sacred marks on the body.
00:37:17I don't need to wear a tilak.
00:37:23The scars on my face are enough.
00:37:31Tilak and all such other sacred signs are so superficial, they can get washed off.
00:37:41But when you are a real fighter, then the scars on your body stay.
00:37:48Not only do they stay, they keep getting multiplied.
00:37:53That's the mark of the genuine man.
00:38:05But most people do not come to spirituality because they are inclined towards their own elimination.
00:38:13If I ask you, enter only if you are agreeable to your death, then this hall would be vacant.
00:38:34If a form is circulated at the entrance,
00:38:42Do you want to die?
00:38:44Yes, no.
00:38:46Yes, enter. No, go to your home.
00:38:49Who would be here?
00:38:57But Kabir is saying, I want to die.
00:39:00Not that I am merely agreeing to death.
00:39:05Not that I am compromising.
00:39:07I am actually fond of dying.
00:39:16I am fond of taking on suffering.
00:39:22But again and again I get questions that are just asking one thing.
00:39:28How do I get rid of suffering?
00:39:33And I wonder, who told you that at this place one gets rid of suffering?
00:39:43The fact is, you were not suffering greatly before you came to this place.
00:39:59Those who come here and start living here, they are the ones who really encounter suffering.
00:40:13If you want to know what suffering really means,
00:40:18then meet the people of Bodhisattva, read their lives, read their experiences.
00:40:33They are the ones who have now admitted, rather invited suffering into their life.
00:40:54Only a deep mind can know deep suffering.
00:41:02For shallow minds, there is only shallow pleasure and shallow pain.
00:41:13A little bit of happiness.
00:41:19A little bit of sadness.
00:41:22Beyond that, they have no appetite.
00:41:27Beyond that, they anyway cannot take or digest.
00:41:37For deep minds, there is depth in everything that they experience, that they go through.
00:41:50They know depths of disappointment.
00:41:57And they also know heights of ecstasy.
00:42:03And those who are not prepared to go through depths of disappointment
00:42:12will forever miss the heights of ecstasy.
00:42:19It is, remember, ecstasy that powers you to bear disappointment.
00:42:35Otherwise, disappointment is unbearable.
00:42:41And now you know why this world is so afraid of pain.
00:42:49Because it has no stamina, no strength, no depth to bear pain.
00:42:59That's the reward to the deep mind, to the spiritual mind.
00:43:15Novel mind.
00:43:28Novel, distinguished, extraordinary suffering.
00:43:46Doesn't sound too attractive, does it?
00:43:49If you have been brought to spirituality
00:44:17by the hope that life would be full of pure joy and undiluted bliss and unending happiness
00:44:31once you read the scriptures or meditate or go through spiritual practices
00:44:46or sit in religious gatherings,
00:44:52then your hope needs to be dashed.
00:45:16Spirituality is not freedom from suffering in the ordinary sense of freedom.
00:45:37Spirituality is depth in suffering.
00:45:42Spirituality does not free you of suffering.
00:45:51Spirituality frees you of shallowness.
00:45:56Suffering would remain, shallowness would go.
00:46:00So you won't have shallow suffering anymore.
00:46:03Now you would have deep, deep suffering.
00:46:11Most of you would be finding all this quite abhorrent.
00:46:18But some of you might be inexplicably tempted.
00:46:28Some of you might be feeling a mystical pull towards the pain I am talking of.
00:46:45God is only for those who experience that mystical pull towards a pain that cannot be explained.
00:47:14So Anup, you are asking me for a method to get rid
00:47:43of the suffering.
00:47:49The method is more suffering.
00:48:03But to go through more suffering,
00:48:05come close to that which is untouched by suffering,
00:48:14that which is beyond suffering.
00:48:19Come close to that.
00:48:24If you are troubled,
00:48:36by the dirt that you see in your house,
00:48:46and you intend a clean up,
00:48:50then you should be prepared to see even more dirt.
00:48:59The dirt that you are currently seeing,
00:49:06is superficial,
00:49:11is a tiny fraction,
00:49:13is one by nine of that which remains hidden.
00:49:24So do not ask for superficial liberation from dirt.
00:49:32Ask for a hard broom.
00:49:42And ask for lungs solid enough and healthy enough.
00:49:50And arms strong enough.
00:50:00That's what you must ask for.
00:50:10A mind that does not recoil when it sees its own dirty face.
00:50:19That's the kind of mind that is needed.
00:50:26People come to spirituality,
00:50:30expecting to see beauties.
00:50:39They say,
00:50:40Satyam Shivam Sundaram.
00:50:42The truth is indeed beautiful.
00:50:44Is it not Acharyaji?
00:50:47Yes, the truth is indeed beautiful.
00:50:51But you are not.
00:50:58And before you can see the beautiful face of truth,
00:51:04you will have to go through layers and layers of your own ugliness.
00:51:17If you are fond of beauty,
00:51:20you must be prepared
00:51:25to look at ugliness straight and square.
00:51:35Otherwise, all you would get is some makeup.
00:51:40Real beauty would remain elusive.
00:51:51In the name of beauty,
00:51:53you would just cover up the ugliness.
00:52:00And these are the two methods
00:52:03to be beautiful.
00:52:12The fake method is to cover up the dirt with makeup.
00:52:21The face is indeed ugly
00:52:25and dirty.
00:52:27Nothing but filth accumulated since centuries.
00:52:34And you cover it up.
00:52:43A paint job.
00:52:48This is the phony method.
00:52:53The genuine method is to keep peeling off the ugly faces.
00:53:04And you cannot close your eyes as you are peeling them off.
00:53:08You will have to look at them
00:53:10and you will have to accept
00:53:13that so much ugliness indeed does exist.
00:53:25And when all the faces are gone
00:53:28and neither faces are left
00:53:33nor are you left
00:53:39to peel the faces off,
00:53:42then all that is left
00:53:47is beauty.
00:53:52It is not beauty
00:53:54in the ordinary sense of the word.
00:53:58It is not beauty that you can admire from a distance.
00:54:09It is beauty for the beautiful one.
00:54:15It is beauty in which
00:54:18you are the beautiful one.
00:54:22It is beauty in which
00:54:25the beholder of the beauty
00:54:29is himself the beautiful one.
00:54:49Believe me,
00:54:56if you are someone
00:55:00whose life is normal
00:55:03and largely free of suffering,
00:55:06then you are either a Buddha
00:55:11or a very cheap thug.
00:55:19You are either someone
00:55:22who has crossed over
00:55:25or is
00:55:31a retarded
00:55:34and coward mind
00:55:40that has not yet even dived in.
00:55:45Being born as a human being,
00:55:55it is impossible
00:55:58to live a so-called happy life.
00:56:07Beware the happy man.
00:56:09He is very dangerous
00:56:11to himself and to everybody.
00:56:15Be very cautious of the ones who are
00:56:18found mostly smiling
00:56:21and in good moods.
00:56:30They are hiding their teeth and their fangs.
00:56:40Those smiles
00:56:45are both
00:56:50ignorance and violence.
00:57:06You may
00:57:09find all the
00:57:18and the go-getters
00:57:29on their Facebook profiles.
00:57:34How often have you seen
00:57:38a Christ smiling?
00:57:51Any representation of Krishna
00:57:54in which you can see his teeth?
00:58:03Ever seen Ram smiling?
00:58:05Any statue?
00:58:10At any time?
00:58:23Their face
00:58:27has been
00:58:29made mature
00:58:48by suffering.
00:58:51They are right.
00:58:59They don't giggle
00:59:09like a juvenile
00:59:11or like an American CEO.
00:59:13Like a juvenile
00:59:15or like an American CEO.
00:59:34Even when Kabir says
00:59:38rest assured
00:59:39he was
00:59:41speaking with a straight face.
00:59:48They were not sad.
00:59:52They were just deep.
00:59:58Not laughing
01:00:00does not mean sadness.
01:00:03It only means
01:00:05you are not excited.
01:00:08Happiness is a
01:00:10kind of
01:00:20And if you are not happy
01:00:26that does not mean
01:00:28you have to be necessarily sad.
01:00:37And there is great beauty
01:00:39when you are
01:00:41neither happy
01:00:43nor sad
01:00:45when you are just
01:00:52When you are just deep
01:00:54then your face is as
01:00:58as that of a Kabir
01:01:00as that of a Buddha or Mahavir.
01:01:03You cannot imagine
01:01:05a Mahavir
01:01:09Or can you?
01:01:17And even if
01:01:21a Bodhidharma
01:01:33come up with a raucous laughter
01:01:35even that laughter
01:01:37has depth.
01:01:41And for laughter
01:01:43to have depth there has to be
01:01:45deep suffering.
01:01:47Laughter is so beautiful
01:01:49when you are smiling
01:01:51in the middle of suffering.
01:01:53When you are laughing
01:01:55in the face of suffering
01:01:57it's then that laughter is beautiful.
01:02:06Look at these here.
01:02:12Look at these faces.
01:02:14They know suffering
01:02:16end to end.
01:02:18And that's why
01:02:20they are looking
01:02:22at us from where
01:02:24they are.
01:02:28That's the difference between
01:02:30them and the
01:02:32ordinary man.
01:02:34The ordinary man worships
01:02:38Why even ordinary gurus
01:02:40are selling happiness?
01:02:52A very prominent organization
01:02:54in the field
01:02:56of spirituality
01:03:00has become popular
01:03:02by organizing happiness camps.
01:03:08A Krishna
01:03:12would never say
01:03:22the aim of life
01:03:24or even important.
01:03:28Nor would
01:03:30a Kabir say
01:03:50That's the difference between
01:03:52the ordinary man and Kabir.
01:03:54The ordinary man
01:03:58a happiness
01:04:04And markets
01:04:10and self-help books
01:04:12and gurus sitting
01:04:14in the market keep providing
01:04:16the ordinary man with
01:04:20In his mind,
01:04:26he keeps thinking
01:04:28I am happy.
01:04:32That's the ordinary man for you.
01:04:34And in the next line,
01:04:36you have Kabir.
01:04:38That's what Kabir is saying.
01:04:40Right when the ordinary man
01:04:42is celebrating, Kabir is saying
01:04:44Jagat Chabaina Kaal Ka
01:04:46Kuch Mukh Mein Kuch Godh
01:04:48Kabir is looking at this man
01:04:50in all his
01:04:58and saying
01:05:02you are being
01:05:06devoured by
01:05:08death and destruction
01:05:10and you are so afraid
01:05:14that you cannot even see that
01:05:18and you are so afraid
01:05:20that to avoid the fact
01:05:22of your death and destruction
01:05:24you keep pretending
01:05:26to be happy.
01:05:40is not there
01:05:42to deliver you happiness
01:05:48and if you find
01:05:50somebody, anybody
01:05:52selling happiness in the name of
01:05:54spirituality, run away.
01:05:58Meeting a Guru
01:06:04is a catastrophe.
01:06:16It is a calamity
01:06:18that you have only partially
01:06:28In the after morning
01:06:30and somebody comes and says I am going to
01:06:32throw cold water upon you.
01:06:34You can be mentally
01:06:36prepared but still
01:06:38you would be only half prepared.
01:06:40When the water would
01:06:42fall upon you,
01:06:44the experience would beat
01:06:46all your preparation.
01:06:54can never
01:06:56be fully prepared
01:07:00for the
01:07:04catastrophic experience
01:07:10that a Guru brings to you.
01:07:16broken down
01:07:18beyond your
01:07:20expectations and beyond your
01:07:26Ten times a day
01:07:28you curse the moment
01:07:30when you came
01:07:32in touch with the Guru
01:07:36and you cry out my life
01:07:38has been destroyed
01:07:41and you aren't
01:07:46For a change, you are spot on.
01:07:50your life has been destroyed.
01:07:54exactly what the Guru
01:07:56intended to do, destroy your life.
01:08:10Some of
01:08:16you would be finding this scary.
01:08:18The others would be finding
01:08:20it mysteriously
01:08:26They are the ones
01:08:28I am looking forward to.
01:08:34The others, I just want them to
01:08:36be too afraid
01:08:41to come any closer.
01:09:02Anup, decide
01:09:06where do you belong?
01:09:14do you want?
01:09:36There is no joy
01:10:09Only when you are
01:10:11shivering to the core
01:10:20and shivering
01:10:32badly and madly
01:10:38that all your
01:10:48dirt and garbage
01:10:50falls off.
01:11:08Copyright© OSHO International Foundation
01:11:12copyright OSHO is a registered Trademark of OSHO International Foundation
