Is Ignoring Grief the Key to Wisdom? || Acharya Prashant (2023)

  • 9 hours ago
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Video Information: 14.06.2023, Gita Samagam, Greater Noida

How to overcome grief?
How to tackle problems most affectively?
What is the right formula to de-stress?
What is the right approach to dealing with hurdles in life?
Should we take our problems seriously?

तमुवाच हृषीकेशः प्रहसन्निव भारत ।
सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये विषीदन्तमिदं वचः ।।
Bhagavad Gita - 2.10

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Salutation's Reversal. In verse 2.10, Shri Krishna spoke laughingly or smilingly. When
00:16I read this verse for the first time, I would say I liked it. Arjun is dying in grief and
00:25instead of taking him seriously and helping him, Shri Krishna is smiling. I also related
00:34between Shri Krishna is smiling or laughing here with Hasgulla of Ashtavakra. You mentioned
00:43this phrase Hasgulla of Ashtavakra. Even Shri Krishna seems to be following that. I personally
00:52hate someone who takes my problems lightly. I want others to take my problems seriously
01:00and duly resolve them, not smile or laugh at them. Please help my situation. What does
01:08seriousness mean? To look at the situation in the same deluded way as you do. You are
01:22wearing these specs right now. You put them on your head here as people do and then you
01:30start looking for them and you are deeply troubled. Two hours later, you go to this
01:37person and you say, I am in grief. I have lost my eyesight and he starts laughing. What's
01:47there to be hated in that? He has learnt a lesson and in his laughter, he is sharing
01:57the lesson with you and if he becomes serious about your condition, he will be of no use
02:05to you. He is laughing only because he has seen a solution. In fact, he has seen in the
02:10first place that the problem does not exist. You have not lost anything. The one who takes
02:18your problem seriously is much the same as you. How will he be of use to you? Please
02:27tell me. You have come upon a difficult problem in integral calculus. You are taking it very
02:44seriously. You have just begun your preparations, class 11th, first month. Somehow you have
02:52picked up this problem and you go to your teacher and he looks at the problem that you
02:59have picked up and gets scared just as you are scared. Will that teacher be of any use
03:06to you? No. You want someone who is not serious about things. You are very serious. But then
03:19I appreciate your predicament. Because it is serious to me, so it must be serious to
03:26you. Else you hurt my ego. Else you are showing me down. Else you are demonstrating to me
03:34that I am an idiot. So the wise man often in his wisdom chooses to pretend. He says
03:43obviously, obviously. I see, I see. Oh yes, it is a grave matter. I understand. Even if
03:52the thing can be solved in two seconds, he chooses to take half an hour for it just to
04:01display that the problem was convoluted. No, no. That's compassion. The one in front is not
04:12in a position to appreciate the shallowness of his problems. He is taking his petty problems
04:22as the biggest thing in the world. I have lost my doll. Armageddon. Doomsday.
04:42Let's together find her out. And even if then the doll is in plain sight, you decide to navigate
05:01the entire colony a couple of times before coming to the doll, you know. Okay, yeah. Now the kid
05:11feels pleased. Sometimes the liberated ones get liberated of even this consideration and that
05:25has happened in India. They choose to laugh in your face. The result is that they do not become
05:33very popular and hence lose the ability to help a lot of people. We know of liberated people or
05:45forget about just call them wise people. We know of wise men. You went to them with a petty problem,
05:52they would beat you up with a stick. They would say this is the only way to take care of your
05:57problems and you are trying to run away and he has bolted the door. He is saying this is the
06:03treatment you need. How dare you come to me with a problem like this? The fellow is saying the shop
06:08is not doing well. The son has run away. The wife is seeing somebody else and he is beating you. Yes,
06:13yes. Any more problems? Obviously no one returns to such a person. That's what compassion is.
06:32Remember this now. Compassion is to know that the other is an idiot and yet try to apply wisdom to
06:43solve his problems. Compassion is to know that the other's suffering itself is fake yet try very hard
06:53to relieve his suffering. Compassion is to know that all sorrow is founded in ignorance and yet
07:04take sorrow as a genuine problem to be addressed. No wise man will ever take your problem seriously,
07:16believe me. For the wise one, all your problems are bad jokes, not even worthy of a sound laughter.
07:30But then he says, you know, I can see through. You cannot. So I'll give up my right to laugh
07:45at you. I'll instead pretend to be serious. Yes, yes, yes. Of course, we have a problem.
07:52He says, you know, there was a time I was so much like you. These same things were big issues even to me.
08:05But I know they can be outgrown. I'm relating to you just as I relate to this body of old.
08:20You are my own self of 20 years back. The consciousness might have changed. The body remains the same, right?
08:36So just as I cannot disown my body, similarly, I cannot disown your state. I cannot say that
08:47your state is totally alien to me. Is my body alien to me? No, it is not. You are who I was 20 years back.
08:55Therefore, I will not laugh at you. Because in your state today is the potential to become who I am.
09:09So I'll not laugh at you. I would help you out.
09:13Krishan does not really laugh. Maybe he wanted to laugh. You can visualise him suppressing his laughter.
09:26Or looking the other way while laughing. Or coming up with a pretended cough.
09:38No, I'm not laughing. I'm coughing. No, no, no. Indeed. I understand. Of course.
09:47Such a long statement you have given. An entire chapter. Surely there must be something serious.
09:52How dare I say that there is nothing? No, no. Now think of Krishan.
10:08In 18 chapters or at least 17, he is giving a great and diverse solution to a problem that does not exist.
10:17And he fully well knows that the problem is fictitious. Yet he goes to such lengths to address the problem.
10:28Yes, yes, yes.
10:35If the truth is real, how can any problem be real? Is the truth a problem? Are there two truths?
10:41The truth is real. So can problems be real? All problems are imaginary. The wise one knows that.
10:56He also knows what it takes to know that.
10:58Compassion is not sympathy.
11:18Compassion is to be detached and yet experience the other's pain.
11:29It is the highest virtue.
11:37I can see all your problems are nonsense. Yet I will try to solve them.
11:46That's compassion.
11:58I said this from Arjun's point of view. Thinking from Arjun's point of view, not from Shri Krishna's point of view.
12:12I mean, I thought that at least for Arjun, he is feeling the problem is real.
12:19Yes. And Krishna knows that for Arjun, his problem is real.
12:26And therefore, the problem needs to be addressed.
12:36So at last, you said that we should try to maintain good relationships or relationships with objects.
12:48That take me, take you to liberation.
12:54So now this is the object, this Zoom call.
12:59And this laptop, this is my object right now that will take me towards liberation.
13:05And I should do whatever I can to maintain this relationship.
13:10So why I'm saying this, because you cannot imagine how I'm managing this call right now.
13:17So the power went off, I think, half an hour ago.
13:23And right now I'm in a semi-sleeping or you could say semi-standing position,
13:29just to maintain a white background so that low light can still be managed.
13:35So while I was doing all these things, I tried white background.
13:40I downloaded white background pictures just to play in the background.
13:47And while I was doing all these things, I was listening.
13:50You were saying these things live.
13:53So that was a live teaching or live help for me.
13:58Had you not spoken those lines, I would have said that fine.
14:03Today, the power is cut.
14:05Today, I won't be able to ask questions.
14:07It is best understood when it is live.
14:14When you live it, then it becomes spontaneously clear.
14:19Otherwise, even a wise man's explanations sound a bit foolish.
14:26Real understanding comes only when you get into it.
14:37Thank you so much.
14:47Acharya ji, I'm feeling like I'm reverberating with something.
14:52Because there was this doubt for many years that I had while reading
14:57a verse by Guru Gobind Singh ji in Zafarnama.
14:59He said that had this enemy come to me,
15:02because that enemy was hiding like a coward,
15:07he went back straight to his camp.
15:09And Guru Gobind Singh ji, while mentioning about him in Zafarnama,
15:11said that had he also come to fight me,
15:14I would have blessed him with an arrow also.
15:19He used the word blessed.
15:20And this is what you used to do while establishing a relationship with others.
15:24Even killing them would be something of providing love to him.
15:29And this is something, I cannot explain it right now, but wonderful.
15:34You have played something that was really immense for me.
15:37Why was he using these words?
15:39Why you use the word blessed?
15:41And this is what played up for me today.
15:43Thank you for it.
