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Charros de Jalisco mostró un gran pitcheo ante Indios de Mayaguez y clasifica a la final de la Serie del Caribe 2025 🇲🇽⚾🔥

Cortesía: 1Baseball Network

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#Beisbol #SerieDelCaribe #Mexicali #ResumenDelJuego #Indios #PuertoRico #Mexico #CharrosDeJalisco #SDC


00:00the second stage of the caribbean series when the dominican republic is added
00:11antony garcía is punctured by the fast track of 1 2 and 3 of what hamilton and martin mean
00:20or the shot is good at least it had time there it had good speed
00:29I was going to get there much earlier and as always we had already told them four bases per ball for
00:35each nine entrances thrown the bat the powerful line through the right garden the ball against
00:41the wall here comes billy hamilton scoring the first race for charles de jalisco
00:49line the ball passes from here two more are going to come to mexico notes martin notes
00:56wilansky and there are already three for the mexican team in this first entry
01:05then you have to reinvent the series in some way has managed to move forward
01:12there is a shot of the initial line and they also put it to eddie rosario of a series that is very
01:20short and that can be for anyone by second base in front and he has it there
01:25wilansky the initial shot and ends like this completely for what and for what is
01:32at stake and to go to the break after this car that is not observed in teams that are
01:41well below the others the play of the short field the initial shot is deviated but
01:47the bat is solid back to the gardener back to back and he can't with her the
01:58ball against the wall until the second the runner gets in to see if he is encouraged until the third
02:03not stop there michael wilansky mateo gil albate speed change there the gardener
02:14ruben castro and touch the runner for the double play fell asleep here wilansky and
02:24make a great double play the defense of indians from mayaguez we were praising
02:34this player a lot and here he really failed because the organization with two headquarters
02:45good friends with very few pitches solved here the launcher david reyes
02:53to the right of charles de jalisco comes elevated long by the central garden billy
03:01hamilton has it in the glove for the third out that tool had been forgotten the art of stealing
03:09six completed the second in the also this michael wilansky had to hurry there emmanuel rivera
03:23four seasons of experience in the big leagues goes to the corridor and they put it to a great shot
03:31of carlos bendy bill to put out there ruben castro we are seeing good performances of the two receivers
03:45hard this bat back to the gardener has dominion and stays with her for the third
03:52another shot withdrawn in white for king david reyes who has mexico in front allowed races
04:03tremendous pitching for ponchara meffel for the first out derecho velez comes
04:09through the short field can be a double play the same short field touches the
04:14pad and throws the initial for the double play and thus the third out of the entry there are six
04:22complete friends we continue to advance and mexico is defeating puerto rico three races
04:30for zero this is the caribbean series another play that they are going to review is the second
04:35if we are going to see this is the best angle there it jumps
04:49I read there
04:54we are going to see when it falls they did not let us see that it was the ideal plane not the ideal shot
05:01for the closeness
05:10but they do not take it away very quickly wow and they say that it is still I think it was
05:15easy there and sandia is tied for second or he gets up there to jet long
05:22but he makes the adjustment and now yes to complete the third out
05:26this 29-year-old jesus cruz pitcher and here he punches him
05:40elevated by the central garden back to back and he can't catch him billie hamilton
05:46his defensive problems from second to third to the rosario corridor and there he is going to
05:52get comfortably what seemed to be an elevated in control of billie hamilton I mentioned it
06:01there it was not the example of guarantees hamilton in the central garden is that his movements
06:09are very clumsy and he begins to take a step back is there when the situation gets tangled
06:16and now he gets tangled here in mexico he notes eddie rosario the first for puerto rico gets into the
06:25game already shows presence in the game indians from maya west three races for one with this
06:35hit day sandia if he comes now to onyx vega with the one of the tie in his bat and mario
06:42feliciano is the new catcher or max team I mean max team is the one and then you are leaving
06:54the poncho
06:59or tremendous pitching the time goes to rivera and he goes with the stride victor of the Mexican team
07:08here comes the pitching and throwing it away with the strike antony garcía for the third
07:17out, he went to the eighth of puerto rico, he comes and throwing it away with the strike
07:28to two outs of the victory charles de jalisco punches daniel ortiz and david mckinnon comes
07:39here comes the right the high throw seems to have control of the receiver
07:49wilson and he has it in his glove the game ends victory for charles de jalisco and
08:00mexico advances to the final and faces the dominican republic charles de jalisco
08:08passes the final undefeated in this series of the caribbean
