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Hoy en la Serie del Caribe con Fabiola Sabedra 🔥⚾

Un repaso de lo que dejó la jornada inaugural del torneo caribeño celebrado en Mexicali.

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00:00What's up friends of Baseball Play? Fabiola Saavedra greets you and then we will do a brief review of the Caribbean ball day. This is today in the Caribbean series.
00:14We started this tour with the commitment of the Cardinals of Lara against the Charros of Jalisco in game number 4 of the Caribbean series.
00:23The host team still does not know the defeat. This Saturday the final board was two races for one in favor of those of Benji Hill.
00:33Despite the fact that the Twilights took the lead on the board thanks to a race scored by Rangel Ravelo, the Venezuelan team added their second setback in the fair Caribbean and begins to set the alarms.
00:47In the fifth episode, the Charros managed to level the actions, but in the last entry the line of difference arrived after Julian Ornelas connected a first round.
01:00A mistake by Rangel Ravelo caused a new race for the locals.
01:05Jimmy Endersby offered a quality exit, however he left without a decision, launched for 5 complete chapters, allowed a race, 3 hits, granted a ticket and vanished to 4.
01:20The relegation player of the Aztec division, Stephen Nogosek, took the victory. Arnaldo Hernández charged with defeat.
01:28As for the toiletry for the Charros, Rudy Martin stood out, tied for 4-2 and 1 scored.
01:35The Mexican team will seek to continue to maintain the undefeated. This February 2 will be against Leones del Escogido. And curiously, both are sets that still do not have a setback in their record.
01:50Earlier, Leones del Escogido beat the guests of Mexicali 2025, Japan Breeze, which by the way is directed by Alex Ramichan, who debuted with his left foot in the Caribbean series.
02:07While the Quisqueyans took advantage of the emotional send-off of the opening day and are now at the top of the ranking with a record of 2-0.
02:18The commitment was opened in favor of those led by Albert Pujols in the first third of the duel.
02:25The toiletry of the Melenudos took advantage in view of the fact that the Japanese opener, Shuto Sakurai, was out of control in the lomita.
02:34By the way, the Asian snakeman charged with defeat after working for 3 episodes, allowed 4 lines, 3 unbeatable and 5 tickets.
02:46On the other hand, the opener by Leones, Johnny Cueto, was quite the opposite. He stood up with the laurel after an impeccable performance in the morrito.
02:56He launched for 6 complete episodes. They connected him 4 unstoppable, 1 dirty race and 2 fans.
03:03The Dominican offensive from the 3rd inning was completely on fire.
03:09Yamaiko Navarro was perfect with a couple of impulses, while Zagber Pimentel dispatched the first quadrangular of the 67th edition of the Caribbean series.
03:21Without knowing the defeat yet, the representatives of the Dominican Republic will meet this Sunday at the Charros de Jalisco in the Nido de los Águilas.
03:33Japan will jump again on the field, but this time against some Mayagüez Indians with a thirst for victory.
03:40Meanwhile, Cardenales de Lara will be resting.
03:44In this way, we conclude with this review. We invite you to interact in the different digital platforms.
03:52Find us as arroabaseballplay and subscribe to www.baseballplay.com
