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Hoy en la Serie del Caribe con Kevin Alfonso Gil 🔥⚾

Un repaso de lo que dejó la jornada inaugural del torneo caribeño celebrado en Mexicali.

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#Beisbol #SerieDelCaribe #HoyEnLaSDC
00:00What's up friends, how are you? I'm Kevin Alfonso Gil and I want to invite you to join me to review the latest results of the day of this Caribbean classic in our section, today in the Caribbean series.
00:13We raise the curtain with the first commitment of this Mexican and 2025 Caribbean series, with the first clash of the day that starred Cardinals of the Ara of Venezuela and Lions of the Dominican Republic.
00:27With victory for the Quisqueyans in an interesting commitment that ended with Pizarra of 2 races for 0.
00:35A real pitching duel was what was experienced in the nest of the eagles of Mexicali having as protagonists the challengers.
00:42Máximo Castillo launched primors in this exit, completely manipulating the Dominican athletics for 6 episodes in which he allowed only 3 unstoppable with 2 punches without allowing races or granting tickets.
00:57For his part, Brooks Hall also had a very good exit by working for 5 sections, keeping the Venezuelan offensive at bay by allowing only 3 unstoppable without races and 3 fans.
01:10Good work that was continued by the bullpen of the Lions of the chosen one by combining 4 arms to allow only 2 unstoppable in the last 4 episodes of the cotejo to those directed by Henry Blanco.
01:24In the 6th inning, the national combination took advantage of an important opportunity to produce races, after having men in 3rd and 2nd without Addox on the board and not being able to materialize the first scoring of the game,
01:37having the medullary part of the alignment in the home plate.
01:42Next, the Quisqueyana athletics could count on that opportune blow that Venezuela lacked and in the 7th chapter, in the face of the deliveries of the relevista Alex Scherf,
01:53they were able to connect a triple producer to make the first line and the second would come as a product of a wild pitch from Scherf himself.
02:01Unique notes in the commitment that allowed the Lions of the chosen one to reach their first victory in the Caribbean Classic.
02:10Those directed by Albert Pujols, who by the way got his first victory as a manager in a Caribbean series,
02:17took advantage of a prominent performance with the woodwork of Francisco Mejia, who went perfect from 3-3 with a simple double and triple,
02:25he only lacked the quadrangular to reach the ladder.
02:30On the opposite side, Cardenales de Lara could not deploy his offensive power that he had shown in the last matches in the LBBP final,
02:39a challenge that only 5 unstoppable could connect, 2 of them from Gorkis Hernández.
02:44In addition to having beaten 5-0 with men in scoring position in a first game of this Caribbean series that had an attendance of 11,495 fans.
02:56The victory was won by Alex Colomé in labores de relevo, the defeat to the American Alex Scherf,
03:03by receiving the two Dominican scores in a labor inning.
03:07The game saved was for the left-back Fernando Abad, who took out the last inning without complications with a fan.
03:15The Venezuelan team will play their second duel this Saturday, February 1, at 9.50 p.m.
03:23when they will be measuring the Charros de Jalisco hosts,
03:28while the Lions of the chosen one will be facing the Japan Breeze team invited to this Caribbean Classic, Mexicali 2025.
03:38In the second hour, it was the turn of the hosts, the Charros de Jalisco hosts,
03:46against the Mayaguez Indians, representatives of Puerto Rico.
03:50Prior to the match, the official inauguration ceremony of the Caribbean Series Mexicali 2025 was held,
03:57a very emotional, very colorful protocol act, against 17,000 souls that filled the nest of the eagles.
04:04In that same ceremony, they also paid tribute to the legendary, the iconic Mexican thrower Fernando Valenzuela,
04:12who passed away last October 2024 and is considered the best Aztec snakeman of all time.
04:21Without a doubt, an indelible mark left Valenzuela in baseball and Latin American sport.
04:28After the protocol acts, the commitment that dominated the Charros de Jalisco squad from start to finish began,
04:36winning eight races in a row against the Mayaguez Indians,
04:40relying on an offensive that was able to connect nine unstoppable in this challenge,
04:45but also Benji Hill also had an extraordinary work of his thrower body.
04:50David Reyes started, who took the victory by throwing seven solid entries,
04:56allowing only four unstoppables, a clean race, granted a ticket and fanned four opponents.
05:03Good work that was continued by the Mexican bullpen that was hermetic
05:08by taking out the last two innings without allowing unstoppables.
05:13The Jalisco offensive was re-evaluated by who has been fundamental in that lineup throughout the winter,
05:20with reference to the Colombian Reinaldo Rodríguez, who linked four-three with a pair of scores.
05:26Jafet Amador was another who contributed to the offensive by Mexico by connecting three-two with a two-race drive,
05:34this in the fourth episode.
05:36For its part, the Mayaguez Indians started this Caribbean classic with their left foot.
05:41First, they were victims of that great pitching of Jalisco that limited them to four unstoppables,
05:46but they also did not have the best start of their opener Ronnie Williams,
05:51who took the defeat by receiving three clean races, four unstoppables,
05:56gave away three passports in four episodes of work.
06:00The Mayaguez Indians will be on holiday on this Saturday,
06:05while Mexico will be measuring this February 1st to the Venezuelan combined on the second hour,
06:11which represents the second meeting for both organizations.
06:14Cardenales de Lara looking for his first Lauro in this Caribbean classic,
06:19while Charros de Jalisco his second victory in this journey.
