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Están allanando la casa en la que estaba.

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00:00They arrested her, yesterday they found her with a cell phone, they are looking for another cell phone, they are looking for things that she may have had from some robbery in some house, Javier Mozo is there in the micro center, tell us.
00:15That's right, the situation started about an hour ago, this raid.
00:19We understand that the two forces are there, the city police collaborating, doing the raid, and with the collaboration of the police of the province of Buenos Aires.
00:29Everything is very hermetic, there are no elements, there are no cars that show, except for a truck with polarized glass, white in color, which may be from the police of the city of Buenos Aires.
00:42So far we have not seen any cell phone of the police of the province, but we do know that they are inside, on the sixth floor, apartment F.
00:51It is an office building, which from the third, fourth floor, rather, from the fourth floor up, has eight apartments per floor.
01:00This, the sixth F, is the opposite, and we are very few blocks from what is the obelisk, a few steps from the port obelisk.
01:08And it is here where yesterday at three, or rather, this early morning, at three, three and a half in the morning, Morena Rial was arrested for a case that is linked to mid-January in Villa Adelina.
01:21There it is presumed that Morena Rial would have been participating in a robbery along with a group of other people.
01:28We will see at the exit of this raid what the authorities tell us.
01:32There are no people of justice at this time here, we only reiterate, police of the city of Buenos Aires, police of the province,
01:41helping very few officers of both forces to see what they find in this apartment, not of their property, but of temporary rent.
01:52Well, let's see, it must be said that we all know Morena Rial, especially in this house, and that this is already of a greater gravity,
02:03because it is not the first case, it is the second case that leads her to detention this morning.
02:08And there are several points to analyze. The first, and it is very important, is that Jorge Rial did not dodge the subject and spoke of the subject.
02:15We are going to listen to his statements, but first, Javier Díaz, tell us exactly what is known about the detention cause of this early morning.
02:23It is a case, usually in this case, of January 18 of this year, of course, as Javier Mozo told us from our cell phone.
02:33It is a case in which, in a house that was uninhabited because its owner, with the residents of that house,
02:42were on vacation and returned a few days ago, the electricity was cut off and they got into the house.
02:50This image that we are seeing now is from January 22.
02:54Of course, but this image is the one that put the gaze on the gang from the identification of Morena Rial.
03:01I remember that they arrested them at that time.
03:03At this time, this is in the afternoon, on January 22, we are going to put it in context so that the video is understood.
03:11The one who drives is Morena Rial, in a car.
03:14At least two or three young men get out of that car.
03:20This is what is in the complaint.
03:22They cut off the light of a house that was also uninhabited.
03:26They loosen the plugs.
03:28It was an old house that had the door of the plugs and they loosen the plugs.
03:36But there were people inside?
03:38And they see that the light is cut off and they leave.
03:40And one of the neighbors who was outside sees this movement.
03:44He calls the police and tells them that there is a gray car with this characteristic,
03:47with at least five people inside, who made a movement and cut off the light of the house.
03:52Well, the police start the operation.
03:54He does not detect them.
03:55He detects them hours later.
03:57Finally, he finds the car.
03:59He makes everyone get off, including Morena Rial, who was with her son in her arms.
04:04With another woman.
04:05A young woman and three men.
04:07He gets them off, puts them against the wall, checks them, takes them to the police station.
04:11And a few hours later, there it is.
04:12This is the moment.
04:13It is not the night.
04:14The detail is that there they do find elements compatible with who is going to blow up a house.
04:19For example, elements to cut iron, latex gloves.
04:25They had ties.
04:27Mountain shoes.
04:28And they also had a cricket.
04:30Do you remember?
04:31They had a cricket that is often used to open people's bars.
04:34The bars.
04:35To push the bars.
04:36That image is so desperate because you see them with the baby.
04:39With the baby.
04:40She had the baby for three months.
04:41Obviously, this transcends because she is the daughter of Jorge Rial, it must be said.
04:44And this happens a lot.
04:45But it is so sad to see that image.
04:47And it happens to so many young people, not so young too.
04:50Because, Dani, how old is Morena Rial?
04:52We have known her since she was little.
04:54But how old is she today?
04:55Morena is about 25, 26 years old.
04:58But she is the mother of two children.
05:00The situation she is in now is very complex.
05:03Today, it seems to me that there is a break in Jorge Rial,
05:07who also speaks a lot from the heart and says,
05:09let the weight of the law fall on him.
05:11But he also speaks in a low voice.
05:13And it happened to me, I don't know what happened to you when you heard him,
05:15that you say, he is like so many surrendered parents who no longer know what to do.
05:21Jorge did a lot for Morena's situation,
05:25helping her in many situations to get a job
05:30or achieve some kind of personal entrepreneurship that Morena Rial,
05:36at the time, I remember having made the presentation,
05:39obviously, of the launch of a virtual company,
05:44in any case, if you want to say it that way,
05:47of jewelry, of things where Morena Rial could get to have,
05:52obviously, an income of money.
05:56But at some point she started to like easy money related to crime, right?
06:03Because let's remember that not many months ago we were talking about her
06:07for recommending clandestine gambling sites.
06:12And we tell you that she has a cause, a formal accusation,
06:15for recommending to be one of the influencers,
06:17in the city of Buenos Aires.
06:18One of the famous ones who sent people to play clandestine gambling sites.
06:22And then she re-insisted.
06:24She re-insisted, she had to go, of course,
06:26cited by the city of Buenos Aires prosecutor's office about that fact.
06:31And the bad joints, as they say in the genre,
06:34that is, the bad companies that Morena Rial has had
06:37and that her father has said, not only today.
06:40The day of the 18th of January,
06:42which is for the fact that she is under arrest today,
06:45that is in Villa de Lina.
06:47The previous fact had been Martinez.
06:49In Villa de Lina they manage to enter the house and steal.
06:53The owner was on vacation and a few days ago when he returns
06:56he finds that the house was in a mess.
06:58The previous one had been in a degree of temptation or suspicion
07:01and that is why they are released quickly.
07:03What is said...
07:04What happens is that when they fell, they were in evidence.
07:07They took everyone's data and began to cross their faces.
07:10What is said, what they did on the 22nd,
07:13is a preparatory act.
07:15What they did was go to cut off the light of the house,
07:18they left to take a few turns and come back later.
07:22In the middle of all that, the police at night
07:25sees them wandering, cuts them off, stops them
07:29and then a few hours later they release them
07:31because they only found that in the trunk, what we told before.
07:34Well, on the one hand the causes, on the other hand
07:37this familial feeling that we can call him by his last name,
07:40Jorge Rial, but many parents feel it.
07:42Dani spoke today.
07:44Today Jorge Rial went to his radio show.
07:48Obviously he spoke about this situation,
07:50he speaks of responsibility,
07:52he also speaks of a certain situation of shame
07:56with everything that is happening.
07:58At this precise moment, Jorge Rial
08:01has the provisional guard of the son of Morena Rial.
08:07He is obviously taking care of all this.
08:11But let's hear the words of Jorge Rial
08:14how he explained precisely
08:16when he found out about the arrest of his daughter Morena.
08:20Unfortunately my daughter Morena is under arrest.
08:23She was arrested yesterday, around that time,
08:26about two in the morning.
08:29She had an arrest warrant and was arrested.
08:32She is arrested at the moment.
08:34I raised her as best I could.
08:36I have two daughters, I raise them the same.
08:38One is Morena, who made a decision at the time
08:40to go the other way,
08:42which even took her away from me
08:44because obviously I never approved
08:46that decision of her of an almost marginal life.
08:49I tried many times,
08:51in fact, until yesterday I was talking to her,
08:53she said, no, I never left her abandoned,
08:56for God's sake.
08:58Even if it was with distance,
09:00I always tried to monitor
09:02and try to change that attitude.
09:04But they are life decisions.
09:06My daughter is older.
09:08I can't do it at all.
09:10As far as I could, I did.
09:12Then I couldn't do anything else.
09:14I was also a victim at one point
09:16of these marginal attitudes of my daughter.
09:18And everyone knows, I'm not going to tell you now,
09:20and everything is fine.
09:22But I was also a victim.
09:24I was a silent victim.
09:26Obviously, what I feel now is shame.
