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¿Era la favorita de Santiago del Moro?

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00:00Petrona se fue de la casa, se quería ir, se quería ir, se quería ir.
00:06No me voten, dijo.
00:08No me voten, no me voten. Bueno, está afuera.
00:10¿Por qué estás afuera?
00:12Bueno, hola, Angelito.
00:14¿Cómo estás?
00:16Te agradezco. Sí, me ganó la angustia.
00:20¿A quién extrañabas? ¿A tu marido?
00:22Extrañaba a mi familia, a todos, mis nietos, mis hijas.
00:26¿Por qué vos entraste y eras re divertida?
00:28Era como la parte cómica de la casa y después te empezaste a poner un poco triste.
00:34Sí, la verdad que sí.
00:36Entré en un pico de depresión.
00:38La verdad que tenés que tener para entrar y afrontar muchas cosas.
00:48Imagínate Furia, que estuvo siete meses.
00:50Ah, es tremendo.
00:52Sí, sí.
00:54Uema Beach.
00:56Estuvo que entre tu marido para darte fuerzas, al contrario, ¿no?
00:58Al contrario, me debilitó.
01:00¿Fue peor?
01:04Porque se supone que el congelado también tiene que ver con darle un poco de cariño al participante y que sepa que está todo bien afuera.
01:08Está bien, un congelado perfecto, pero me pareció, me sorprendió, porque nunca me imaginé que él se atreviera, porque es tímido,
01:22y se atreviera a estar frente mío y pedirle que me dé un chape.
01:26Yo le hacía así con los ojos.
01:28Abrazame, pellizcame.
01:30¿Por qué no sacaste la lengua?
01:34Decime algo, no sé.
01:36Quería un chape.
01:40Lo que todas quieren, Petrona.
01:44¿Y en el repechaje tenés idea si querés ingresar o no querés ingresar?
01:46Mira, hoy llega él.
01:48Lo vamos a hablar.
01:50Mi esposo, él.
01:52¿Por qué lo vamos a hablar? Es decisión tuya.
01:54Te tenés que apurar que el repechaje es el lunes.
01:56Bueno, quizás, no sé todavía, estoy muy indecisa, no creo.
02:02Primero va a chapar igual.
02:04Primero el chape que te debe.
02:06Esa noche en Tucumana lo que voy a hacer.
02:08Chapa y vuelve.
02:10Petrona, ¿cuándo fue que Jorgito empezó a ver a la vecinita de enfrente?
02:12Ah, esa es una historia.
02:14Pero esa es una estrategia mía que yo inventé.
02:16Como todo lo que hiciste en la casa.
02:18Yo digo, Petrona, sos una actriz consumada.
02:20Es verdad.
02:22Yo siempre lo dije desde el primer día.
02:24Es lo más falso y mentiroso de buen sentido.
02:26Así se juega.
02:28Claro que sí.
02:30Si no tenés estrategia, no tenés palabra, argumento.
02:32Petrona, ¿no sos sonámbula?
02:34No, eso sí.
02:36Eso sí me asustó muchísimo.
02:38Pero qué, ¿no sabías que eras sonámbula?
02:40¿No sabías que eras sonámbula?
02:42Yo sí.
02:44¿Y qué lo asustó?
02:46Cuando veíamos los videos decíamos, esta está fingiendo.
02:48No, no.
02:50Me asusté muchísimo porque los chicos
02:52al otro día se me reían en la cara.
02:54Y le dije, usted me está emboludeando.
02:56Y no, me dice,
02:58Petrona, paseate por toda la casa.
03:02Y bueno, era creerle.
03:04Porque sí, en realidad yo hay veces,
03:06en mi casa, muchas veces
03:10Me desperté en el patio
03:12del fondo de mi casa cuando estaba lloviendo.
03:14¿Y los presagios, Petro?
03:16¿Todo eso inventado?
03:18¿Los presagios?
03:20No, los presagios, te juro.
03:22Los sueños.
03:24Los sueños se me cumplían.
03:26¿Y no soñaste que te ibas vos?
03:28Me soñé.
03:30¿En serio?
03:32Las zapatillas blancas.
03:34La de Rukita.
03:36La salida de Bonjo con Kande.
03:38¿Qué más soñaste que no pasó todavía?
03:40A ver si se cumple.
03:42A mí me decía, Vic.
03:44A ver, tirame un numerito.
03:46¿Qué más soñaste? A ver, que no pasó todavía.
03:48Soñé que...
03:50No, todavía no soñé nada. ¿Para qué?
03:54¿No soñaste quién gana, por ejemplo?
03:56No, pero...
03:58¿Puedo soñar después? ¿Qué pasa?
04:00Para mí, el presagio,
04:02es tempranamente, obviamente,
04:04pero tienes
04:06Lulú, Lourdes.
04:10Su hija, tu hija.
04:12Mi hija.
04:14Me gustaría Martu, Brian,
04:16Luciana, que también.
04:18Bueno, pero es cuestión
04:20que ellos pongan dinámica.
04:22Que gane una mujer.
04:24Ay, por favor, hace ese presagio.
04:26Sí, obvio, tiene que ganar una mujer.
04:28Pero no, Sandra.
04:30Podemos aclarar lo de tu profesión.
04:32¿A qué te dedicas?
04:36¿Cuál es tu profesión?
04:38Tienes un montón de estudios.
04:40¿Empleada de qué?
04:42Sí, hasta hice curso de uñas, depilación,
04:46cocinera, depiladora,
04:50un montón de cosas.
04:52Me encanta.
04:54¿Empleada municipal?
04:58No, trabajo hace 16 años.
05:00Hace unos cuantos años
05:02quedé ya en planta.
05:04Porque te ponían en las redes
05:06de este año.
05:08Hace 16 años que jamás
05:10me pedí vacaciones.
05:12O sea, vas a trabajar como cualquiera.
05:14Y tengo que volver a mi trabajo.
05:16Lo raro fue algunos dichos que tuviste en la casa
05:18que tenía que ver como que a vos
05:20te habían traído de Tucumán.
05:22La ayudaron a viajar.
05:24Exactamente, no lo niego.
05:26Con la nuestra la hacen viajar a Petronas
05:28a tan hermano.
05:30A mí me ayudaron mucho
05:32para el viaje.
05:34Salía de mi bolsillo.
05:36Ojo, yo no tenía
05:40En su momento yo deseaba,
05:42era mi sueño estar en la casa de gran hermano.
05:44Pedí ayuda,
05:46es verdad.
05:48Me ayudaron porque son gente
05:50humilde, como la señora
05:52Gladys Medina, que
05:54es una mujer
05:58¿Pero quién es Gladys Medina?
06:00Esa es una señora senadora.
06:02¿Le pidió plata para que vos viajes a Buenos Aires?
06:04Sí, yo le pedí una ayuda económica.
06:08¿Y a cambio de algo?
06:10¿A cambio de algo, porque te quiso ayudar?
06:12No, no, no, a cambio de nada
06:14porque es una señora que ayuda
06:16a toda
06:18banda del Río Salí.
06:20¿Pero ella lo hace con su
06:24Eso no te sabría decir.
06:26Entonces hay que investigar por otro lado.
06:28Pero ella tiene su ayuda
06:30y no hay gente
06:32que ella no ayuda.
06:34Ayuda a las mujeres,
06:36ella no tiene distinción de nada.
06:38¿Es senadora nacional?
06:40Es una mujer muy, muy humilde.
06:42Es la profesora de mi hija.
06:44La conocí
06:46hace muchos años a ella.
06:48¿Y vos qué le pediste?
06:50¿Que te ayudara a llegar a Buenos Aires
06:52para presentarte en el casting de Gran Hermano?
06:54Para presentarme en el casting, sí.
06:56Venimos de varios castings.
06:58Te quería preguntar, vos contaste en la casa que tu marido
07:00te había engañado.
07:02Sí, pero esa era una estrategia
07:04que yo inventé.
07:06Mis vecinas son todas viejas.
07:08¿Pero por ahí se comió una vieja?
07:12¿Por qué no?
07:14No sería ni la primera ni la última.
07:16Es una categoría de no por.
07:18¿Y la estrategia cuál era?
07:20Era que Sandra,
07:22porque en ese momento estaba matada.
07:24Y cuando salíamos a fumar
07:26y escucho, le digo,
07:28Sandra, ¿jamás te engañaron?
07:30Y me dice, mirá, sí.
07:32¿Y a vos? También, le digo.
07:34Sí, le digo.
07:36Y empezó a hablar ella.
07:38¿Para hacerla hablar?
07:40Claro, y habló, y habló.
07:42Quedó ahí, sí.
07:44Pero pará, ¿y tu marido qué dice?
07:46No, él...
07:48O sea, él sabe cómo soy yo.
07:50Y aparte él me conoce.
07:52El congelado fue cremado.
07:54Petro, cuando saliste
07:56ahí al jardín de la casa y gritaste,
07:58¡Jorge, que te amo! Eso fue, ¿en serio o un show?
08:02Lo sentí, lo grité para que...
08:04Inclusive no me escuchó.
08:06No, no me escuchó.
08:08Fue por el otro lado.
08:10El que estaba enamorado de vos
08:12era del Moro que no sabía cómo hacer
08:14para retenerte dentro de la casa.
08:16Que se quede, que te quede, que te quede.
08:18Es que era un personaje.
08:20Él es un amor de personas.
08:22Es un personaje fuerte desde la casa.
08:24Le aportabas mucho y él, que te quede, que te quede.
08:30a pesar del favoritismo de Del Moro,
08:32anoche Petrona quedó eliminada
08:34del reality.
08:40¡Esta misma noche!
08:44¡El Santamén!
09:06Cabe recordar que hace
09:08unos días el conductor
09:10habló con la oriunda de Tucumán
09:12e intentó convencerla para que se quede
09:14con un discurso que creó
09:16mucha desconfianza en el público.
09:18Obviamente que si te querés ir,
09:20I think that such a player like you, so relevant, so important, in which so many people also trusted,
09:27you entered, after the entrance of your husband last week, you don't deserve that exit, through the small door.
09:34That's why you gave yourself to the people to see what the people decide, and then if you want to make a decision, as you want.
09:42I'm not here to convince anyone, because the program continues.
09:45This continues, the competition continues.
09:48But yesterday's gala aroused controversy among the followers of the program.
09:53The first was when Del Moro overtook Petrona's exit.
09:57We can spy on the house a little bit, because we already defined. Petrona is leaving and they see her.
10:02Petrona is leaving and they see her.
10:05She's with Brian, with Lourdes, and there's Juan Pablo too.
10:10The driver's blooper, ahead of the elimination of the Tucumana, and yesterday's plaque,
10:16generated a scandal with harsh criticism from the fans of Gran Hermano.
10:21They are more than ready for Petrona to leave.
10:24Hey, but Petrona had a lot more money than Sopa and Katia.
10:28If she leaves, do we all agree that it is arranged by the production?
10:33It's amazing that they invented all this so that Petrona leaves through the big door.
10:38Why was there an elimination gala yesterday?
10:41Are the suspicions of the followers of the program based?
10:47Well, what happened, Petrona?
10:48No, I went to the stream to talk, to ask people.
10:53Did you get excited?
10:56I get excited because it was a dream to enter that house, I fulfilled it, I felt like a winner at the time.
11:04Yes, I had that foreboding or that feeling that I had many followers, a lot of support.
11:12In the messages of the dinner that was Santiago, he told me, the message of the family, stay and support.
11:20I was already there and I started to say no, this is crazy.
11:24And I was winning, I mean, the spirit was on my floor.
11:30And I started and I said no.
11:33I talked to Vic, it was my last week, and he tells me, it is what people decide.
11:39Petrona, if you want the tour, there you have it.
11:43And if people decided not to, you were still going?
11:46Yes, I told him, please, forgive me, my followers, my family, everyone who supported me.
11:54You left because you missed everything, I understand that, I understand you, because a lot of people went through it, right?
12:00Within reality.
12:01You're not going back to the repechage, I imagine.
12:03No, I'm not going back.
12:05No, no, no, I'm not going back.
12:06Are you sure?
12:07Do you have info?
12:08Are they going to let you go back?
12:09No, I'm not going back, Petrona.
12:10She can't go back.
12:11No, there's no doubt.
12:12She can, she can.
12:13Andrea, for health reasons and Petrona.
12:15But if she can, if she eliminated the audience.
12:17She eliminated the audience.
12:19But Petrona said yesterday that she wasn't going back.
12:21Of course, but it's a personal decision.
12:23I don't want to go back.
12:24It's a decision.
12:25You don't want to go back?
12:26No, no.
12:27That she doesn't see you inside the house?
12:28No, of course.
12:29You're going to kill me.
12:30Coti said the same thing to me the other time.
12:32No, wait.
12:33No, I, Gran Hermano, have nothing to do with it.
12:34A week ago I was inside Gran Hermano's house.
12:35If you come back, look at the camera and say, Angel Diabrito, LAM.
12:38Yes, we'll send a LAM from inside the house.
12:40Now that you can.
12:42Furia said, never again.
12:44Never again, Furia.
12:45Tonight is going to be the night of the six.
12:47Yes, yes.
12:48Petrona, how can you explain to us that you came in so excited?
12:54For me, one of the funniest characters.
12:56At the beginning, you went off.
12:58How can you explain to us what it's like inside that house with the confinement?
13:02Well, I'll explain.
13:04First of all, it's all adrenaline.
13:06The first few months, you play, you play with the camera.
13:11I like to laugh, to dance, to fuck, to make jokes, to laugh.
13:17Are you an annoying person?
13:18That's how my life is.
13:20That's how my life is.
13:22Wherever I go to parties, I'm the clown.
13:25Number one.
13:27And well, then it was my husband's visit.
13:30I got really down.
13:32You're right.
13:33I'll tell you.
13:34Yes, I got really down.
13:36It was something I couldn't sleep.
13:39My hair fell off.
13:41I didn't have hair anymore.
13:43Stress and a lot of things.
13:46Even nightmares.
13:50What did you dream about?
13:52I had ugly things that I imagined.
13:56But things that happened inside?
13:58No, no, things that with my brothers I dreamed badly.
14:02Petrona, in the first confinement you fell round.
14:05You went, you fainted.
14:08That, what was it?
14:09Did you feel bad?
14:10Or does it have to do with the mood you were in?
14:12Let's say you were bad.
14:13It was a set of things that I started to tremble.
14:16The fact that Martita came in,
14:18it was an emotion and a down,
14:21that my body was shaking.
14:25I fell to the couch and not to the floor
14:27because my head was bursting.
14:29Martita, Luciana's mother.
14:31Because in a context of isolation,
14:32the only life story, or the strongest one,
14:34not to deserve the honor,
14:35but I imagine it must have been
14:36a big down for you.
14:39No, but also because of how she tells it,
14:41it's the extreme emotion that later
14:43is counteracted by the depression that was there.
14:47And one from the outside sometimes
14:48judges and says,
14:49what a lazy Petrona,
14:50that she gets off the couch
14:51and in reality it costs you a lot.
14:52And did you talk a lot with the psychologists?
14:54How did they contain you?
14:55Notice that I did talk a couple of times
14:57with the psychologists.
14:59They contained me a lot.
15:01They were the most.
15:04But no, I didn't want to anymore.
15:08You didn't want to anymore.
15:09We have, as always,
15:10they send to the army of LAM,
15:11to steal the army of LAM,
15:12a question for the boys who are eliminated.
15:14And here we have Petrona's today.
15:16Here is a criticism.
15:17Why did the lieutenant pay him?
15:19He was not a lieutenant, he was a senator.
15:20He was not a lieutenant, no.
15:21But some said at the time
15:22that he was a lieutenant.
15:23Nor was he going to represent
15:24Argentina abroad.
15:25It was a pleasure that he wanted to give himself,
15:27but with money from all the Tucumanos.
15:29You said before that it was
15:30a personal title that the lady gave you.
15:32You don't know where she got the money from.
15:34Yes, yes, it was an economic help.
15:36I had part of the money,
15:38I put it together and took out the tickets.
15:40You were missing for the passage.
15:42I mean, it wasn't that I gave you a million dollars.
15:43No, no, they didn't pay me anything.
15:45They helped me and I was very grateful.
15:47But this senator does not have a foundation
15:49or something like that.
15:51She supposedly takes out of her pocket.
15:53The foundation that I gave her.
15:54Look, what does help a lot of people,
16:00the truth is that I don't know if she has a foundation.
16:03I think she does have a women's foundation.
16:05She has a foundation.
16:06Look, here's another one.
16:07Did you find it funny to pee in other people's beds?
16:11Are you laughing?
16:12I don't know.
16:13Yes, did you find it funny?
16:14No, I laughed so much.
16:16Well, I'm 53 years old and I already have incontinence.
16:18Yes, yes, yes.
16:20Hey, girl, how?
16:22Oh my God.
16:23Stop it.
16:24All the little angels pee here.
16:26Why did you speak so badly of Santiago
16:28to the point of eliminating the votes
16:30when inside you even treated him as a son?
16:33Yes, well, I don't know why I named him.
16:37The truth is that ...
16:38I don't know if you don't know.
16:39Of course.
16:40I wanted to subtract the votes so as not to vote.
16:43Because it seemed to me that he was going to go for my children.
16:46He painted you.
16:47He painted you.
16:48And one more.
16:49Let's see.
16:50Petronas would ask if his relationship at home with Sandra
16:53was genuine lately.
16:55If Sandra was an objective to get out of the house.
16:57If she loves Santiago more than Ulysses in the game.
16:59Well, there are 25 questions.
17:01Who do you think is going to enter the repechage?
17:03Greetings to Petronas.
17:05Did you want to break Sandra?
17:09Because lately we get very close.
17:10We talk a lot.
17:11We talk a lot.
17:12They improved.
17:13And they improved.
17:14And who do you want to enter the repechage?
17:16Who would you like?
17:20Ah, look.
17:21I love it.
17:22I love it.
17:23Petronas, a pleasure to meet you.
17:25Thank you for coming.
17:26I will not look you up on TV.
17:27No, for sure.
17:29Thank you for visiting.
17:30Send greetings.
17:31Greetings to Furia.
17:32Live on Sunday.
17:34I send you greetings.
17:35If you do Lam!
17:36In the audience you throw a Lam.
17:38Let's see.
17:39Do it.
17:40Do it.
17:41Do it for the camera.
17:43I love it.
17:44I love it.
17:45The new one.
17:46I love it.
17:47I love it.
17:49I love it.
17:50The new one.
17:51I'm telling you.
17:52I'm telling you.
17:53I'm telling you.
17:54See you next time.
