(Adnkronos) - “Entro il 2025 eliminati 113 scarichi nel Sarno, balneabilità del Golfo di Napoli sempre più vicina”. Così Luca Mascolo, presidente dell’Ente Idrico Campano, a margine della cerimonia di completamento del collettore fognario a servizio dei comuni di Gragnano, Casola di Napoli, Lettere, Santa Maria la Carità e Castellammare di Stabia, alla presenza, tra gli altri, del presidente della Regione Campania, Vincenzo De Luca.
00:00The Ente Idrico Campano coordinates and presides the table of monitoring and coordination of all the activities for the complete desalination of the Sarno River.
00:13Our commitment was to reach the end of 2025, having eliminated 113 exhausts in the environment.
00:22What we have closed today is the 50th exhaust closed.
00:26Until now, by the end of March, we will close another 25.
00:31From here to the end of the year there will be a rush of closures because all the work is going completely.
00:38The program is perfectly respected.
00:41We have taken the commitment for this generation and for the future to completely desalinate.
00:49The Sarno Hydrographic Reticle is to restore the complete vulnerability to the sea of the splendid Gulf of Naples.
00:57It is a goal that we are carrying out, a commitment that we are maintaining.
01:01I have to thank GORI, MAESTRANZ, but above all I have to thank the Campania Region and President De Luca
01:07who have put in place all the resources and all the support to get us to this goal.
01:13We will delete a bad page of pollution and we will restore dignity to this territory.