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What is Stroke?

If a blood clot forms in the brain’s arteries or if one of these arteries bursts, it causes disturbance to the blood flow inside the brain, thus resulting in brain damage. This is called a stroke.

Stroke symptoms
• Drooping of the face
• Arm weakness
• Speech difficulty

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is time to call an ambulance.

Stroke prevention and recovery are deeply influenced by lifestyle choices.

From maintaining a healthy diet to staying active, the right habits can significantly reduce your risk and support a faster recovery if a stroke occurs. Stroke can be reversed if treated within 4.5 hours.

Watch Dr. G. Jos Jasper of Kauvery Hospital, one of the best neurosurgeons in Trichy, one of the best neuro hospitals in the city discuss the stroke prevention tips, while also emphasizing the critical importance of the golden hour in stroke treatment.

Watch This Video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shNOAkELLKQ

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