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Liver cirrhosis can often go unnoticed until it's advanced, but early detection is key to better outcomes. Knowing the essential tests for diagnosing cirrhosis is crucial for maintaining liver health.

Diagnosis of liver cirrhosis

Endoscopy is done and if oesophageal varices are found, it can be a symptom of liver cirrhosis.
Ultrasound of the abdomen can be done to identify the extent to which the liver has shrunk or water stagnation in the liver. If any abnormality is found, proper liver treatment should be done.
Robotic surgery done by robotic surgeons has become a boon for modern medicine.

Watch Dr. D. Gawtham of Kauvery Hospital, one of the best Liver Transplant Surgeons in Vadapalani, Chennai explain the key tests necessary to assess the extent of liver cirrhosis.

Watch This Video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27ZiAVMd7Sk

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