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00:00Tom Kim slow play drumbeat grows louder and louder every week to the point now that is that they're
00:07making overt references to it on the broadcast. There was a his approach shot at the par 5-6
00:13that Pebble Beach just refresh your memory. It's the one where it's that dramatic uphill blind
00:18shot after they kind of hit hit a drive off the tee with the water on the right hand side.
00:24He was standing over that ball for well more over the 40 seconds. He's allotted and then
00:30proceeded to blow it right into the to the hazard area. And I think that the quote was
00:36like wasn't really worth the weight. So there was that shot. And then, of course,
00:41not worth the weight was a quote. Now, 18C, after hitting it in the water,
00:45OB actually didn't see his first tee shot. He was reaching, hitting his third.
00:49And I think chimpanzee says some of the effect of, you know, he's now heading his third. And we
00:53were waiting ways, at least I think he's going to hit his third. He should be hitting his third
00:57there. So, you know, how do we approach this smile? Because the other thing I read it just
01:03in talking about the PGA Tour product and just the changes they're hoping to make is that they have
01:10privately a stat for time per shot for every player on tour. And they've handed out fines
01:17behind closed doors. They're trying to work with guys to get them to speed up. They're slow.
01:21They tried all this stuff, but they're discussing making some of this stuff public now,
01:26now that it's more and more, you know, there's more and more of complaints about this.
01:30So, I mean, what are your thoughts on the issue specifically as it relates to Tom Kim
01:35and what you'd like to see happen publicly to start really addressing slow play? Because people
01:39are not happy with it right now. Well, we'll use Tom Kim, obviously,
01:44because it's, it's, he's the person this week, but there's plenty of other guys that,
01:48that have to get faster. Tom definitely is more deliberate in his conversations.
01:53Always has been since he's been on tour. I just think about Joe Scarborough and when him,
01:58when those two started working together, how their conversations always seem to just keep
02:03on going and going back and forth, back and forth, which I personally as a player, I love.
02:07And that's some of the best part of TV. It just, I think when guys mosey around and take too long
02:14to get, you know, the routines set up before they even do anything. That's the part that bothers me
02:19as a player. It's like, I understand some guys like right now, Tom is having issues over the
02:24golf ball, pulling the trigger. Like it's pretty obvious. Like it's just, he just can't like
02:30one, two go. It's something that he hasn't shown that he cares enough to like really work on.
02:36He may be working on it, but just can't do it in competition. But it sure seems like to me that he
02:43either one is mentally struggling with that or two, just as like, Hey, I'm just going to go at
02:49my speed. And if that's the case, right? Like that's what we want to, you know, try to try to
02:56change because that's, that's the type of stuff we just need guys working on it. And, and Hey,
03:02he might be working on it and it could be really difficult for him. Like I've had issues in my day
03:08where it feels like it's going so much faster over the golf ball before you pull it back.
03:14And I'll see a video and I'm like, I looked at the whole eight times before I pulled it off,
03:19like pulled it, pulled the club back. And a lot of times it was for me, it was fighting my setup
03:24and like over the golf ball, just I'm trying to figure out, it's like, all right, how are we
03:28going to hit this thing straight with like how crappy this feels over the ball right now.
03:32And I imagine Tom maybe is not dealing maybe quite with that level of it, but there is something to
03:38be said about how sometimes it is difficult to just to just go one, two, pull the trigger.
