• last month
Huge Tourists To Araku Tribal Exhibition Hall : అరకు గిరిజన ప్రదర్శనశాల పర్యాటకులతో సందడిగా మారింది. గిరిజనుల జీవన విధానాలు, సంస్కృతి, సంప్రదాయాలు ఉట్టిపడేలా మైనపు బొమ్మలతో ఏర్పాటు చేసిన కళాకృతులు అందరినీ విశేషంగా ఆకట్టుకుంటున్నాయి. కంప్యూటర్లు, స్మార్ట్‌ పోన్లతో గజిబిజి జీవితాలు గడుపుతున్న యువత కాస్త తీరిక తీసుకొని ట్రైబల్‌ మ్యూజియాన్ని సందర్శిస్తున్నారు. మన పూర్వీకుల జీవన విధానం, ఆహారపు అలవాట్లు వంటివి తెలుసుకొని ఆనందం వ్యక్తం చేస్తున్నారు. మరింత సమాచారం ఈ టీవీ భారత్​ ప్రతినిధి మహేశ్‌ అందిస్తారు.


00:30How the people of Girijan used to live, everything has been shown to us with our own eyes.
00:36We are forgetting everything in our first generation.
00:40But after coming here, their food habits, how they used to eat food,
00:47how they used to hunt and eat animals,
00:52we can understand everything only by seeing.
00:58Why are we moving so fast?
01:04Why are we forgetting good food habits?
01:07The present generation is used to ready-made food,
01:10and they are forgetting such good food habits.
01:13Because of that, no one is taking care of the health issues we are facing.
01:17So if we come here as a family from time to time,
01:21it will benefit the environment.
01:23For the next generation, we should also be like this.
01:27We should not forget the generation.
01:29We should learn good food habits.
01:31The government has put this with a good intention.
01:34Our children are also feeling very happy to see this.
01:37Where did you come from?
01:38I came from West Bengal, from Karakpur.
01:40I came here for the first time with my family.
01:42We have to learn a lot from the tribal museums.
01:48The next generation should also eat healthy food and be healthy.
01:52But how they used to live back then,
01:54how their lifestyle was,
01:56the tribal people in the olden days,
01:58we understood everything after coming to the museum.
02:02We have seen a little from you,
02:03but we have not seen anything from the next generation.
02:04Now everything is computer-based.
02:05They have not seen anything, they have not done anything.
02:07They have to see it properly.
02:09Plus, the government has given us so much facility,
02:13and has made so many arrangements for us.
02:15We are very thankful to them.
02:17We have seen the situation back then.
02:20How has it changed now?
02:22In our time, it was not like that.
02:24We used to drink Ambali Ginji,
02:26and our fathers and grandfathers used to drink it.
02:29Now, people are eating healthy food,
02:32and their health is deteriorating.
02:35People are not healthy.
02:37In the end, there is a chance of death.
02:40If you do not eat healthy food,
02:42if you do not take the right medicine,
02:44then there is no medicine.
02:46Our fathers did not take medicine until they came to us.
02:48They used to eat vegetables, vegetables,
02:51eat Ginji, eat Ambali, eat vegetables,
02:53and do so many things.
02:55Now, people who are born in our stomach,
02:57they do not eat like this.
02:58People who are born in their stomach,
02:59they do not eat like this.
03:00We have come from Rajahmundry.
03:02We come here every year,
03:04but this year, we felt it was very special.
03:06We come here every year,
03:07but when we look at the present generation,
03:09our grandparents and grandmothers,
03:11they are very energetic now.
03:12The food they eat,
03:13it is a different variation.
03:14In the current generation,
03:15no one knows this.
03:16It is going so fast.
03:18Everyone is attracted to fast food.
03:20So, it is fast, fast, fast.
03:22If we want to see such things,
03:24we definitely have to visit such places.
03:26Sometimes, when we bring our children with us,
03:28they also get to know what it is like in the future generation.
03:31It is a waste to go back and forth to America.
03:33We can show our children happily
03:35by doing this local nature.
03:37We can show our culture.
03:39What was our city like?
03:40What did our grandparents do?
03:43The generation will continue to grow.
03:45It will continue to grow here.
03:47Our ancient civilization,
03:49culture, traditions, history,
03:51the government has made it possible
03:53to know all these.
03:54The government and its employees
03:56are also making new discoveries.
03:58Cameraman Chinnarekha, Mahesh CTV, Argunam.
