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Amanda and Kyle Weigh In on Jesse's Messy Summer, Possible Redemption for West


00:00It seems like Jesse might get himself in some hot water.
00:02Messy Jesse.
00:03Messy Jesse.
00:05What would Jesse Solomon not do in these situations?
00:06There's a lot of stuff he should do.
00:09Where did...
00:10So how did he get into...
00:11It seems like maybe he flirts with Tiara.
00:14He's obviously really into Lexi.
00:16So tell me about Messy Jesse this summer.
00:20He rose up as quickly as he burned down.
00:24I mean...
00:25Look, I think the guy's a goofball.
00:28He's a big flirt.
00:29You know, on one hand, it's like he doesn't mean any harm, but on the other hand, if you're
00:34pursuing someone, you're going to get yourself in a whole bunch of hot water.
00:38So you know, my God, I'm trying to remember as to how it all unfolded.
00:42I think we were trying to help guide him a lot this summer, and ultimately Jesse just
00:47had to learn from his own mistakes.
00:49He had to learn by doing, and he had to figure it out for himself and realize that we are
00:54always right.
00:55And by we, I mean me, Paige, Ciara, Lindsay.
00:59The advice we were giving, he should listen to us, and I think he realizes that now.
01:04But yeah, I mean, they were both 110% from day one, so...
01:10Yeah, it was like all gas, no brakes.
01:12But like, did you watch your friend West?
01:14I was going to say, who had a messier summer?
01:15Have you talked to him at all?
01:17Because this is the path you're going down right now.
01:21I would say Jesse had a messier summer.
01:25Oh, then West.
01:28West's fault.
01:30Did West redeem him?
01:31Did he have a redemption summer?
01:33I think he just, you know, I kind of felt bad just because he was like a little stifled
01:41and muted just because I feel like he was like, I'm damned if I do it, I'm damned if
01:46I don't.
01:48I'll say one thing.
01:49I support Sierra's feelings towards him, you know, the frustration, the anger, the
01:55not interest.
01:56I think the internet was really hard on him though.
02:00And I think that's part of the reason he got like very quiet.
02:03But still...
02:04Well, he went, you know, he could do no wrong and then he did a lot wrong.
02:09He did a lot wrong.
02:10Everyone was like, what's the number one guy in the group?
02:13And they're like, screw West.
02:15Oh, no.
02:18You know, you come into an established show, you make a big splash, you get people rooting
02:21for you, you get people rooting for you and Sierra, and then it comes to like a screeching
02:27Like that, like, unfortunately, like, you know, yeah, like that's, that's one way to
02:31do it.
02:33I don't think, yeah, it was, I'm sure it was hard to deal with all of that hate on the
02:39And that's why sometimes I try to give him a little bit of slack and grace because he's
02:43already getting it from the rest of the world.
02:45But Sierra's my best friend, so I also have to give it to him.
02:49Did Sierra give him any, um...
02:53I mean, definitely not in the first episode.
02:55I would say her version of giving grace, yes.
02:59Like he, she could have done a lot more damage.
