• yesterday
Southern Hospitality’s Joe Bradley & Maddi Reese Talk About Reality Curse


00:00I know you had like your one-year plan when it comes to like getting engaged and things like
00:03that. How has that shifted for you if it has at all? I think I kind of got a little ahead of
00:08myself with a one-year plan because it's hard for me and Maddie to even have like a one-week plan
00:13because like you know she's DJing like someone could call and be like hey we need you to DJ
00:17and like two days later so my mom, Leva, all like the people that I should actually be asking for
00:24relationship advice from probably not my cast but people that you know I actually be like
00:30constructive criticism I've listened to and yeah I mean if you were to tell me a year ago or a
00:38year and a half ago I would be in love and together with Maddie I'd call you crazy so we
00:43live this crazy life I think it's smarter for me right now just to take it day by day that being
00:48said I'm proposing tomorrow that being said that being said I I'm never we're never gonna be that
00:54couple that has a five-year plan but my plan is just to keep doing what we're doing and being
01:00happy and I know I'm gonna propose I just don't know when well like she said if it ain't broke
01:05don't fix it yeah things do break no shut up Joe yeah it's not broken it's not broken and have
01:12how have how has your relationship grown since watching back this show do you feel like it's
01:15gotten you guys closer together have have you been bickering about things that kind of popped up
01:21I mean it is a little daunting like being a reality tv couple yeah I've seen some of my
01:27favorite couples on reality tv explode and I think you can either take it for what it is and you can
01:35make you can make your relationship stronger you can become closer and build that trust or you can
01:41let all the haters and sometimes your haters are being your friends you can let them interfere but
01:47I'm not afraid of that yeah I think we're in a good spot and good you know bring it on yeah have
01:52the two of you talked about that because like you said you know we just saw Craig and Paige broke up
01:56we saw you know Lindsay and Carl that whole situation so I mean yeah you know sometimes
02:01there is that reality tv curse but have you talked about that and we feel like you have that strong
02:06foundation yeah that's a really good question and we have and like we loved Paige and Craig together
02:11um and we loved you know a lot of these relationships that didn't end well but
02:19we I think we're like a special case because we were best friends before the show
02:23and I think it wasn't forced like we timing was in our favor and it kind of happened organically
02:29and I looked at her I'm like hey if it ever gets too complicated I choose you over tv
02:351,000 times out of a thousand and whatever you know makes her comfortable and happy I'm going
02:41to do that so uh yeah it's like it's kind of scary but at the same time like there's
02:47one thing I'm not scared of or have any doubt in it's our relationship
