• el mes pasado


00:00Thank you so much! Thank you!
00:04Well, look, thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you!
00:08I've just got a few minutes left and I've got a long speech, so thank you to Peggy, my great friend.
00:12Thank you to Supervisor Solis, and of course to my wonderful friend from labor, Sandra Lee Williams, for her support.
00:19I want to take a moment to thank my friend, my brother, our fantastic chairman, Jamie Harrison, for his wonderful work.
00:25Look, to my fellow Democrats, we got punched in the mouth in November. There's no two ways about it.
00:32I'm running for DNC chair because it's time to get off the mat, to dust ourselves off, and to get back in this fight.
00:40A lot of people in this country right now are going to need us to walk and chew gum at the same time,
00:45meaning we're going to have to fight the extremes of Donald Trump while we make a sharp case to families in both red states and blue states
00:52about why they should trust us with their votes.
00:55The thing is this, when the Trump agenda fails Americans, which it most certainly will and already has,
01:01we have to be there with a legitimate alternative to this chaos.
01:05You know, while Donald Trump was being sworn in, Sandra and I marched with labor leaders outside of Ebenezer Baptist Church,
01:12the home of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
01:15As we marched in the streets of Atlanta, we sang the song, the old union song, Which Side Are You On?
01:23For a pro-labor progressive like me, a guy who has carried a union card and organized for the labor movement throughout his life,
01:31that cuts straight to my core.
01:33For the past few nights, and for these brief moments of stillness that we get these days, I keep thinking about that song.
01:40As we move through the next year, Democrats need to ask ourselves each day,
01:44Whose side are we on? Which side are we on?
01:47Are we on the side of the robber baron, the ultra-wealthy billionaire, the oil and gas polluter, the union buster,
01:55or are we on the side of the American working family, the small business owner, the farmer, the immigrant, and the students?
02:04Let me tell you, I know which side I'm on. I know which side you're on.
02:09Let me tell you, folks, look, Black History Month started today.
02:15So are we on the side of this grotesque brand of politics that bans us from observing this month,
02:22stops us from celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
02:26and expressly aims to turn back the clock to a pre-civil rights era?
02:31Or are we on the side of a fiercely and compassionately defending the rights, freedoms, and dreams of the American people?
02:39I'll tell you which side I'm on. I know which side you're on.
02:45Look, I'm just going to end with this, because I've got 40 seconds left.
02:54You've heard a lot.
02:56If you vote for me as DNC chair, you're going to be getting a father, a husband,
03:00and the first son of a single mom who had me when she was 15 years old,
03:04who was raising four kids by the time she was 20.
03:07We were in and out of shelters, we knew what poverty felt like,
03:10and we saw what she sacrificed to make sure we could have a warm dinner most nights.
03:15Because my mom gave a damn about me, and because my community gave a damn about my family, it meant we had a chance.
03:21I ended up being the first kid in my family to go to college and get a degree.
03:25I got involved in politics because I believed that government should give a damn, too.
03:31For me and for all of us, the Democratic was our party. I trust that it still is.
03:36With that, I hope to have earned your vote, just as we once again rightly earned the votes of millions of families who are counting on us.
03:44Thank you so much.
03:46Let's go! Let's win! Let's fight!
