• 2 months ago
👉 Un oficial de la policía de la ciudad fue víctima de un intento de robo en Bernal Oeste. El incidente ocurrió cuando el oficial estaba cargando a su hijo menor en su vehículo y fue abordado por cuatro delincuentes. A pesar de recibir un disparo en el pie, Tabile logró enfrentarse a los asaltantes. La situación ha llevado a los vecinos a instalar cámaras de seguridad propias ante la falta de respuesta del municipio.

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00:00We are in Bernal Oeste, in what is the intersection of Misiones and Luis Maria Campos streets.
00:05We have the images of this episode that happened yesterday, just after 8 p.m.
00:09where we see the police officer of the city, also Facundo Emanuel de Tabile,
00:14leaving the house of some relatives to get into his vehicle, a Peugeot.
00:19What we see is that he opens the back door to load his son first, who is a minor.
00:24That situation is when four delinquents appear on the scene,
00:29in a white Toyota Etios.
00:32Three get out of the car very fast, very, very fast.
00:36Of course, everything suggests that the intention was to steal the car.
00:40The minor's son was already in the back seat.
00:42And what did the officer Tabile do?
00:44He took his regulatory weapon, he was a civilian, and he faced the delinquents.
00:50At one point, he received a shot in his right foot.
00:54He also made several shots.
00:56At least ten detonations were heard by the neighbors here in Bernal Oeste last night.
01:02The delinquents fled.
01:03One at the wheel, another one got on the side of the companion.
01:07The other two came out, as you can see in the images, running.
01:10They remain on the run at this time of noon.
01:13One would have been injured by the city police officer,
01:17who still remains at the Wilde Hospital.
01:20This officer would have to be operated on again.
01:23He has a tendon compromised.
01:25But a very important fact.
01:26Yesterday, after facing the delinquents,
01:29do you know the first thing this officer did?
01:31Badly injured in his right foot, with a compromised tendon?
01:34Approach the car to take his son and place him inside the property.
01:38Protect him at all times.
01:39That was his intention, it is presumed, from minute zero.
01:42But we don't say it.
01:43We invited a key witness, who lives across the street from us, Esteban,
01:47to tell us how it was.
01:48Esteban, you know the officer, practically from birth.
01:51You were present yesterday.
01:53How did the facts unfold while we saw the images?
01:56Yes, well, I can speak in generalities.
01:59I was about to have dinner with my wife and a friend,
02:05who had come to visit.
02:08And we heard a scream, several detonations.
02:15At first, we didn't know where they were coming from,
02:20and we didn't know.
02:22It sounded a little muffled.
02:24But when we looked through the cameras,
02:28we heard the community alarm,
02:31which we had put between the neighbors,
02:33just like the cameras,
02:36that there was someone screaming with his hand in front of him.
02:41We couldn't see him.
02:43We couldn't see him well because it was already night,
02:45almost nine o'clock at night.
02:49And when we left, we saw what had happened.
02:55He told us what had happened, to all of us who were there.
03:00What did he tell you? What did he tell you?
03:02He told us that they had tried to rob him,
03:05and that they had started to shoot him.
03:08So he got away from the car to protect his son.
03:14And then, well, there was a shooting.
03:18The criminals separated.
03:22From what I heard, one tried to steal a vehicle from the other side of Calchaquí.
03:26One was injured, that's what I understood.
03:31But other than that, no, no.
03:34I mean, he was treated by my friend who was visiting.
03:39The neighbors themselves attended him,
03:41they loaded him into a private vehicle to take him to the Wilkes hospital.
03:43Yes, yes, exactly.
03:44My friend is an ambulance driver.
03:46They attended him first to see what had happened,
03:48because nothing was known.
03:50And we loaded him, he was loaded into a private vehicle,
03:55he was taken to the hospital.
03:58The ambulance arrived twenty-something minutes later,
04:01but he was obviously no longer here.
04:05Is it true that he was writhing, badly injured,
04:08he took the son and placed him inside the property?
04:10Yes, yes, yes.
04:12He took the boy out of the car,
04:15he put him in and,
04:16What madness, Cristian!
04:18He kept watching, he tried to make sure they didn't come back,
04:22because it was not known if they were going to come back.
04:24He was jumping to protect,
04:31because he was basically protecting them from being attacked again.
04:35Imagine, the officer jumping here on Mission Street,
04:38with a wound on his right foot,
04:40the tendon, thanks Esteban,
04:41trying to protect his son,
04:43everything was recorded by the security cameras,
04:45which have, yes, just like Facundo,
04:48but there is a particularity here in this area of Bernal Oeste.
04:51Notice that the owners, what the neighbors do now,
04:53is to place the cameras in the public posts,
04:56in the lighting, not only in the properties.
04:58That is, they have taken the courage,
05:00look at the number of cameras,
05:02there are at least half a dozen cameras,
05:04in the front as well,
05:06which do not belong, let's say, to a neighboring alarm,
05:08but are the neighbors themselves,
05:10who to have images also of the public road,
05:12have taken this job of placing cameras
05:15in the public posts, in the lighting.
05:17Sure, but that should be a job of,
05:19or the municipality, the municipality, the province,
05:21I say, but it would be easy to fix
05:23by putting cameras on one side and a monitoring center,
05:25where you would have less people,
05:28even with presence in the streets,
05:30but at least people monitoring,
05:32I say, to rethink what can be done.
05:34No, but you notice that they have already had,
05:36that the neighbor has had to occupy the public post,
05:39as Cristian explains,
05:41to just put one of the many methods
05:44with which people try to take care of themselves,
05:46their own cameras, neighboring cameras,
05:49their own alarms, neighboring alarms,
05:51and it is not enough, Cristian.
05:56No, no, just like that.
05:57Look, for example, in the case of Esteban,
05:59who has his hand in front,
06:00what caught my attention
06:01is the security modality
06:02that he incorporated in his home.
06:04Notice that you stand at the door,
06:06you placed this alarm system, right?
06:08Notice what Esteban did,
06:09he has a little camera up and a siren.
06:11Did you put this in your window?
06:13Yes, I put it, I set it up,
06:15I set up the alarm.
06:17It's a homemade alarm, Carmen.
06:19Let's see, how did Cristian set it up?
06:21Let him show you that.
06:22How is that, let's see.
06:24How do you set up this system?
06:26Because we see the little camera,
06:27this is with Wi-Fi, it's with DVR.
06:29No, no, no, it's a,
06:31simply with a knob,
06:33it's an alarm speaker,
06:36with a knob, kind of,
06:38of a beacon,
06:39so that it makes contact,
06:41a beacon, a homemade alarm.
06:43And the camera records at 24 hours?
06:45No, this camera,
06:47I have it for observation, obviously,
06:49to see who is there.
06:50With the cell phone you can observe?
06:52Yes, we have cameras that also,
06:54from the application you can see everything,
06:55those do record,
06:57both the street, the 100 meters,
07:00as I have some domitos
07:02that I put to record,
07:04just like some neighbors.
07:06You know, Facundo,
07:07that a very particular phenomenon
07:08has been occurring with the subject of cameras, right?
07:10Because the truth is that,
07:12the place we go to,
07:13there are dozens of cameras
07:15in every corner,
07:16either community,
07:18from the neighbors themselves,
07:19or in this case, like Esteban,
07:20in a homemade way,
07:21he placed his camera and a siren.
07:23Of course, these systems can be...
07:24Now, Cris...
07:25It's an interesting report, right?
07:27With Wi-Fi,
07:28with DVR system,
07:30according to the number of cameras
07:31you place in your home,
07:33you enter through an application
07:34to have a follow-up,
07:36but this is at the time of day.
07:38Now, Cris...
07:39Tell the guy,
07:40let's see if there's a chance,
07:41because what you say is very true.
07:43The installers practically don't give up.
07:45The neighborhood we go to,
07:46there are people installing alarms.
07:48Can you show us how it sounds?
07:50As long as you can, right?
07:52And it's within reach.
07:55Can you turn it on?
07:56Isn't it a nuisance to see how it sounds?
08:00You would have to go in and...
08:01Is it the control?
08:02No, no, it's just a switch.
08:04I mean, you would have to go in and physically...
08:06Can you turn it on?
08:07Esteban is going to go in,
08:08let's see if he can.
08:09He's going to make it sound,
08:10he's going to go in.
08:11Sure, because in the meantime,
08:12Cristian takes care of people like that.
08:14But it's the neighbors' job.
08:15How can it be?
08:16It's the neighbors' job.
08:17And no?
08:18No, it's the neighbors' job.
08:19It's incredible.
08:20I mean, there should be cameras
08:21in the streets
08:22so that there is a monitoring center.
08:24People can't be putting
08:25thousands of cameras,
08:28trying to see how they lower it,
08:30how they control it.
08:31Let's see, Nora,
08:32let's open the A24 newscast,
08:34the continuity with three police events
08:36that have a common pattern,
08:37which is that they involve a police officer.
08:39In this case, it's a police officer from the city
08:41who was shot in Bernal,
08:44South Zone.
08:45We were just coming from another event in Moreno.
08:48And now Gonza is going to give some details
08:50about what happened in Ringelet.
08:52But that's how the neighbors take care of each other.
08:54That's where the neighbor went
08:55to show Cristian
08:57how he had to put
08:59his own alarm system.
09:06An alarm system
09:07in front of an incident
09:08that happened last night
09:09where a police officer
09:10from the city
09:11was injured
09:12in his right foot
09:13when facing...
09:14Actually, there were three of them.
09:15There was one at the wheel,
09:16armed criminals
09:18who tried to steal the vehicle
09:19with their son on board.
09:21He used his gun.
09:23And here in the block,
09:24there are, I tell you,
09:25half a dozen cameras.
09:26I'm short.
09:27It broke down.
09:29It can happen.
09:30It can happen.
09:31Look, Esteban.
09:32You see,
09:33there are these situations
09:35What happened with the gun?
09:37It broke down.
09:39we made it ring.
09:41Then we had to run
09:43They made it ring.
09:44And a neighbor
09:45also has one
09:46that makes it ring here.
09:47Yes, yes, yes.
09:48That one with an app too.
09:49We put it
09:50among all of us.
09:51They have collaborated
09:53and gathered the money
09:54to put the cameras
09:55in the block.
09:56Yes, it's in the pocket
09:57of all the neighbors.
09:59No, no.
10:00I mean,
10:01there was once
10:02a neighbor's gun
10:03that was from the municipality.
10:05But they came to take it away.
10:07They took it away.
10:09And then it's you.
10:11we keep walking.
10:13That way.
10:14Let's go.
10:17We're going to show you
10:18those two cameras
10:19that were exactly
10:20the ones that took this episode
10:21last night.
10:22Notice that they focus
10:23on the two...
10:24on the two margins
10:25of Mission Street.
10:26They are small cameras,
10:27but they have good resolution,
10:29They have good resolution.
10:30Notice that they have
10:31also placed
10:32an electric fence.
10:33Danger, it says, behind.
10:34No, all security measures
10:35that, unfortunately,
10:36one begins to naturalize,
10:37but that has nothing
10:38natural about all this,
10:40That is,
10:41to live in this way,
10:42submerged in an ecosystem
10:43where the crime began
10:44or is already winning
10:45the streets.
10:47And well,
10:48the neighbor,
10:49in the face of the lack
10:50of response,
10:51decides to use
10:52all security mechanisms,
10:53which implies
10:54being permanently
10:55with the cell phone
10:56looking at the cameras, right?
10:57It's a habit
10:58that we have,
10:59that we have cameras,
11:00to go looking,
11:01to go looking at the cameras,
11:02looking at the cameras,
11:03plus the alerts,
11:04plus the photographs
11:05of the movement
11:06human detection,
11:07detect humans,
11:08the fact of taking
11:12all the functions
11:13of the application
11:14that one begins
11:15to familiarize oneself with
11:16to leave a record.
11:18because what we see
11:19there is a record
11:20that is also important,
11:21because the first thing
11:22they ask you today
11:23when the police
11:24comes to a crime
11:26are there images?
11:27The first thing
11:28the police ask today,
11:29with which
11:30the images
11:31have become,
11:32the images
11:33have become
11:35that maybe
11:36the criminal
11:37commits the crime,
11:38he does not care
11:39about the cameras,
11:40when it comes to
11:41the investigation,
11:42if there is
11:43an investigation,
11:44the material
11:45is still important.
11:46Of course,
11:48do you see
11:49the presence
11:50of patrols?
11:51Because this is what
11:52we are seeing
11:53in the neighborhoods,
11:54there are no patrols
11:55turning around,
11:56also as a kind
11:57of preventive policy,
11:58that is,
12:00there is control,
12:01there will be someone
12:02who is going to chase them,
12:03that does not happen either,
12:07in the time
12:08we have been here,
12:09which must be
12:10about three hours,
12:11we have not seen
12:12a single patrolman,
12:13not even one,
12:14not even one that has happened,
12:15apart also for the safety
12:16of all the
12:17journalistic teams
12:18that we are here,
12:19from what we have been
12:21in recent months,
12:22which is a fact,
12:23it is not necessary
12:24that I make the
12:26but we are
12:28we have not
12:30any police mobile,
12:31we have not seen
12:33we have not seen
12:34police personnel
12:36through the area,
12:37we are three blocks
12:38from the triangle
12:39of Bernal,
12:40it is an important
12:41area here
12:42in this area
12:43of the Bonarense
12:45and we walk
12:46and what we see
12:47are these
12:48security measures
12:49that I just
12:50mentioned to you,
12:51the cameras,
12:52the electric fences,
12:53some also protect
12:54the cameras,
12:55today the cameras,
12:56a camera is in the
12:57order of 70,000,
12:59100,000 pesos,
13:00sometimes more,
13:01depending on the
13:02technology of that
13:04then they begin
13:05to make,
13:07here the cameras
13:08were taken out,
13:09they were not put in,
13:10but you see that
13:11the cabinet is
13:12assembled to
13:13locate the camera,
13:14they took it,
13:16but the cabinet
13:17is assembled,
13:18you have the
13:20I keep walking,
13:21here you have
13:22another cabinet,
13:24and this is what
13:26you walk around
13:27the neighborhood
13:28and you begin to
13:29realize that
13:30at least 10 cameras
13:31are watching you,
13:32that is,
13:33you are walking
13:34and you are filmed
13:35for the four cardinal
13:37they film you
13:39that is,
13:40there are people
13:41at this time
13:42who are with their
13:43cell phones
13:44looking at us
13:45from their homes,
13:46this is what
13:47happens today,
13:48looking at us
13:49from their homes,
13:50how pedestrians
13:51or vehicles
13:52or security forces
13:53were a
13:55that was going
13:56to prevent
13:57the criminals
13:58from approaching
13:59a place,
14:00neither the
14:01neighbor's camera
14:02nor the private
14:04nor the private
14:06nor the
14:09nor the
14:11nor the
14:15some take
14:16care of
14:18it doesn't
14:19work either
14:21But now
14:22it is not enough,
14:23that is,
14:24you have to have
14:25a camera that
14:26does record,
14:27that does film,
14:28and they are
14:29more and more
