• 2 months ago
00:00You know, I don't have a Harvard degree in like in business or anything like that.
00:04I didn't go to the Wharton Business School, but you know, this is like Molen Springs
00:09bottled water in Seinfeld. It's like, we got to do something about this name.
00:15It's like really like if people can't say it and they don't know what the hell it is,
00:18for the record, a Wasatch, that's how you say it, Wasatch. A Wasatch is,
00:25um, it's a, um, it's a mountain range in Utah. It's like 1.3 billion years old,
00:33which is pretty cool. Like Utah has got a lot of old fossils and dinosaurs and all that type
00:37of stuff there. So yeah, the Wasatch mountains, they are like an historical, you know, I'm not,
00:44I know it's not an official government landmark, but it is, you know what I mean? It's a geographical
00:48like landmine, so to speak, gold mine, right? Like, um, it's been there for over like a billion
00:54years and there's all kinds of stuff there, but people don't know how to say it. Listen,
00:58people are stupid. All right. Like people, people like have never been dumber than they are right
01:04now in the year 2025 in the history of society, literally and figuratively. If our era was born
01:10in the 1800s, we'd all die within like three days. All right. Like how long would people last
01:15in a wild West? Not long. All right. So people don't know what a freaking Wasatch, Wasatch is.
01:23I don't think they know what the hell a Monmouth is either. To be honest with you,
01:27you might ask to have to go with the Utah hockey club. It is pretty simple.
