• 2 months ago
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00:00If you're a frequent flyer, you hear this phrase a lot.
00:13The moment they greet you, the crew are also checking out some important details about
00:18you, from your physique to your jewelry style.
00:21Why though?
00:22They'll notice if you're their colleague, and will be happy to see you.
00:27The crew's number one priority is your safety.
00:30They know fellow flight attendants will be the best help in case of an emergency.
00:35They know exactly how to deal with it, so they won't panic but help the crew evacuate
00:40passengers and provide first aid if necessary.
00:43They'll check out your reading material.
00:47Just like fellow flight attendants, doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals will
00:52be super helpful in case something goes wrong.
00:55So if you're a doctor coming back from a medical conference with a pile of medical
00:59leaflets or like to read medical journals aboard, the crew will know about your occupation
01:05even if you don't say a word.
01:08Your carry-on size matters.
01:10You are only allowed this amount of carry-on of a certain maximum size for a reason.
01:15An experienced flight attendant will always see if you cheated and persuade you to have
01:20your oversized bags relocated to the luggage compartment.
01:24Otherwise, they can fall out of the overhead, hurt yourself and other passengers, and block
01:30the crucially important aisles.
01:32Fitting them under the seats can also clog up the aisles.
01:35And even on a perfectly normal flight, loading and offloading a bunch of bags just takes
01:41extra time.
01:44Your age is a big deal too.
01:46The flight crew will always take record of how many unaccompanied minors are traveling
01:51today to give them extra attention and care.
01:54In fact, any young passengers get it, as almost all airlines have entertainment sets
01:59or just coloring books for them.
02:02Passengers under 2 can't be seated in an emergency exit row and need special life vests
02:07that are handed out to parents if necessary.
02:11It's great for them if you look strong.
02:13Again, for safety reasons and not out of their personal interest.
02:17In the unlikely case of an emergency, with a troublemaker on board, for example, they'll
02:22need as much help as they can get.
02:24The crew label muscular passengers fit to help in their mind, and even remember where
02:30they're seated.
02:33Your general health condition is important to them.
02:36Flight attendants are trained to notice signs and symptoms of sickness.
02:40They are entitled to ask you for a medical certificate to prove it's nothing serious.
02:44First, they do it for your own safety and well-being.
02:48Cabin air pressure and change of altitude won't help if you're feeling bad.
02:52Second, no one wants to land the plane halfway there because of a sudden medical emergency.
02:58And finally, communicable diseases can easily spread from one passenger to others in an
03:03enclosed plane environment, and no one wants that.
03:08They can tell how many weeks a pregnant woman is.
03:11Experienced flight attendants have learned to tell which trimester pregnant passengers
03:16are in.
03:17After a certain number of weeks, they are normally required to have a medical note,
03:21saying it's safe for them to fly.
03:25They care if you're nice to them.
03:27They have to say hello over a hundred times per flight, and they really appreciate if
03:32you care to say the same back at them once.
03:35Add a smile and eye contact, and you can hope for special treatment, including an extra
03:40meal, or even a class upgrade.
03:44They do remember if you're unfriendly.
03:46If for some reason you can't utter a hello on entering the plane, you're not just demonstrating
03:52bad manners.
03:53In fact, the crew are testing passengers in this way.
03:57The grumpy ones are marked as possibly hostile.
04:00Flight attendants will know not to ask these people for help in case of an emergency.
04:07Avoiding eye contact speaks volumes too.
04:10The second part of passenger testing is trying to establish eye contact with them.
04:15If a person looks away, it's a reason to be alarmed.
04:18It can't be 100% evidence they are plotting something dangerous, but it's one of the
04:23signs a person has something they're ashamed of on their mind.
04:29They notice how you treat other passengers too.
04:32If you push your way through the crowd during landing and yell at other passengers to move
04:37on, the crew will take note of that and mark you as a potential troublemaker.
04:42If you help others lift their bags, smile, and start a small talk with passengers who
04:47clearly feel nervous, they'll definitely appreciate it and reward you with some bonus
04:54The way you speak can give away your plans.
04:58Speaking too fast or too slowly, hesitating when asked the most basic questions, and dropping
05:04a lot of interjections are all clear signs of anxiety.
05:08It's typical of criminals plotting something mean.
05:11Scratching your head and wrists, unnaturally tense facial muscles, stiff movements, coughing,
05:17excessive nodding, and head-shaking speak of the same.
05:20No one will take you off the flight for it, but it will draw some extra attention of the
05:24crew to you.
05:28They will know if you're aerophobic.
05:30If you're always nervously smiling or laughing, squeezing your armrest, or playing with your
05:35headphone cord, flight attendants will guess you have aerophobia, and they'll do their
05:40best to make you feel comfortable.
05:42They'll try to cheer you up, and if it doesn't work, they'll leave you alone and keep an
05:47eye out from the distance to help prevent a starting panic attack.
05:52Speaking of aerophobia and panic attacks, I think I'm having one right now!
05:56Just kidding.
05:57Let me ask you, do you love flying or do you feel uncomfortable in the air?
06:02Let me know in the comment section below!
06:06The way you're dressed can make a difference.
06:08If you are well-dressed and well-groomed, you have higher chances of a class upgrade.
06:14It takes some style to travel in business and first, you know.
06:18Another reason the crew check out your outfit is to see if anything you're wearing can be
06:22an obstacle if you have to leave the plane in an emergency.
06:26It's not just stuff that's loose or bulky, but also flammable materials.
06:32They care what kind of jewelry you're wearing.
06:34It matters just as much as clothing when it comes to safety.
06:38Massive earrings or bracelets can slow down evacuation.
06:44Who you're boarding with is also important.
06:47If you're traveling with your family, but for some reason have seats in different rows,
06:51the crew can try to seat you together during boarding.
06:54It will make the flight more pleasant for everyone on board.
06:58One more important thing here – if the physically fit man they've noticed a few
07:01points ago is with his family, the crew will have to look for someone else as a prospective
07:08A family man will more likely save his dear ones first and not risk his life for other
07:15They have an eye for contraband items.
07:18Flight attendants have a sharp eye and can notice if you're trying to smuggle any forbidden
07:22items from the duty-free shop and use them during the flight.
07:27Some people also smuggle their miniature pets in purses and handbags.
07:33They can single out frequent flyers.
07:36Frequent flyers like to get the special treatment they deserve for their loyalty to the airline.
07:41They will unlikely put on a name tag with their flight status on it, but when the crew
07:45do research on passengers, they get an idea of what those people look like.
07:51All the factors I mentioned help the crew in making your flight the safest.
07:55They're smart enough not to make any conclusions based on just one thing, but when they put
07:59a few of them together, it can help singling out the troublemakers.
08:03So if you don't want to be considered one of those, you know what to do now.
08:08Hey, I'll get you out later!
08:11Good dog!
08:12Hey, if you learned something new today, then give the video a like and share it with a
08:17And here are some other videos I think you'll enjoy.
08:20Just click to the left or right, and stay on the Bright Side of life!
