• 2 months ago
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00:00Hey, I'm going on a long and tiresome flight, but having to spend 10 hours crammed in an
00:09economy class seat isn't the only challenge I'll be dealing with.
00:13I have diarrhea.
00:14No, not really, it's more unpleasant than that.
00:17I have to pass through airport security.
00:20How about I take you with me, and we'll see how it works from the inside?
00:24Ok, so I've just arrived at the airport and got out of my taxi.
00:29And now there are several types of airport security I'm going to go through.
00:33The first thing I see after I enter the terminal building is a metal detector that uses electromagnetism.
00:40You've probably passed hundreds of these in malls, theaters, or stadiums.
00:44It's the first and, actually, very basic level of a security check.
00:48The main purpose of this detector is to figure out whether I'm carrying anything dangerous
00:53made of metal.
00:54For example, a knife or a dagger.
00:56Well, I'll be honest with you, it always seemed like this metal detector thing works
01:00with the help of some magic.
01:02However, it turns out I was wrong.
01:05First time this year.
01:06The construction of this device is quite simple.
01:09A coil and an alternating electric current generator.
01:13The alternating current creates a varying, that's important, magnetic field in the
01:18So, let's say I'm going through the detector's frame, carrying something metallic.
01:24Thanks to the varying magnetic field, which surrounds this metal object inside the detector
01:28frame, it starts to produce electric currents of its own.
01:33And these currents, in turn, begin to create a magnetic field of their own.
01:37This change is immediately noticed by a special device called a magnetometer, which immediately
01:43sets off an alarm.
01:44After which I get stopped by a security agent, who makes me remove my keys from my pocket.
01:50The line behind me is grumbling, but the next time I go through the metal detector,
01:55the alarm stays silent.
01:57Interestingly, the man behind me in line doesn't have to go through a metal detector.
02:02As far as I understood, he has a heart pacemaker, which has some metal parts.
02:07The strong magnetic field of the security check device can mess up the functioning of
02:11the implant.
02:12Anyway, I come up to the check-in desk to leave my suitcase.
02:17I can't see it, but I know that after it moves further down the conveyor belt, powerful
02:22X-ray scanners will make sure my baggage doesn't present any security threat.
02:27There are two types of security X-ray scanners.
02:30One of them will examine my bags, while the other, situated at the security check, will
02:35scan my body.
02:37But since my suitcase can deal with the radiation a bit better than me, the intensity of these
02:41scanners is very different.
02:44So once my baggage is inside the airport scanner, the device releases X-rays.
02:50These rays go through the suitcase, and some of them get absorbed by all the stuff I've
02:54packed inside.
02:55At the same time, the empty spaces, though I'm not sure I have any in my bag, can't
03:01block the X-rays.
03:02That's why the waves just go through such spots without changing in intensity.
03:08After going through the bag, the X-ray waves hit a plate-like detector, and after that,
03:13they're supposed to go to the second detector.
03:16But the material located between the two detectors doesn't let the low-energy waves through.
03:22And that's why only the high-energy waves reach the second one.
03:26After that, the outputs from the two detectors get compared, and a digital image appears.
03:32In this image, security agents can see the shapes of the things I've put in my bag.
03:37On top of that, different materials are shown in different shades.
03:41For example, metal and glass are darker, and food, clothes, and plastic are lighter.
03:46In any case, I've left my bag at the check-in conveyor belt, and I'm now ready to go through
03:51a thorough security check myself.
03:54I'm going to be scanned with the help of X-rays as well.
03:57But in this case, the intensity of the waves can't be measured.
04:01What's more, they don't go through my body, but get scattered over the surface.
04:05That's why this procedure is way less harmful than the one my suitcase has gone through.
04:10The X-ray waves don't fully pass through my body, and therefore, I don't get that
04:15hefty portion of radiation.
04:17Also, I'm lucky enough to go through a millimeter-wave scanner, and that's one more thing you should
04:22know about the human airport scanners.
04:25There are two types.
04:26Some scanners use millimeter-wave technology, and others work with a backscatter X-ray technology.
04:32A backscatter scanner needs to take two pics, one from the front and one from the back.
04:38As for a millimeter scanner, it produces just one 3D image.
04:42There's probably no need to say that millimeter-wave scanners are safer than the other kind, since
04:47they emit less harmful radioactive energy.
04:50Finally, it's over.
04:52I'm done with all the security checks and screenings and can start the most awaited
04:56part of my journey – the duty-free hunt.
05:00But even though you and I know how airport security works now, I bet I can still surprise
05:06Here are several other unexpected facts about security at the airport.
05:11Cats present one of the biggest airport threats.
05:14And no, not the Andrew Lloyd Webber kind.
05:16There are few things the Transportation Security Administration dislikes more than an angry
05:23The thing is that a dog probably believes that an agent who's patting it down is just
05:28some random human being giving it a good cuddle.
05:31But try doing it to a cat, and you might not get out of this ordeal with your hands unscathed.
05:36And if a rogue cat manages to get loose, it'll not only be extremely hard to catch, but it'll
05:42also cause a serious security breach if it hasn't been checked yet.
05:47If asked, most people would say that the dirtiest places at the airport are door handles, bathrooms,
05:52or floors.
05:54But all these people would be mistaken, because the biggest number of germs dwell in the airport
05:59security trays.
06:01Just remember those long lines of travelers touching the trays, carrying them, and putting
06:06their shoes, carry-on luggage, and all the stuff from their pockets inside.
06:11No wonder security bins have proved to be dirtier than airport toilets!
06:15Besides, these trays aren't likely to be disinfected often enough to get rid of germs
06:22If you've ever felt as if the airport security was talking about you, you might not be as
06:27paranoid as your friends think.
06:29In fact, security agents admit that they do talk about travelers with the help of code
06:35For example, they have special codes for particularly annoying passengers.
06:39Who, me?
06:41And if such a traveler gets an extra-long screening at the next checkpoint, well, it's
06:46probably just a coincidence.
06:48Or not.
06:50Anyone who's ever traveled by plane knows about the no liquids rule.
06:54But not everybody knows that this rule also applies to peanut butter, toothpaste, creams,
07:00lotions, and liquid makeup, lava lamps, snow globes, some kinds of medications, deodorant,
07:06and even gel shoe inserts.
07:08It's true!
07:10Security scanners can mistake certain foods for explosives, which can lead to chaos, additional
07:15security checks, and a missed flight.
07:18That's why, if you have some sausage or cheese in your luggage, don't pack them
07:23too deep in your bag, or simply remove them from your suitcase altogether.
07:28Surprisingly, in some unique cases, forgetting your ID at home doesn't mean having to miss
07:34your flight.
07:35Apparently, you should provide super-detailed information, including your name, address,
07:41and some other facts that can help to identify you, to the airport security.
07:45If they manage to confirm your identity, you can move on to the process of screening.
07:50However, it'll be much more thorough than it would be should you have your documents
07:54with you.
07:56Remember to dress down every time you go through the airport security screening.
08:00Most people don't realize they're wearing a lot of stuff that can set off the security
08:05Among the most common things are watches, hairbands, belts, metallic clothing decorations,
08:11and even bras.
08:12So, try to wear simple clothes without an abundance of metallic buttons and choose to
08:17travel without accessories.
08:20And remember that, before going through the scanner, you should take off your coat or
08:24jacket and any jewelry.
08:27And to the security guys – hey, I was just kidding around about the diarrhea thing, you're
08:32much more fun than that!
08:34So no hard feelings?
08:38Oh boy…
08:39Hey, if you learned something new today, then give the video a like and share it with a
08:44And here are some other videos I think you'll enjoy.
08:47Just click to the left or right, and stay on the Bright Side of life!
