• 2 months ago
👉 Una mujer de 37 años se lanzó desde un balcón en Palermo, Buenos Aires, alegando que su pareja la drogaba y obligaba a prostituirse. La policía y la fiscalía están investigando el incidente en el edificio donde ocurrió el hecho. Según la víctima, ella y su pareja habían llegado a Buenos Aires el día anterior.

👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24


00:00In fact, the investigation is still being carried out to try to understand the context of this situation.
00:06It ends with a 34-year-old woman who throws herself off this first floor.
00:11We are in Niceto at 5900, a very busy area, with a lot of vehicles on the avenue.
00:20And this woman who falls from that first floor, naked, asking for help, asking for the police presence,
00:27runs across the avenue until she reaches the corner.
00:31And there, some neighbors try to assist her to see what was happening.
00:36Finally, the police arrive at this place.
00:38And what they report in their first story, Facu,
00:41this woman is from San Juan, who has been in a relationship with a 54-year-old man for five years,
00:47who yesterday afternoon brought her here to Buenos Aires,
00:50that during these five years of relationship,
00:52he, through drugs, prostituted her, in general, with his friends,
01:00with a very close circle, and who brought her to Buenos Aires to have meetings with other men.
01:06For this, in a moment of distraction, she was finally able to throw herself off that first floor
01:11of an apartment that they rented, but temporarily, for a few days only.
01:17The truth is a desperate situation for this woman.
01:20The neighbors who did not understand anything, and now an investigation with a delay too,
01:25because finally this man leaves behind her, running down the avenue,
01:29as if to try to stop her.
01:32And this person is delayed, and is at this moment also being investigated
01:36to also understand a little the situation,
01:39and if this story that this woman gives, which is really alarming, is specifically like this.
01:44Well, shocking images.
01:47To review something that we have also talked about,
01:50what is little talked about, the issue of mental health,
01:53of what happens around mental health.
01:56This young woman throws herself off a first floor, she throws herself half-naked,
02:00the image captures it, and I imagine what Meche will have generated in the neighborhood, right?
02:08Look, I'm going to get closer, because the truth is that there were many workers at that time
02:12who were looking at the situation.
02:15How are you, good morning.
02:16How are you, good morning.
02:17Well, I imagine you are surprised with everything that happened.
02:19Yes, yes, I never saw, apart I have not seen that girl there.
02:26It is a temporary rental, and this girl would believe that I did not live there,
02:32because I constantly see that people change.
02:34I did not see that girl last week, they always open the curtains, all that.
02:40I have not seen her there.
02:42And what did you see when you left the balcony?
02:45First, I was attending a client, I see a person screaming,
02:49and suddenly I see the girl, because I direct the sight there to the screams,
02:53and a girl who leaves the balcony.
02:56She could have killed herself.
02:57Yes, but in the bad she was, she put her arm on the railing and fell on her feet,
03:04but her foot twisted.
03:06Of course.
03:07Then she ran.
03:08Then she ran out here in the middle of the street, I left my clients,
03:11I wanted to help her because they were going to grab the cars,
03:14I grab her a little and then she escapes from my hands,
03:18and well, I saw that other people ...
03:20What did they say at that time?
03:21Help, help.
03:22Of course, here you have to think, Mechi, if she was under the effects of the drug,
03:28if she was escaping from a latent threat.
03:31Of course, because actually for a person ...
03:34More than that, I do not know.
03:36I thought, if a person, so that the desperation you must have,
03:39or the distressing situation, if they forced her to prostitute herself,
03:43the only way, the only solution of your life is to jump from a first floor,
03:46is because you really feel very bad, right?
03:49Of course, but that is the main hypothesis.
03:52No, Nora, you are in an extreme situation of danger.
03:55This is the first version that she gave to the police.
03:59The prosecutor is already working on this investigation.
04:03In fact, this possibility of human trafficking is being analyzed,
04:06because she says that he brought her under threat from San Juan,
04:10to finally investigate if it is so.
04:12Yes, there was a first inspection in the first floor department
04:15and they found all kinds of drugs on the table.
04:19What she said is that he forced her to consume,
04:22and under the effects of the drug, he ended up giving it to other men.
04:25This is the story of this woman,
04:27who of course, from now on, with this complaint,
04:30there is a lot to investigate, to know well what that relationship is like,
04:33and what happened there in San Juan, where she insists,
04:37the same thing happened, but she had no way of asking for help.
04:40Here she saw that second of freedom, where there was a distraction,
04:44and she finally throws herself to ask for help,
04:47and here the neighbors and workers who could assist her.
04:50There is a boy in an orange shirt who stops traffic,
04:53because as the merchant said, they took her on,
04:56if not because the girl had stayed on the street.
05:01She was on the street, notice that she walks with difficulty, of course.
05:04The maneuver that he does, that this man just told us about,
05:07is that he hangs from that balcony,
05:10obviously to resist the impact a little later,
05:13he ends up falling, one of his feet is bent,
05:16and he goes out asking for help in the middle of the avenue.
05:19The desperate neighbor starts to stop traffic.
05:22Do you know what Niceto Vega is with the traffic light in green?
05:25He could have ended up run over, that's why they stop traffic.
05:29They pass you directly up there, but it was not such a long distance,
05:33what happens is that he fell, according to what the merchant just told us,
05:37he falls on his shoulder, but then the foot behind the ankle,
05:42and that's why he ends up almost in the middle of the street.
05:47Yes, exactly, exactly.
05:49And behind her this man finally goes down to try to stop her.
05:53He too, with his torso naked, only one pair of pants on, barefoot,
05:57and that's how they finally end up taking him to 14B police station,
06:02in principle it is delayed there until the prosecutor determines
06:06what is the process that must be followed and when it will be investigated.
06:10And here is a police custody, because the department, of course, is closed,
06:14you have to continue working inside to make a deep investigation,
06:19to see the type of documentation they brought,
06:22and something that certifies and really establishes this story
06:25that this woman has been telling,
06:28which was the first thing he told the SAME,
06:31they had me trapped, I escaped from someone who forced me to prostitute myself,
06:35she is in the Fernández Hospital, at this time being attended.
06:39The story is tremendous, first the story to the SAME,
06:42and then exactly the same story to the police.
06:45What could you know about that line of investigation,
06:47where there is a woman who denounces being enslaved for sexual purposes?
06:53Look, in fact, they were working here, the police,
06:56and they were in contact with the prosecutor's office
06:59to be able to finish making that deeper investigation.
07:03The people of human trafficking are already working in this case.
07:06That's what I was going to ask you, the division.
07:08Because the story of this woman is taken very seriously.
07:10Of course, the division of human trafficking.
07:12They are working with human trafficking and gender violence.
07:15Yes, yes, they are already intervening.
07:17Perfect. Very distressing what is being experienced.
07:20Luckily she was able to escape.
07:22Yes, yes, and we have to deepen the hypothesis.
07:25Of course, the hypothesis is that this woman who develops this,
07:28falls from the first floor, throws herself into a state of despair.
07:32Inside the department they found drugs.
07:34And did they find anyone else?
07:38The person who was with her, who is the one who goes out to look for him,
07:42this 54-year-old man, who is in Morado.
07:45Only the two of them arrived around 7 or 8 at night yesterday,
07:48coming from a trip to San Juan.
07:50They are from there.
07:52And they had rented, the man had rented this apartment temporarily.
07:58It is an apartment that works that way.
08:02So he practically had no contact with the rest of the neighbors.
08:06In fact, there is a manager here in this building who had not even seen them.
08:11Sure. And how far is there, Mechi, between this girl falling and the traffic light?
08:16It's practically half a block.
08:19Half a block. Look, let's turn to the right.
08:22She falls and finally ends up running.
08:26The image you see is exactly here.
08:29She is already in the middle of the avenue.
08:31In front are the workers of this Lubricentro service, who assist her.
08:37But she still wanted to escape.
08:40And she does this, 50 meters to the corner.
08:42She can't even run.
08:43Other neighbors contain her.
08:45They give her clothes.
08:46They call the SAME and the police.
08:49And you can see that when she falls, she hurts herself.
08:51Because she can't even move.
08:53She tries to stand up, but quickly, let's say, it shows that she can't.
08:58Notice that she is not stabilized.
09:00Evidently with some wound in some ankle, in the foot or in the leg itself.
09:06Because she can't practically move.
09:08And we see that there is a police badge there, right?
09:13There is a police badge, yes.
09:15There is an officer down here.
09:17There is also a policeman at the door of the apartment.
09:20As far as we know, in the inner corridor.
09:23What happens to Facu, what we saw was trying to run with this pain in the leg, surely.
09:30And what it entails was the desperation to get away from where this man was,
09:34who finally also goes out to the street to look for her.
09:38And she...
09:39When he tries to contain her or catch her, it is the neighbors who end up separating the situation.
09:44Of course, Mechi.
09:45It is the neighbors who drive him away and keep him here in the sidewalk until the police arrive.
09:52Of course, Mechi, because if she had not done that,
09:54beyond the fact that, as she could, she threw herself, as she could, she reaches half a block.
09:58If she had stayed close to the door,
10:00surely, quickly, from the first floor, this man comes down and puts her back inside the apartment.
10:06As she said.
10:08And she enslaved her.
10:09I imagine that out of desperation, Nora wanted to escape as far as possible.
10:12Exactly, and the only way is to go out.
10:14It always happens to you when you are walking down the sidewalk, always go out to the street.
10:17Because somehow a car is going to pass, someone is going to pass and they will be able to rescue you,
10:20which is what I think this girl got.
10:23Very, very sad.
10:24And to deepen the hypothesis of a gang that enslaves women,
10:28or that had her involved in prostitution, Mercedes, right?
10:34Yes, it is a really worrying situation, because it is a story that has been going on for a long time.
10:41She talks about at least five years of this situation,
10:46where in San Juan there was no one to ask for help,
10:48because the people with whom they had a relationship were all in friendship with him,
10:55so there was no one to ask for help.
10:57Finally, here she finds that space to be able to jump.
11:02Of course, the truth is that you have to see under what conditions and under what threat she was brought here to Buenos Aires,
11:08and what end also, because let's face it, it is also a strange area to choose,
11:13to have her, I don't know if kidnapped,
11:16but at least under the threat that everything was going to happen here and not let her out.
11:20Notice that we are in the center of Palermo, it is a busy avenue.
11:24You have to see what end this department also brought her.
11:27Of course, because what happens is that in general, in these situations, there is always the presence of drugs.
11:32Well, what did they find?
11:34They found the department.
11:36Yes, they cannot leave, they have no possibility of reaction,
11:39because obviously they are under the effects of the drug,
11:42and what always happens is that these men invite other men,
11:48and she has no ability to react.
11:50She had here, if this is so, guys, a minute of lucidity,
11:54but in general it happens that they drug them.
11:57But inevitably an extreme decision,
12:00because you have to, I mean, what situation do you have to be in to throw yourself on the first floor,
12:04putting your life at risk, right?
12:06A total desperation.
12:07Of course, as she was, look, half-naked, without shoes,
12:11with everything that entails, right?
12:13No way to cushion the fall.
12:19Well, but if five years ago she comes with this disease,
12:22this woman, imagine Facundo,
12:24he risks anything,
12:26it will have been the only moment he found to go out to ask for help,
12:31perhaps seeing that he was on this balcony.
12:35It was not an option just to scream,
12:37because he could catch her and put her back inside from the balcony.
12:41Notice that he has the blackout completely low,
12:45for when she throws herself, in reality everything was running,
12:48but the idea was not to be able to see inside,
12:50so he had no choice but to jump.
12:52Now, I ask you, there you can see the apartment,
12:55you can see that it was with the window open
12:58and with a curtain of the blackout style,
13:01that is, there is movement inside the apartment.
13:06There was no one left, because they were alone.
13:08The window remained like this since she opened it to jump.
13:12Only the police ended up accommodating this blackout,
13:15that when we arrived, that everything had just happened,
13:18it was wrinkled towards one of the sides,
13:21which was typical of the movement she made to be able to get out.
13:25Of course.
13:26What would have happened and what would she have said
13:28for her to throw herself and say to HDP,
13:31because she screamed.
13:33But what would have happened at that moment?
13:35Because if it's been five years and this is the first time
13:37that she can have this reaction,
13:39something really serious must have happened
13:41for her to throw herself from a balcony.
13:43Well, just the fact that he has her,
13:45I don't know if kidnapped or detained there to prostitute her,
13:48I think it's enough for her to throw herself in this way
13:52in a state of despair, right, Mechi?
13:57Without a doubt, without a doubt.
13:58Well, of course, you have to investigate a lot
14:00also how the situation was in San Juan,
14:02because she could not ask for help,
14:04the circle in which he was moving.
14:06Obviously, there she would look more threatened,
14:09because notice that here she throws herself
14:11in a moment of absolute vulnerability.
14:13It's not that she was naked,
14:15she was naked, they were drugging her
14:17and when she saw a second of carelessness
14:19from the other person,
14:20who knows why she was careless,
14:22she took advantage and jumped.
14:24She didn't even have time to grab a piece of clothing.
14:29Mechi, how was she transferred?
14:31You said she is in the Fernández or in the Pirobano?
14:35Yes, no, in the Fernández hospital,
14:37they received her through the SAME,
14:40the SAME participated in a first moment
14:42here of the assistance.
14:44She has obviously polytraumatism,
14:46especially in the leg area,
14:48she also has wounds and scratches
14:50on the part of the arm.
14:51I intuit that when she was hanged
14:53she also had scratches,
14:55that's why she has them,
14:56but she is being treated there
14:58also with the participation of the city police,
15:00which is the one that arrives,
15:02leaves the custody,
15:03makes this first inspection
15:05to see what was inside the apartment
15:07and now they are waiting to be able
15:09to make a deeper investigation.
15:11He, 54 years old,
15:13was intercepted by the neighbors,
15:17imagine a naked woman running
15:19in the middle of the avenue,
15:20the neighbors saw the situation,
15:21they didn't let her touch her,
15:23they held her,
15:24and when the police arrived,
15:25immediately the police captured him
15:28and put him inside the police car,
15:30where he was for about an hour,
15:34they gave him a garment,
15:36we have the image,
15:37I don't know if you were able to see it,
15:39he was wearing a hood
15:41and they also gave him a footwear
15:43that they took out of the apartment
15:45to take him to the 14B police station,
15:47which is here in Palermo.
15:48Well, a real madness.
15:49Mechi, thank you.
