• last month
00:00would be everywhere let's see i think it's good yeah but he's only going straight let's see let's
00:07see but yeah i see what do you mean see oh she's shaking yeah yeah so yeah she doesn't like it
00:14not about that life what are you doing to your wheel buddy is it the white wheels or what i don't
00:20know oh it's a marker why why to cut it off and to i have news for you it doesn't look good they
00:27made the holder can you imagine it always okay why with water five minute crafts how to destroy
00:34their vehicles vehicles yeah what's the one just to clean it out maybe i don't know to get them
00:42what okay i don't know i don't even understand what's going on right now so we got some you do
00:47some letters no do you think it's gonna drive no for sure no yeah yeah oh what if they would put
00:54the film foam there maybe foam yeah oh oh okay weird minds think alike yeah okay not great minds
01:08okay so what do you think coming out could be i think it's gonna be too squishy still
01:17i don't have i don't have faith in it i'm i'm curious okay yeah guys what do you think right
01:23now before it shows the result is it gonna work
01:31so why did they do that stuff the white uh they added white color to it i don't know why i don't
01:40know i like the purple though i really like the purple and now they just want to paint those
01:45colors don't go together buddy uh i would prefer no color at all yeah why that was
01:53okay look at this car jack tool nice that's an ugly tire i get why you'd color it now
02:03okay okay aggression aggression take it out on the wheel yeah yeah man not behind the wheel okay
02:10so okay i really i'm really curious me too me too i think it's i don't know i think it's gonna
02:19be too i think it's kind of like like a pillow so okay okay so a little bit of a bend in there
02:28so far so it's fine yeah even the normal tire it will bend it a bit yeah but not that much
02:34unless it's a little flat but okay for sure nails not problem for such a tire no yes that's clear
02:46okay oh yeah you're right yeah yeah it's too much soft you're gonna get a lot of like your
02:54bumper's gonna hit the ground and stuff exactly it's gonna scrape the uh rim on the inside probably
03:00uh uh no don't try it it's interesting though it's if you want to ruin your car
03:09okay as a show that's fine all right and we have pallets we have some weird plastic stuff it looks
03:17like a pool it's definitely pool but from the pallets pool from pellets amazing it is amazing
03:26truly spectacular a spectacle to behold wow so
03:34all right we have oh try to guess what is the what is the actor here we know him we know him
03:42yeah we know oh my gosh we know no no no don't tell the name yeah i don't know him anyway cool
03:50pool party we don't know and someone else oh my gosh what is that no i don't know this guy i don't
03:59know why wasn't i invited to this party um okay okay i get it i get it i get it all right that's
04:07fine that's fine you're not invited to my birthday bash lalapalooza just kidding you are okay so we
04:13have a wheel with more wheels this is wheel-ception right now this is crazy yeah and another wheel are
04:20we gonna have more wheels on our wheels i heard you like wheels well would you like some wheels
04:26for your wheels oh yeah it would be really nice if we had some wheels on my wheels we need more
04:33wheels yeah guys let us know do you have wheels on your wheels do you want them i can hook you up
04:38be with us be with what do you know people definitely want to be with you
04:45from what i've seen in the comments uh guys let us know do you want to be with archie
04:49hey yeah so i mean what is that it's a train i love it it's like a big caterpillar
05:00uh yeah wow well he put some uh edge in there some kind of engine i don't know he hates chairs
05:07and loves wheels okay so painting okay a lot of spray paint used right now cool cool
05:18nothing i like the color but okay he doesn't like chairs at all but in chair universe this is
05:25torture uh-huh uh-huh cool and after that he will put some child there and we'll drive them
05:36around okay i guess children in wheels okay interesting so this is like the ultimate dad
05:43sort of vehicle right now it is yeah but they have to be triplets or else it doesn't count
05:49okay okay uh-huh nice that's not a secure connection oh okay yeah still not great but
06:00it's a little bit better okay eventually you just pass a bend and you turn around the kids
06:06are gone you're like oh okay the old lady's gonna be really upset
06:10oh worse the old ball and chain oh what the what the painting job i mean come on yeah they could
06:19have put a little bit more coverage you know a lot of life hacks how to cover it with i really
06:24feel like around a turn this would not do well uh it would they would go the children would be
06:28everywhere let's see let's see i think it's good yeah but he's only going straight let's see let's
06:35yeah but he's only going straight let's see let's see but yeah i see what do you think
06:41see oh she's shaking yeah yeah so yeah she doesn't like it not about that life
06:49so kind of fine it's fine for like a short ride you know yeah more children we have more
06:56dad dad what are we doing today we gotta destroy some alcohols it's a wheelbarrow
07:03wheelbarrow okay so we break this pipage
07:09why would you ruin a perfectly good wheelbarrow is what i'm wondering i know it's for kids
07:13yeah they're fun um but you gotta wheelbarrow stuff you gotta carry heavy items up slopes and
07:20such i remember i have traumatic memories of wheelbarrowing giant uh stones for my grandpa
07:26down and up this drive it was like a ton like literally probably a ton worth of stones and it
07:32took me all like a whole month to move them all down and then then it was for a fountain he wanted
07:37to make oh okay the next summer he was like i don't want to make the fountain anymore move it
07:41back up and i moved him all the way back up seriously yeah whoa he was like oh it's a it's
07:47a hazard for if anyone if anyone comes in here and falls in my fountain you know they're gonna
07:51you know they're gonna get me and i'm like oh okay you why did you involve me in this
07:58you sound traumatized i was no i was yeah wow this just uh yeah but sometimes it happens
08:05yeah okay so we're doing some some major uh some soldering here welding some welding that is yeah
08:15uh okay so it looks like an extension on the side of the bike for what for what system
08:24but still he doesn't have no one else is there it's just him oh you mean the invisible cameraman
08:31yeah it's no there is no there is no cameraman you're seeing this happen right now yeah
08:37this you're seeing us watching us right now we're watching from above yeah sounds right
08:45this happened right now how is this gonna work uh it's uh it has car seats on it
08:52heavy uh yeah but the you know how's uh
08:58okay i mean i'm afraid for the kids don't worry who cares no it'll be fine no but what about the
09:08children all right we're drilling into this and we have some off-brand cola these poor kids no
09:14they will okay they're gonna have a sugar rush and we got big strong daddy pulling us along
09:21and it's a rash checking us along checking us a lot so i think personally that dads have
09:28supernatural strength do you think that that is a thing uh for sure i think once you have
09:33children you automatically become 10 times stronger than the average human being that's
09:39differently i think so i've seen to test it we should actually test it yeah so our next test
09:44will be we'll be having children and then testing if we're stronger or not yes let us know in the
09:51comments if you want to see that so we'll we'll see i need to go through so many steps first
09:57all right give us more uh more reactions right now i guess
