00:00okay it's a nice dinner first that's it's only days where we're far far for
00:10the shower then I can eat garlic you have like a restraining order on garlic
00:14days guys would you smooch your dream girl if she had garlic all over her
00:20teeth if her teeth were replaced with garlic let me know down below I only ask
00:29the most profound of questions like what's your favorite flavor of ice cream
00:34let me know down below okay whoa that was pretty cool
00:42now we have a pineapple okay what is he doing to that pinapple okay so he's
00:52cutting me but the middle is the worst part why do I want the middle the middle
00:58part that you can't eat yeah I always think like what do I do with these
01:03bottles like I don't want to just like put them back into the environment but
01:06then like what do you do this is what you do you just watch five-minute crafts
01:11exactly what is your favorite kitchen hack what is my favorite Wow it's very
01:17complicated complicated really now you know I I saw a lot of a lot of kitchen
01:26hacks and now I'm like blind so you have like you have way too many kitchen
01:30hacks in your brain that you just don't guys let us know what is your favorite
01:35kitchen hack yeah what I'll remember really I'm like I know a lot and at the
01:46moment I don't know nothing I know nothing I know like very little so okay
01:53so we're squeezing a lime with the tongs yes why not just do it with your
01:56hands you know yeah like that seems like a better idea to me agree with you but
02:01what if you don't have enough power just spoon chop sticks I know like very
02:08little so okay so we're squeezing a lime with the tongs yes why not just do it
02:13with your hands you know yeah like that seems like a better idea to me agree
02:17with you but what if you don't have enough power to spoon chop sticks okay
02:23they're egg holders so we have that was smart actually I like this another way
02:30to do this spoon you just take them like so my favorite kitchen hack is when you
02:34take your ice cream and it's too frozen so you put it inside the the microwave
02:41to like kind of heat it up a little bit so that it melts and like you can eat it
02:44easier or you can put your spoon not in the microwave because that's bad news
02:49but if you put it over the stove then you can heat up the spoon and then or
02:55put it in a hot cup of water okay and then it just slides right through the
02:59frozen ice cream yeah yeah but for how long it will be you know to make it you
03:05might have to dip scoop dip scoop dip scoop all the time for me it's a bunch
03:11of work I wouldn't do it I would you know I would crack this ice