Uncover the surprising day-to-day behaviours sabotaging your self-assurance. This enlightening 4-minute video reveals the top confidence-crushing habits to avoid, from negative self-talk to perfectionism. Learn why comparison, fear of failure and lack of self-care quietly chip away at confidence.
Some highlights include the dangers of surrounding yourself with critical people, dwelling on mistakes and avoiding challenges. You'll discover practical solutions to cultivate a strong sense of self through celebration, resiliency and facing fears.
Implement a few changes today to reverse the damage and finally start embracing yourself fully. Whether at work or home, boosting your confidence will positively transform every relationship in your life.
#selfconfidence #habits #mindset #mentalhealth #selfimprovement #selfcare #selflove
Voiceover by Sam
Stock Footage from Canva
Edited by Ab
Some highlights include the dangers of surrounding yourself with critical people, dwelling on mistakes and avoiding challenges. You'll discover practical solutions to cultivate a strong sense of self through celebration, resiliency and facing fears.
Implement a few changes today to reverse the damage and finally start embracing yourself fully. Whether at work or home, boosting your confidence will positively transform every relationship in your life.
#selfconfidence #habits #mindset #mentalhealth #selfimprovement #selfcare #selflove
Voiceover by Sam
Stock Footage from Canva
Edited by Ab