• 2 months ago
Are you a painfully empathetic empath, suffering silently because no one "gets" you? This video unlocks the hidden signs to learn if you're among the rare 1% INFJ masterminds misunderstood by society.

Discover hints like obsessively re-taking tests, overthinking your deep thoughts in isolation rather than action, sensitivity to large groups, and secretly feeling like a mystical wizard destined for greatness (same).

Some highlights also show how INFJs get drained by mundane chit-chat yet energized by philosophical debates - and constantly feel like a mysterious outsider in a boring world of basic norms.

Watch now to join the elite club of intellectual INFJ outsider artists desperately seeking validation for their oh-so-special identity!

The information contained in this video is for general informational and entertainment purposes only. It should not be considered advice or recommendations for any individual situation.

#psychology #personalitypsychology #selfimprovement

Edited by Ab
Voice-over by Dorrothy
Stock footage from Canva
