• 2 months ago
Benedict Cumberbatch - 'I leave it all on the dancefloor!'

Speaking on the red carpet at The Sundance Film Festival in UTAH at the premiere of his new tearjerker "The Thing with Feathers," Benedict Cumberbatch shared how he leaves intense emotions behind... Report by Mccallumj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00It's so hard to talk about this, but I think some of the best work you do is when you just
00:06let go and you let something course through you, and there were certain things that helped
00:11me in this.
00:12The boys' voiceover I would play before sitting down and grieving on the couch near the beginning
00:17of the film, after I put them to bed at the end of their mum's funeral, and they'd already
00:21recorded this bit of voiceover, and it just, to experience it through them and, but like
00:29all things, it's about letting go.
00:31It's about letting go, really, and then people say, well, you know, how do you cope with
00:36that and what does it do to you?
00:37I think, you know, certain parts of your life always come into your work.
00:42You can't really escape that, but I think most importantly, I leave it all on the floor,
00:47so there's not a danger of it leaking back into my life.
00:51It's there, and I like to do that with my work no matter what the ask is, so that it's
00:55all there.
00:57So, actually, what about your character's journey in this film, do you think will resonate
01:02across Sundance?
01:03I was curious for you, do you have a preference in terms of, like, the budget, you know, or
01:08is it sort of just like, you love it all?
01:09Not at all, you know, I love getting to play in a big sandpit like the Marvel films, and
01:14I love doing work like this, which carries a completely different level of responsibility
01:18and freedom as well, you know, they both come with their challenges, but I love the amount
01:24of necessity that sort of fostered our need to be inventive and, you know, it's, yeah,
01:34necessity is the mother of all invention, is the phrase, you know, and it really was
01:38true of this, problem solving minute by minute, day by day is kind of the usual way every
01:44film comes together at whatever scale, and there's an intimacy to this that I really
01:49loved, the smallness of the crew and the intimate relationship you build up with people
01:54that you really, you're this close to, there's often a lot of distance on the bigger movies
01:59because of all the kind of effects and crane shots and stuff, but, yeah, and just, and
02:05something that I'm really proud to have produced as well, and had a really strong hand in having
02:10been made, so, yeah.
