• 2 months ago
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00:00Every year on January 26, the People's Army Day is celebrated by the people of the country.
00:05After 1947, on August 15, the British ruled the country.
00:12On January 26, 1950, the Constitution was enacted.
00:17Since then, this day is declared as the full-fledged People's Army Day.
00:22Since then, every year on January 26, the day is celebrated in the whole country.
00:27Just like every year, this year too, on this day, Kuchkawaz will be the official road of Delhi.
00:32Members of the army and school families will participate.
00:37For the past four days, the official road of Delhi has been under construction.
00:41All the facilities of the parade have been provided by the participants of the Kuchkawaz of the People's Army Day.
00:49On the night of the People's Army Day, they will be heard by the whole of North India.
00:56Delhi NCR and the whole of North India are shivering in the cold.
01:00Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and various states are experiencing a lot of cold.
01:08The origin of the influence of the army in Delhi is unlikely.
01:12In the midst of this, the occasion of the People's Army Day is taking a strong step on the road to Delhi.
01:20The People's Army Day starts in Uttar Pradesh.
01:24Before the inauguration of the People's Army Day in Uttar Pradesh, the flag was decorated.
01:30All kinds of special decorations have been decorated.
01:34White and green flags have been decorated.
01:40On January 26, the 76th People's Army Day will be held.
01:45Before the Kuchkawaz of the People's Army Day, the whole family of the People's Army went to the parade.
01:55The parade is going on in the middle of the cold.
02:04On the 14th year of the People's Army Day in Raipur, a tabloid prepared by the prison guards will be presented in Raipur's Rajpath.
02:11Reporter- Anjay Karnathak, Pesri Mod, Bhagawad Gita
02:16Our theme of Jharkhand is moving towards improvement.
02:21We have made this theme for rehabilitation, education of prisoners, etc.
02:27Reporter- Sir, who is making this Jharkhand?
02:30These prisoners are making Jharkhand.
02:32It is being made with the help of prisoners and workers.
02:35Reporter- Sir, what will be the display of this Jharkhand?
02:37First of all, the picture of Bharat Mata will be displayed in front of us.
02:44And the great movement of education is going on in the prisons.
02:49It will be displayed here.
02:51The 26th of January is also going on in Jaipur.
02:55On the 11th of January, on the occasion of the People's Army Day, a lot of activities are going on.
03:01On this day, all the families of Jharkhand will be present at Jharkhand.
