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সরকারি জায়গায় জল নিতে বাধা দেন এক ব্যক্তি! সমস্যার সমাধানে এগিয়ে যান পুরপ্রধান। এরপরই দেখা যায় তৃণমূল নেতা সুপ্রকাশ গিরিয় ‘দাদাগিরি’। সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায় ভাইরাল সেই ভিডিও

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00:00I'm not going to forgive you.
00:02I'm not going to forgive you.
00:06I'm not going to forgive you.
00:08I'm not going to forgive you.
00:10I'm not going to forgive you.
00:12I'm not going to forgive you.
00:14I'm not going to forgive you.
00:16I'm not going to forgive you.
00:18I'm not going to forgive you.
00:20I'm not going to forgive you.
00:22I'm not going to forgive you.
00:24I'm not going to forgive you.
00:26I'm not going to forgive you.
00:28I'm not going to forgive you.
00:30I'm not going to forgive you.
00:32I'm not going to forgive you.
00:34I'm not going to forgive you.
00:36I'm not going to forgive you.
00:38I'm not going to forgive you.
00:40I'm not going to forgive you.
00:42I'm not going to forgive you.
00:44I'm not going to forgive you.
00:46I'm not going to forgive you.
00:48I'm not going to forgive you.
00:50I'm not going to forgive you.
00:52I'm not going to forgive you.
00:54I'm not going to forgive you.
00:56I'm not going to forgive you.
00:58I'm not going to forgive you.
01:00I'm not going to forgive you.
01:02I'm not going to forgive you.
01:04I'm not going to forgive you.
01:06I'm not going to forgive you.
01:08I'm not going to forgive you.
01:10I'm not going to forgive you.
01:12I'm not going to forgive you.
01:14I'm not going to forgive you.
01:16I'm not going to forgive you.
01:18I'm not going to forgive you.
01:20I'm not going to forgive you.
01:22I'm not going to forgive you.
01:24I'm not going to forgive you.
01:26I'm not going to forgive you.
01:28I'm not going to forgive you.
01:30I'm not going to forgive you.
01:32I'm not going to forgive you.
01:34I'm not going to forgive you.
01:36I'm not going to forgive you.
01:38I'm not going to forgive you.
01:40I'm not going to forgive you.
01:42I'm not going to forgive you.
01:44I'm not going to forgive you.
01:46I'm not going to forgive you.
01:48I'm not going to forgive you.
01:50I'm not going to forgive you.
01:54Aren't you going to forgive him?
01:56Yes, I am.
01:58I'm going to knock your face with my sneeze.
02:00What the hell are you saying!
02:02Listen to me.
02:04What are you yam لوing at!
02:08I've filed a police report.
02:10Put him under arrest.
02:12The video went viral and the 14th ward head of this village,
02:39BJP Mahal was defeated in a political battle by Suprakash Kiri's Dadagiri
02:44BJP's regular editor of Kathi Sangathanik district, Chandrashekhar Mondal says
02:50If you don't have education, knowledge and political values, you can't do this
02:55And Kathi municipality chairman, who is doing this in such a way,
03:02is not respecting people by calling them human beings
03:04And the main reason for this is that Kathi municipality has seen that
03:09they have no intention of going to any war in the time of Pouraswara Nirbhachan
03:13They have come to the fore by looting the vote and destroying the human rights of the farmers
03:18Their main aim is to steal, their main aim is to be looted
03:24That's why their behavior is not like that of any modern TV, their behavior is not like that of any administration
03:29Their behavior is like that of thieves, dacoits and goons
03:33That's why, from the top of the Trinamool Congress to the bottom of the Ashikha Committee,
03:38their behavior is like this
03:40That's why, seeing their behavior, Kathi municipality has become strong in some ways
03:46But this is the reason why they are in such a situation
03:50Because they don't care about politics, they don't care about education, they don't care about culture
03:55We don't have any problem with their behavior
03:57Akhil Giri's son, Shubh Prakash Giri, who infiltrated the government place of Shutra Khabar,
04:04can be heard in the viral video by calling him Homki
04:07Even if the video is not true, One India Bangla
04:11But the way Shubh Prakash Giri is heard in the video by calling him Homki,
04:16it reminds us of his father Akhil Giri
04:19At one time, Akhil Giri had lost his mind with Homki
04:23And now, his son and Trinamool leader, Shubh Prakash Giri, have infiltrated the same Homki
04:29They have infiltrated the place of Poro Shobha in Kathi
04:35It is known that there was a well in the place of Poro Shobha
04:38The water level of the well was very low
04:41So, a worker of the Puro Pradhan's house went to get water
04:45He was asked to get water
04:47A person named Gorachon
04:53After hearing this news, Shubh Prakash Giri went to the place of Poro Shobha
05:03And Shubh Prakash Giri got into a fight with that person
05:09After that, the video went viral
05:12This video created a stir in the village of Purvo Medinipur
05:17The head of this incident is the opposition party BJP
05:21But, till now, Shubh Prakash Giri has not made any statement on this issue
05:26But, Puro Pradhan Shubh Prakash Giri's brother Giri is not looking at Trinamool in a good way
05:32This incident may have an impact on the Dal, says Ashanka Khashful Shibir
05:37Bureau Report, One India Bangla
