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‘আমেরিকায় ১১ দিন ছিলাম, ভারতে ফেরত পাঠানোর সময় পায়ে শিকল ও হাতে বেড়ি পড়ানো হয়েছিল’, একথা জানালেন আমেরিকা থেকে বিতাড়িত এক অবৈধ অভিবাসী

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00:00How did you go abroad?
00:02I went to the UK from here.
00:04How long ago?
00:06I went there 2.5 years ago.
00:08From there I went to Europe.
00:12From Europe I took the donkey route.
00:16I had talked to Janta about sending me to Bahiair.
00:21But he put me on the donkey route.
00:25How much money did you take?
00:27From here to America I took 40 plus rupees.
00:36What kind of journey was it?
00:39It was not a good journey.
00:44I had to go through the jungles.
00:48It was very difficult.
00:51Where did you go first?
00:54I went to England first.
00:56How long did you stay in England?
00:58I stayed there for 2 years.
01:00After that?
01:01After that I went to Europe.
01:03I went to Spain.
01:05How did you meet Janta?
01:09What did he say?
01:11I got Janta's number from Facebook.
01:15That's how I met him.
01:19Why did you leave Punjab?
01:24I went there to earn my livelihood.
01:29When did you reach America?
01:33I reached America on 24th January 2025.
01:39How long did you stay there?
01:42I stayed there for 11 days.
01:44How did you get caught?
01:46When we crossed the border, the border patrol was there.
01:53Did you know that they would send you back?
01:57No, I didn't know that.
02:00I had never heard that they would send me back so soon.
02:03But with me, it was my first chance.
02:07How was the situation when you were caught?
02:11You know how it was.
02:15When you were sent here, what was the situation like?
02:20They handcuffed us and tied us up.
02:25Did they give you anything to eat?
02:28They only gave us biscuits and bread.
