• 2 months ago
En un reciente debate, se cuestiona la publicación de un libro que describe la situación de Nahir Galarza, condenada por el asesinato de Fernando Pastorizzo, como un "exilio". La autora Vanessa Doglioli enfrenta críticas por su enfoque, mientras que se destaca que el libro es una compilación de pensamientos de Galarza.



00:00I don't know where to start with this, Marina, honestly, because it's very, very difficult.
00:04Already from the book cover, which is this one, and it has this title.
00:08The title is the word exile.
00:11An exile, according to the Spanish Royal Academy, is when someone is taken out of their land for political reasons.
00:17I don't know who the hell comes to mind or goes through his head that Nair is an exile.
00:22Nair is a perpetual prison, because on December 29, 2017, he murdered his boyfriend, who was called Fernando Pastorizo.
00:29The first shot was fired from behind, the second shot was fired in the chest, while he looked him in the eye at a distance of 20 centimeters.
00:36There is no turning back.
00:37Despite that, this author, Vanessa Doglioli, writes this book.
00:44I was able to reread or read the book a little.
00:46Yes, I also read it.
00:47Which is not actually written by her.
00:50What the author does is somehow frame Nair or help her, but the one who writes the book is Nair Galarza.
00:56It is the compilation of a series of half-released and disillusioned thoughts of Nair Galarza about his life and his work.
01:05It is in the first person of Nair.
01:06Yes, it is in the first person of Nair.
01:08And we have rescued some phrases that are extremely striking and that will cause repulsion to everyone.
01:14This is one of them.
01:16This, for me, is the worst of all.
01:18Nair Galarza says in this book,
01:20We are all passive-aggressive.
01:22I think killing is a fairly complex ethical dilemma.
01:26In a situation where you had to kill someone to save yourself or save someone, would you do it?
01:32It is asked rhetorically.
01:34And the first thing to say is that here Nair lies, because his life was at risk.
01:40He never suffered his life.
01:42It was not either Fernando's life or hers.
01:45The only victim there was Fernando Pastorizo.
01:49It is a level of cynicism to say that it was either one or the other.
01:53When he gave up, as you said he gave up, he killed him on the floor in cold blood.
01:58But if you like, we continue the review.
02:00God always gives us that famous albedo.
02:03But in my case, says Nair, it was not like that.
02:06Mine was not a decision.
02:08It was not planned, thought.
02:11It was just something that exploded.
02:14False of all falseness.
02:15Here he wants to prove a kind of violent emotion.
02:19That did not exist.
02:21Nair Galarza invites Fernando Pastorizo to his house, grabs his father's gun from the fridge,
02:27has time to grab the gun, gets on the motorcycle, had the whole trip to think about what he did,
02:33and just like that he decided to shoot.
02:35Therefore, it is a lie that it was not planned, that it was not thought,
02:38and that it was simply something that exploded.
02:41As he also wanted to say.
02:42It's a lie.
02:43In a few moments we are going to add the look of another journalist from Policiales,
02:47who is Rolando Barbano.
02:48We have it.
02:49She is on the floor.
02:50She followed the case of Nair Galarza from minute zero.
02:53And she has a lot to say about this issue.
02:56And it is interesting to enrich the points of view.
02:59So in a moment, Rolando will sit down.
03:01I suspect that his indignation will be similar to ours.
03:04I don't even tell you to read the file.
03:07Anyone who has heard what happened, it outrages you.
03:10Look at this other phrase that also caught my attention.
03:14If you wait for me to say that I suffered gender violence,
03:18that's how it was.
03:19And many years.
03:20And I ask myself again.
03:22Why did no one grant me the right to defend my humanity?
03:28He did not suffer gender violence.
03:30He was ruled out in the trial that he suffered gender violence.
03:34They presented it as a defense argument.
03:36They tried to prove it with chats.
03:38And in all instances, the same thing was said.
03:41There is no gender violence.
03:42In everything.
03:43Another cut.
03:44This is extremely incredible for the end.
03:48Because it tells what she felt at the time of the murder.
03:52She says.
03:53While the air hits your cheeks and your mind goes and comes
03:57showing you in a moment your life, your situations.
04:01Your tears roll down your face.
04:04And suddenly, there it was.
04:06Standing next to your fear.
04:08To that pain that is like a thorn that is hard to tear.
04:11That doesn't let you breathe.
04:13And you react.
04:14Because it is innate to everything and to all.
04:17Not all of us react by killing the person we have next to us.
04:22It is false.
04:24And it also talks about fear, pain.
04:26The one of Fernando Pastorizo when he was shot.
04:28The first shot.
04:30The one of the family that continues to cry.
04:32And that can no longer embrace him.
04:34And now it talks about a murderer who never repented.
04:37He never repented of what he did.
04:39And in February, there will be an auditorium.
04:42Probably full of people and full of journalists.
04:45And at some point a screen will turn on.
04:47And on the other side, Nair Galarza will appear.
04:50Just like this flyer says.
04:53Which indicates that on February 21 at 6.30pm.
04:57Nair Galarza, live from the prison.
04:59As if she were a celebrity.
05:01She will give a press conference where she will present her book.
05:05And further down.
05:06Further down.
05:07Can we see the sponsors of this press conference, of this book?
05:11If they are there, I will tell you.
05:13Well, I'm going to read them.
05:15The government of Chaco.
05:16The Secretariat of Culture.
05:18That I understand that they sponsor, while you are looking for Mari.
05:20I understand that they sponsor the whole event.
05:23It seems to me like a book fair or something like that.
05:26Now, also have to put.
05:28And the municipality too.
05:29And the municipality.
05:30Will have to put the logo of the Chaco government.
05:33So that Nair Galarza presents her book?
05:36When these fairs are held.
05:37The municipality has to authorize.
05:39Who are the ones who are going to exhibit at the fair.
05:41It is not that anyone is there.
05:43Decide, speak such.
05:44Tatiana comes to present such a book.
05:46Everything has an organization.
05:48They can't do it.
05:49Ah, I didn't know this.
05:51No, it must be said that both the government.
05:53As the Secretariat of Culture of Chaco.
05:54Then they denied or said no.
05:56We do not endorse.
05:57There are those who say that they were already on the flyer.
05:59For the event in general.
06:01And they were also stuck to the presentation of Nair Galarza.
06:04But the truth is that.
06:05That flyer has at its feet.
06:08The auspices of the government of the province.
06:11Of the Secretariat of Culture.
06:13And of the municipality.
06:14And she leaves.
06:15This is so.
06:16She leaves flying all the time.
06:18That idea of.
06:19No, it wasn't me.
06:20It was my dad.
06:21Do you remember that old idea.
06:22That she had.
06:23That she took to the end.
06:24With some lawyers.
06:25Some media.
06:26That followed her to the end.
06:27She even wanted to change the argument.
06:29In one of the appeals.
06:30That had been the father.
06:31Something that in the criminal process.
06:32It can't be done.
06:33She inserts there.
06:34Another possibility.
06:35The father's.
06:36Now, anyway.
06:37We cannot ignore.
06:38That there is a culture of fascination.
06:39Structured around.
06:40In general.
06:41To criminals.
06:42This happens.
06:43Yes, of course.
06:44Let's see.
06:45It happened with Barreda.
06:46It happened with Pucho.
06:47The film industry feeds on this.
06:48The industry of fiction.
06:49Of non-fiction too.
06:50The cultural industry in general.
06:52Refers to criminals.
06:54Because they are interested.
06:55In general they are interested.
06:56Not me.
06:57But I say.
06:58In general.
06:59They are.
07:01Of great public interest.
07:03And here we want to tell you.
07:04That we had a note.
07:05With the author.
07:06With Vanessa Doglioli.
07:07And today.
07:08Hours before.
07:09A few hours before the program.
07:10She sent us.
07:11This WhatsApp message.
07:12Let's see.
07:13That we are going to share.
07:14There it is.
07:15It says.
07:17How are you?
07:19I just talked to Nair.
07:20And unfortunately.
07:21The note.
07:22We will do it with another program.
07:23She does not want.
07:24That this note.
07:25Be made.
07:26By Mariana's diary.
07:27Thank you anyway.
07:29As you will see.
07:30It went down at 12 and 23.
07:31It would have been good.
07:32To be able to chat with her.
07:33And ask her all this.
07:34In the face.
07:35That I share.
07:36With what you said.
07:37In the opening.
07:38Use the word.
07:40To describe the situation.
07:41Of a condemned.
07:42Whose sentence.
07:43It was.
07:45By the Supreme Court.
07:46Of Justice.
07:47And it has a perpetual sentence.
07:48It is.
07:49It is.
07:50It is.
07:51It is.
07:52It is.
07:53It is.
07:54It is.
07:55It is.
07:56It is.
07:57It is.
07:58It is.
07:59It is.
08:00It is.
08:01It is.
08:02It is.
08:03It is.
08:04It is.
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