• vor 2 Monaten
Tracyraquel Berns wird für den Tod ihres kleinen Bruders verantwortlich gemacht. Die Frau kann sich im Erwachsenenleben nicht erklären, wie der Unfall mit dem Baby zustande gekommen sein soll, die Ungewissheit quält sie. Irgendwann hält sie es nicht mehr aus und im Fall wird erneut ermittelt. Dabei kommen Wahrheiten ans Licht, die jahrelang verschüttet waren.


00:00Imagine, all you know is that you had a brother, the brother died when he was four months.
00:09I was told that Matthew died in an accident.
00:12We were amazed at what we saw.
00:14I can't imagine sitting with the kind of mystery of what happened with your baby brother.
00:20This was a once in a lifetime case.
00:23Medical records said that I had killed my baby brother.
00:28I don't understand.
00:36A two-year-old didn't throw this child from a crib.
00:40Is there any kind of possibility that I could have done this?
00:45It's an unimaginable sort of trauma to inflict on a person.
00:49Honestly, it just didn't make any sense.
00:52There was a skull fracture, and we knew that couldn't have been caused by his sister.
00:58There's no way in hell that this child died from being pushed.
01:01Something doesn't wash here.
01:03I just didn't believe it, but if I didn't do it, who did?
01:09I don't care how old of a case it is, let's go exhume the body.
01:15That's when those wheels began to turn.
01:17Is it possible Matthew's death wasn't an accident?
01:22To me, it felt like the case had started right there.
01:26While we had prosecuted some cold cases, this was the coldest.
01:29This was frigid.
01:31Tracy begins to realize that her parents are hiding something.
01:35They weren't parents to me.
01:37They were monsters.
01:41There are so many twists and turns.
01:44You leave her alone, that's a threat.
01:46I wanted to talk about your son Matthew's death.
01:49My nerves are just too bad.
01:51I can't let that case get drawn into Tracy's fantasies anymore.
01:56Fifteen years, she's carried the burden.
02:00Tracy her whole life has fought trying to bring justice, but there was nothing that
02:07anyone could have done to prepare us.
02:10What just happened?
02:13Just like that.
02:16All of my life, I knew there was something wrong with Matthew's death, but I was not
02:21prepared to learn the truth.
