• 2 months ago
बीजेपी का कहना है कि जनता से डरी हुई है कांग्रेस इसलिए सुझाव नहीं मांगे. कांग्रेस ने पलटवार में कहा कि बीजेपी ढोंग करती है.


00:00The news in the newspapers that the Congress announcement has been prepared does not have the thoughts of the people, the demands of the people, and the determination of the people.
00:14After all, why did Congress do this? The straight answer to this is that it is not in a position to go among the people.
00:21I have also mentioned the last five years. While running, they did not do the work of the people.
00:27One reason for being afraid to go among the people was that the promises were not fulfilled.
00:31The second reason was corruption. And I say that the vision of the Congress is corruption.
00:37If there is a statement to occupy this Nagri Nikayam, the statement is visible in front, but behind it is how we occupy for five years and how we do corruption.
00:48You know the example of Raipur. I openly ask that how much did Bhupesh Waghelji tell Nagri Nikayam Raipur?
00:54How much funding did they give in five years or how much did we give in a year? Let's compare.
00:58No one has the capacity to compare. No Congress minister will have the capacity to tell what they have done in the urban areas.
01:08Look, in a 13-month government, they have no availability to tell.
01:13So they are pretending that they will launch a Google farm, launch a QR code.
01:18Who does not know that talking about the mind and being self-reliant is the supreme promise of the BJP.
01:23Where is anyone listening to them? If they do not listen to their leaders and their workers, then what will they listen to the common people?
01:31Whatever promises they made to the public, today they are deprived of the benefits of the role-playing schemes.
01:35And in the administration of the BJP, in the corruption of the BJP, they are blessing the incompetent people.
01:40Everything has become expensive. Electricity prices have been increased four times in a year.
01:45The price of cement has increased five times.
01:47The way the sand mafia and the earth mafia are flourishing in the protection of this government,
01:52which has become a criminal gang.
01:53In the last one year, there have been murders, robberies and all kinds of crimes in Chhattisgarh.
01:58The business of drugs has increased.
01:59So the BJP is pretending to seek the opinion of the public to divert attention from the real issues.
02:06They have no business.
